David Beckham Recieves Death Treats!!! (1 Viewer)


Mar 30, 2003
08/06/2003. According to reports, Real Madrid midfielder David Beckham has been the subject of a bomb threat by the Basque Separatist terrorist group ETA.

The Daily Express says that Beckham has received a serious warning from the group, who have undertaken a war for independence from Spain for the past 30 years.

Source, soccerAge ( although its not the only place i've heared this from)

Although i hate the guy i don't think he deserves this.

What do you think could this be a bluff or is beckham in some serious trouble???

Buy on AliExpress.com


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++
08/06/2003. According to reports, Real Madrid midfielder David Beckham has been the subject of a bomb threat by the Basque Separatist terrorist group ETA.

The Daily Express says that Beckham has received a serious warning from the group, who have undertaken a war for independence from Spain for the past 30 years.

Source, soccerAge ( although its not the only place i've heared this from)

Although i hate the guy i don't think he deserves this.

What do you think could this be a bluff or is beckham in some serious trouble???
Oh God!! I hate beckham but nobody deserves this kind of treament:eek:

I hope he is not in real trouble:frown:


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++
08/06/2003. According to reports, Real Madrid midfielder David Beckham has been the subject of a bomb threat by the Basque Separatist terrorist group ETA.

The Daily Express says that Beckham has received a serious warning from the group, who have undertaken a war for independence from Spain for the past 30 years.

Source, soccerAge ( although its not the only place i've heared this from)

Although i hate the guy i don't think he deserves this.

What do you think could this be a bluff or is beckham in some serious trouble???
Basque Separatist terrorist group ETA
Where exactly is this located?

This is terrible, and why at Beckham?
Sep 28, 2002
but eta are operating not in madrid. or maybe it is? i dont remember really. and i dont care. they wont do anything cause if they did they will be all caught in 10 days.


Mar 30, 2003
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    yeh but how. Im shure they don't know ever member from the ETA. It won't be that easy to catch them if they are that big of a gang.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    just when he thought he would get rid of those death threats and kidknapping threats in england, it starts again in spain.

    i actually feel sorry for him. he cant take a wizz without media or someone knowing about it.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ETA are in el pais vasco i think well they are a group that wants to be independent from spain, like make an independent state. they are located all throughout spain.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
    but eta are operating not in madrid. or maybe it is? i dont remember really. and i dont care. they wont do anything cause if they did they will be all caught in 10 days.
    they wont thats the problem theyre like the FARC (colombian guerrilla) they do lots of stuff and its pretty hard to find them


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    Not that I like him, but he was the subject of too many attacks until now. Like, that scenary with the kidnapped wife and children and now this. There are 2 possibilities :

    1. Truth - and then it wasn't ETA, because those guys certainly don't have the time to watch football :scared:

    2. False - he did this just to increase his publicity rights and the public's compassion ... Pretty pathetic. Nah :D


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
    Tom, is it true that he was chosen to appear on the 10 pounds backnote ?!
    Not as far as I've heard..where did you get that from?


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    Well, my mother heard that in radio a few days ago. They said that in England people are voting who they wanna see on the 10 pounds bancknote. First came Beckham, after him Princess Diana (RIP :down: ) and then I dunno who :D


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    I've honestly heard nothing of it, and there would be a national outcry if Becks got on a banknote

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