Davids in Inter (3 Viewers)

Jan 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
Moved to misc soccer.. can't believe no other moderator hasn't even seen this thread yet you lazy bastards :D
what? :confused: :D

Juventus FC loaned registration rights of Davids to Barcelona until 30th June. So he was a Juve-player when he moved to Inter - that's why it is transfer talk :p
correct me if I'm wrong :)

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In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
I hope Jimmy Jump goes to Italy and throws a Juve flag to Edgar Davids
If we had had him last season we could have won the Champions League.


New Member
Mar 8, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #64
    If we had had him last season we could have won the Champions League. [/QUOTE]

    I thint it wasn't cosist of Davids.In CL 2002-2003 wasn't play Nedved.And IMO it was the answer of this question...:thumb:


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    I don't care where or who he plays for, he's a damn good player and played his heart out for Juve....I wish him well....I hope he turns inter round like he did Barca....


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    i'd have hoped he did well if he were anywhere else,but with inter its a different matter.my love for juve comes first.

    you all saw how he changed a dispirited and disunited barca.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by kurvengeflüster ] ++

    what? :confused: :D

    Juventus FC loaned registration rights of Davids to Barcelona until 30th June. So he was a Juve-player when he moved to Inter - that's why it is transfer talk :p
    correct me if I'm wrong :)

    you a lawer man ? :D


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
    If we had had him last season we could have won the Champions League.

    Whoo eeee!! Good one. I'll have to remember that one.

    For a minute there I had all these images of:

    * Davids throwing his body in front of Montero, just before Montero was about to make a lousy challenge and get thrown off
    * Davids picking up Legrottaglie after he trips over himself in his own box
    * Davids coming on for a gimpy DP to score a few game winners
    * Davids placing the ball precisely 2.3 cm from the top of Trezeguet's left eyebrow, so Trez could head in a score while standing idle on the pitch

    So many Juve players, outside of Zambrotta, had such career-low-type seasons last year, we'd need about four or five different players on the pitch. (That ignores any possibility that coaching may have been partly at fault.) Outside of Zambrotta, you won't won't find any of our players on any "best of the season" lists last year... particularly compared to previous seasons.

    And while this year's CL was typical of the unhearalded teams that have come to the fore lately, I honestly couldn't see that squad make it past Depor, Monaco, Chelsea, Porto, Milan, and even Real Madrid (as bad as they were) -- with Davids or not.

    Let's only hope this season they'll manage to collectively shake last year's mediocrity virus that spread throughout the locker room.


    New Member
    Mar 8, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #70
    IMO in last season Juve couldn't play because it's defence was very bad.
    Let's hope that in this season Capello will solve the problem of defence.:cool:


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    After winning the Champions League, Intercontinental Cup, UEFA Cup with Ajax and the Scudetto (3 times) with Juve, I'm afraid Davids will only celebrate the summer TIM trophy with Inter. Good Luck with that, Edgar :angel:

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
    After winning the Champions League, Intercontinental Cup, UEFA Cup with Ajax and the Scudetto (3 times) with Juve, I'm afraid Davids will only celebrate the summer TIM trophy with Inter. Good Luck with that, Edgar :angel:



    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Davids hungry for success
    Wednesday 28 July, 2004

    Edgar Davids’ official presentation as an Inter player took place today and the newest arrival to the nerazzurri cause wasted no time in explaining why he moved to the club.

    “I chose Inter because they a great history and a real hunger and desire for victory,” insisted the Dutch international. “It is a team with many strong players. Maybe not of the calibre of Ronaldinho or Zinedine Zidane, but there are seven or eight players of a very high calibre.

    “If you look at Real last year they had supposedly the best players in the world but won nothing. You also need desire to win.”

    Davids has signed a three-year-contract with the Nerazzurri and can’t wait for the season to get under way. “We have a great team and with Dejan Stankovic, Esteban Cambiasso, myself and Juan Veron we have the strongest midfield in Serie A,” confirmed the 31-year-old.

    Meanwhile, Inter’s city rivals Milan have confirmed that Marcos Cafu has extended his contract by a year, until June 30, 2006.


    he was hungry for success, so he went to Inter? :rofl:

    This picture makes me sick :(

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