"Curva Juventuz" anyone? (2 Viewers)


Junior Member
May 24, 2003
Dear all,

Apart from a selected few, most of us would not be able to see the match against Milan at the stadium.

Why don't we all log on to this forum during the match and form our little "Curva Juventuz" in support of the boys?
(Will it be OK, our moderators?)

Just one thing though, PLEASE DON"T try to predict the score or say we've won before the match had finished, some of us (including me) could be superstitious.

Let's "shout" some encouragements, cheers, jeers and insults (the last two to our opponent of course) here together!

I'll up at 2:30 in the morning (Hong Kong time) to watch the match live on TV, so please join this nutty fan here!

Forza Juve!


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Senior Member
Sep 2, 2002
Ohhh.... my TV is in a very different room to my computer :down: But then Tacca03, you're close enough to Perth to be able to hear me shouting anyways :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by hoshi ] ++
Ohhh.... my TV is in a very different room to my computer :down: But then Tacca03, you're close enough to Perth to be able to hear me shouting anyways :D
Hoshi, I'm in Sydney, we'll deafen eachother!
I'm planning to wear my jersey no matter what the result...whether it's to celebrate or to be a good sport :thumb:

I'm so nervous... I'll be wide awake at 4:00 in the morning, wearing my jersey, eating Oreos (nothing but black & white :D) and waking the family.


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2002
That sounds exactly like my plan :thumb:

My family have all been forewarned to close as many doors as possible between the TV and their beds :D


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Ill go to the Juventini Pizzeria here in my country!! .
all the juventinis go there,, so it will be a great party.

I remember when zalayeta socred the goal against barca, it was totally a madness.

Ill be here at the end of the game.


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2002
wow...thats great...
i'm unlucky to being here...there is no juventus club here....
all peoples just focusing on EPL TEAM....

I'll watch it live on tv only....


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
my tv and computer are seperated by a distance of 1.2 metres :cool::D

but its my small tv so I'll be watching downstairs anyway :D


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2003
When I am watch my Club, Juventus ofcourse, playing nobody can talk or move and when Juve scores I will shout and if they concide a goal, I hope this will not happens tonight, I will break something.

Once I break my monitor in to peaces, I think it was Juve - ManUtd (0-3)....


Junior Member
May 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    Hello all,

    First of all, let's thank our president Alex for the tip about the chat thing.

    How ignorant I was!!

    Then, to Hoshi, well I'll keep my ears open for your shoutings :)

    Hopefully see you all here again at half time.

    Forza Juve!



    Senior Member
    Aug 3, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by JuveBoy ] ++
    When I am watch my Club, Juventus ofcourse, playing nobody can talk or move and when Juve scores I will shout and if they concide a goal, I hope this will not happens tonight, I will break something.

    Once I break my monitor in to peaces, I think it was Juve - ManUtd (0-3)....
    Wow, you're exactly like me! I've broken a few things in my time but not for a while, I've calmed down alot recently.


    Junior Member
    May 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #18
    Let's hope the boys will do Igor proud.

    P.S. Gigi, I'm proud to be a goalkeeper after watching you play!!

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