Dance With the Devil, if You Dare (20 Viewers)


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Vinman said:
sorry there, Burkie..

I forget that during the Clinton years you were going thru puberty, and the last thing on your mind was politics

even now, you live at home with mom and dad (nothing wrong with it...I should have stayed longer myself), so you dont get to see just how much economics affects every day living (mortgage, taxes, etc)

fact is, the Clinton admin taxed us to death...democrats love to tax

interest rates have been lower in this admin than they ever were in good 'ol Bills days in the office...I have a 5.5% interest rate on my house...unheard of during Hillary's time in office

did you ever think that Bush inhereted all the mistakes that Billy boy made ??

national defense during the Clinton empire ?? Dont get me started there.....

nothing wrong with getting a hummer from Monica in the Oval office, but dont forget that you also have a country to run
Vin, when did Bush lower the taxes?

Your mortgage may be sweet, but my student loans just jumped up for the second time this year.

As for Bush inheriting Clinton's problems, he cetrainly didn't inherit an unjust war in the Middle East, a crap ass "Leave no child behind" education program, a piss poor environmental policy, an anti-terror plan that doesn't check cargo areas for planes, trains, and ships, the knack for tacking anti gay and pro gun rights legislation onto ballots everytime a major election takes place, and he definitely did not inherit his perfect grammar and his iron clad mind from Clinton.

The one thing he stood to inherit was a halfway decent military(granted smaller than the cold war army but still capable, and remember this was before 911 and our need to take over the world) and one of the top anti-terror experts in the world complete with his covert plan to seek out bin Laden and other leaders. The later resigned during the first months of the Bush administration basically because no one would listen to him. As for the Clinton's military, you can tell me how well it has fared. The truth is Bush hasn't expanded the military much in the way of numbers or technology. Clinton's army wasn't a wartime army and it served its purpose quite well until Bush began to misuse it. The need now is for a larger armed forces and Bush does not seem interested in giving the troops what they need at all. I believe it was Ashcroft who told a 45 year old uncle of mine and the rest of the Tennessee National Guard before they were to embark on a convoy across Iraq without proper armoured equipment that "You fight with the army you have, not the army you need". This quote sums up the mediocrity of the Bush administration, which comes nowhere near the Clinton administration in terms of effectiveness and statisfaction of general population. Just look at the approval ratings, a fib about a white stain is nowhere near the seriousness of the downright lies and "mistruths" this administration has given the US people.

PS. I dislike Hillary Clinton as well. She is much more conservative than you would think, which is why I don't support her.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
swag said:
I'm not here to defend Clinton on his thread, just the truth.

Taxes are lower under the Bush admin, this much is true. But irresponsibly so. Spending is way up, as is the deficit. So complaining about higher taxes under the Clinton administration compared to the situation today is a bit like celebrating the fact that you have more card offers, you can buy more stuff with them, and in the process you can ring up more debt on your way to a faster bankruptcy filing.

These were basically Fed controls, which is an body independent of whoever is holding office in the White House or Congress. Hence why Greenspan spanned many administrations. So no political party can take credit for that.

Secondly, the reason for the lower interest rates is due to the Fed trying to control inflation. It's a defensive measure, economically.

So in the end, lower interest rates are a mixed bag. They're great for mortgages and starting businesses, but they suck for people who live on fixed income or for the sale of more Treasury Bonds (where the U.S. has sold much of its national debt off to investors in China, etc.).
So Greg under which administration are these defense measures being taken?

And a more serious question, how do the low taxes and interest rates affect big businesses, such as oil companies?


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2005
She is scary. If you listen to A.M. radio in America you hear people like her all of the time. Limbaugh, and O'Reilly are just as bad.


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2005
I also want to add Shawn Hannity and Neil Bortz to the list. It is amazing how zenophobia has increased in the U.S. since 9/11. The government would have everyone believe that all people in the Middle East are terrorists.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
The scary thing is they are main stream conservatives and much of what they say is taken as truth, even though time and time again they are found to be lying.


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2005
Enron said:
The scary thing is they are main stream conservatives and much of what they say is taken as truth, even though time and time again they are found to be lying.
You hit the nail on the head. How many things has Bush and the rest said that turned out to be blatant lies? When people find out the truth however, not enough people call him on it.
Apr 12, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #48
    Vinman said:
    sorry there, Burkie..

    I forget that during the Clinton years you were going thru puberty, and the last thing on your mind was politics

    even now, you live at home with mom and dad (nothing wrong with it...I should have stayed longer myself), so you dont get to see just how much economics affects every day living (mortgage, taxes, etc)
    Umm, yea, but I still had econimics classes that explained that stuff in detail, big homie.

    Ohhh, with just dad, and i work, nigel, so i do see the tax thing and social security and all that sheisse. Now I did not work at that time, so I can understand you there, but will all do repect, if Bush walked into this office right now, I would punch him right in his ape-like dome.


    Sep 23, 2003
    Enron said:
    So Greg under which administration are these defense measures being taken?
    That would be the Bush administration.

    And a more serious question, how do the low taxes and interest rates affect big businesses, such as oil companies?
    It provides cheap capital, allowing them to gamble more and take more risks -- such as prospecting.


