Dance With the Devil, if You Dare (3 Viewers)


Crusader of Justice
Jul 28, 2005
ßömßärdîër said:
What a bitch, I think....I think I'm.....I think I'm gonna hang 'er parents.....then......then burn 'em.
:D People like that are not worth your time!
And she calls herself conservative..:disagree: I say we wash her mouth with soap and tabasco sauce!That'll shut her up.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Sir Sebastian said:
About Terrorists:

" We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. "

"Coulter wrote in her column that she had reviewed the civil rights lawsuits against certain airlines to determine which airlines had subjected Arabs to the most "egregious discrimination" so that she could fly only that airline. She also said that the airline should be bragging instead of denying any of the charges of discrimination brought against them"

"In describing the ability of reporters to get passes to White House press conferences, Coulter speculated that they must be easy to acquire since the "White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president." Helen Thomas is a White House reporter of Syrian ancestry"

"On February 10, 2006, at the Conservative Political Action Conference she said, "I think our motto should be, post-9-11: raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences."

I like this one :lol2: :

think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."
The wiki says "Arabs and Muslims" Seb, unless someone changed the wiki...


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
My 'favourite' Coulter quote:
To disabled Vietnam vet Bobby Muller who was expressing pacifist views: "No wonder you guys lost." - MSNBC, 1996. Oh, and the guy in question has a purple heart or two and a number of other awards for bravery from Vietnam.

That woman is a monster.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Andy said:
Ann Coulter just called Bill Clinton a "latent homosexual" on some talk show.

Seriously, kill this fucking skank right now.
she's way off base there...

Clinton is an adulterer, not a homosexual


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
ßömßärdîër said:
you dont know shit.

Look at the defecit now and then, shit we actually had a surplus then.

You need to re-up your Econ 201 and 204 classes.
sorry there, Burkie..

I forget that during the Clinton years you were going thru puberty, and the last thing on your mind was politics

even now, you live at home with mom and dad (nothing wrong with it...I should have stayed longer myself), so you dont get to see just how much economics affects every day living (mortgage, taxes, etc)

fact is, the Clinton admin taxed us to death...democrats love to tax

interest rates have been lower in this admin than they ever were in good 'ol Bills days in the office...I have a 5.5% interest rate on my house...unheard of during Hillary's time in office

did you ever think that Bush inhereted all the mistakes that Billy boy made ??

national defense during the Clinton empire ?? Dont get me started there.....

nothing wrong with getting a hummer from Monica in the Oval office, but dont forget that you also have a country to run


Sep 23, 2003
I'm not here to defend Clinton on his thread, just the truth.

Vinman said:
fact is, the Clinton admin taxed us to death...democrats love to tax
Taxes are lower under the Bush admin, this much is true. But irresponsibly so. Spending is way up, as is the deficit. So complaining about higher taxes under the Clinton administration compared to the situation today is a bit like celebrating the fact that you have more card offers, you can buy more stuff with them, and in the process you can ring up more debt on your way to a faster bankruptcy filing.

interest rates have been lower in this admin than they ever were in good 'ol Bills days in the office...I have a 5.5% interest rate on my house...unheard of during Hillary's time in office
These were basically Fed controls, which is an body independent of whoever is holding office in the White House or Congress. Hence why Greenspan spanned many administrations. So no political party can take credit for that.

Secondly, the reason for the lower interest rates is due to the Fed trying to control inflation. It's a defensive measure, economically.

So in the end, lower interest rates are a mixed bag. They're great for mortgages and starting businesses, but they suck for people who live on fixed income or for the sale of more Treasury Bonds (where the U.S. has sold much of its national debt off to investors in China, etc.).

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