    Tickle Me
    Oct 11, 2005
    swag said:
    That would be the Bush administration.

    It provides cheap capital, allowing them to gamble more and take more risks -- such as prospecting.
    Does any of this benefit the general population of the US, you know the "regular guy"?


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    ppl cannot stick to the subject of Bill Clinton, everyone keeps throwing Bush in, to deflect the criticism of Billy boy

    Bush is nowhere near perfect, that I'll agree with, but Bush didnt GIVE the Chinese GPS technology (which they are now using to aim nuclear missiles our way, thank you very much), didnt give North Korea trust that they werent going to pursue nuclear weapons if we gave them food and money, didnt retaliate to attacks on the WTC in 1993, US embassies in Africa in 1998, the Somalia fiasco :pulling troops out faster than you can say "Monica, wipe up the mess, Hillary is walking through the door"...which is what showed Bin Laden just how weak he was....which gave him the idea of the multiple attacks on our country, the USS Cole bombing in 2000, and last but not least.....George Bush did NOT give Bin Laden a free pass out of Sudan, to flee to Afghanistan to plan the attacks and DEATHS of our brothers and sisters on September 11th, 2001

    so Bill Clinton go to hell !!!!


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    Enron said:
    Does any of this benefit the general population of the US, you know the "regular guy"?
    A little. Helping big business does generate jobs. Ireland does something similar with a very low corporate tax. There's a balance to be had though, and running up a huge debt isn't part of it.
    Apr 12, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #53
    Vinman said:
    ppl cannot stick to the subject of Bill Clinton, everyone keeps throwing Bush in, to deflect the criticism of Billy boy

    Bush is nowhere near perfect, that I'll agree with, but Bush didnt GIVE the Chinese GPS technology (which they are now using to aim nuclear missiles our way, thank you very much), didnt give North Korea trust that they werent going to pursue nuclear weapons if we gave them food and money, didnt retaliate to attacks on the WTC in 1993, US embassies in Africa in 1998, the Somalia fiasco :pulling troops out faster than you can say "Monica, wipe up the mess, Hillary is walking through the door"...which is what showed Bin Laden just how weak he was....which gave him the idea of the multiple attacks on our country, the USS Cole bombing in 2000, and last but not least.....George Bush did NOT give Bin Laden a free pass out of Sudan, to flee to Afghanistan to plan the attacks and DEATHS of our brothers and sisters on September 11th, 2001

    so Bill Clinton go to hell !!!!

    Settle down, Stalin.

    - vOnAm -

    Senior Member
    Jul 22, 2004
    swag said:
    That would be the Bush administration.

    It provides cheap capital, allowing them to gamble more and take more risks -- such as prospecting.
    Isn't Bush in the oil industry himself? Atleast in the circle? hmm...

    - vOnAm -

    Senior Member
    Jul 22, 2004
    Enron said:
    Vin, when did Bush lower the taxes?

    Your mortgage may be sweet, but my student loans just jumped up for the second time this year.

    As for Bush inheriting Clinton's problems, he cetrainly didn't inherit an unjust war in the Middle East, a crap ass "Leave no child behind" education program, a piss poor environmental policy, an anti-terror plan that doesn't check cargo areas for planes, trains, and ships, the knack for tacking anti gay and pro gun rights legislation onto ballots everytime a major election takes place, and he definitely did not inherit his perfect grammar and his iron clad mind from Clinton.

    The one thing he stood to inherit was a halfway decent military(granted smaller than the cold war army but still capable, and remember this was before 911 and our need to take over the world) and one of the top anti-terror experts in the world complete with his covert plan to seek out bin Laden and other leaders. The later resigned during the first months of the Bush administration basically because no one would listen to him. As for the Clinton's military, you can tell me how well it has fared. The truth is Bush hasn't expanded the military much in the way of numbers or technology. Clinton's army wasn't a wartime army and it served its purpose quite well until Bush began to misuse it. The need now is for a larger armed forces and Bush does not seem interested in giving the troops what they need at all. I believe it was Ashcroft who told a 45 year old uncle of mine and the rest of the Tennessee National Guard before they were to embark on a convoy across Iraq without proper armoured equipment that "You fight with the army you have, not the army you need". This quote sums up the mediocrity of the Bush administration, which comes nowhere near the Clinton administration in terms of effectiveness and statisfaction of general population. Just look at the approval ratings, a fib about a white stain is nowhere near the seriousness of the downright lies and "mistruths" this administration has given the US people.

    PS. I dislike Hillary Clinton as well. She is much more conservative than you would think, which is why I don't support her.

    :D couldn't have said it better
    Apr 12, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #56
    Enron said:
    As for Bush inheriting Clinton's problems, he cetrainly didn't inherit an unjust war in the Middle East, a crap ass "Leave no child behind" education program, a piss poor environmental policy, an anti-terror plan that doesn't check cargo areas for planes, trains, and ships, the knack for tacking anti gay and pro gun rights legislation onto ballots everytime a major election takes place, and he definitely did not inherit his perfect grammar and his iron clad mind from Clinton.



    The Linuxologist
    Dec 24, 2004
    ßömßärdîër said:
    ßömßärdîër has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.
    You PM me then choose not to recieve private messages?? :pumpkin:

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