computer science area (1 Viewer)


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
I'm right with ya on that one. i think they should make a law setting limits to the amount of upgrades a firm can make, thus increasing the lifespan of our computers :)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
You'd have to limit software development then, that's what's really pushing hardware forward. Esp games. So no more CM, stick with CM3 for the next 6 years ;):D


Formerly known as Ali
Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
You'd have to limit software development then, that's what's really pushing hardware forward. Esp games. So no more CM, stick with CM3 for the next 6 years ;):D
I hardly use 5% of MSWord :fero: as for the games I say send the CM to the Xboxes & PS2 pronto :angel:


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
I need some help.

I got a problem in programming which is that I've got two numbers that's gonna change with each other.


Value 1= 1
Value 2= 2

are to be

Value 1= 2
Value 2= 1

I think i'm going to use a loop but I'm not sure


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Just one time? Then this extremely simple stuff will do..

int no1 = 1;
int no2 = 2;
int tmp = 0;

tmp = no2;
no2 = no1;
no1 = tmp;


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Well if you want to prompt for input, that depends a lot on the development platform.. What is it? C++? Java? Pascal? Basic?


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
..i hate microsoft, they wanna control everybody.... i read something that if u buy new hardware u have to phone microsoft to get a new hardware-code for u com to be able to use it.....

i used to have a windows-pc but i switched to mac (the best thing i've ever done...) - at the beginning i was a bit sceptical, but meanwhile i'm so happy....
my mac runs much more stable than my pc.... especially the new os x is great... everything is gr8.... - macs are better than pcs - no doubt, nearly all professionals, especially in the area of graphic and design use macs....
of course there are many other points too, but u'll find thousands of articles about that in the internet if u're interested....
but i've to agree that windows still has one advantage: EVERYBODY HAS IT...

i really promise u that once u have used a mac for a few weeks u'll love it...


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
i have to ask u a question.i am a freshman right now.and after 3 months i will start my major and i still didn't choose it.i will choose either computer science or computer enjeneering.wich one do u sujjest me?why?if u have informations to differ about these two majors please share it with me.and i want to know what kind of job if i will choose these two majors.i mean what i will do in work.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by maxmc ] ++
macs are better than pcs - no doubt, nearly all professionals, especially in the area of graphic and design use macs....
Not quite precise. In fact professionals in graphics and design are just about the only ones who actually use them. Otherwise how do you explain they got like 1.5% of the pc market?

I don't care for macs. At all. They're much more expensive, it's a lot more based on proprietory as far as I know. Windows IS cheaper and just much more people use it. I really don't see the point of switching, not in the least.

Besides, if you don't like Windows they're always Linux. Whether it's Mac or PC. If I were to abandon Windows, I would much rather spend half of the price to get a pc, build it myself and run Linux on it than pay for all the junk Apple imposes on you and not even use it.

kupy, I don't know the difference between those two, it really depends a lot on the college, what the program holds. You should be able to get some information about what courses they have and stuff like that. Just about every college I have looked at has a list of courses for a given major. :)


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
Not only professonals in graphics and design use macs, also in music business you will have problems finding pcs....

and tell me, which professonials use pcs?? secretaries who use word to type in some texts?????

it's true that macs are more expensive, but it's really worth paying it, cause u'll get less "folds" with a mac...

but it surely depends on what u wanna do with ur com, if u wanna play games, pc is certainly better, cause much more games are available - the latest games are now also available for macs, but still u have a much more games for the pc... - but i don't use my com for playing anyway, i've got a dreamcast for this purpose...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I forgot about this thread... but I got the figures here now

share of the market | platform
3.9% - linux
3.1% - mac

And that's for desktop systems of course, on the server market Linux is 10x the size of mac.

Thanks for the pdfs, not going to read them now, maybe sometime I have too much time on my hands. But a few reasons to choose a pc:
1. Cheaper
2. Widely supported; software, hardware

I'm sure you could list a bunch of reasons why I should choose mac. But tell me, since the market share is so small and it's sunk from about 8% 5-10 years ago, why would I insist on everyone else being wrong? Doesn't make any sense. In fact, since Linux' surge onto the market, they are mainly threatening mac's share and not Windows'. Windows still holds the fort at about 90%.

As for playing games, I only need one pc, not a mac and a console, both of which I think is a shear waste of money.


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #56
    ++ [ originally posted by snoop ] ++
    i have to ask u a question.i am a freshman right now.and after 3 months i will start my major and i still didn't choose it.i will choose either computer science or computer enjeneering.wich one do u sujjest me?why?if u have informations to differ about these two majors please share it with me.and i want to know what kind of job if i will choose these two majors.i mean what i will do in work.

    are u a freshman yet ???
    i suppose u have failed some u'r lessons?ha?;)

    hey man if i want to talk about choosing computer science or engineering it's a long long story .
    right now i'm in the latest days of my coures in computer engineering.
    u don't believe if i say even i'm stuck in choosing my future profession .
    u know both of them are terribly interesting and each one has it's own
    challange and difficaulties.
    i mail u later in this issue.

    btw are u sure u want computer ,couse i remeber one time u said u love
    guitar and music and so on.


    Junior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #57
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    i agree...

    Though for Software design, i prefer UNIX systems....

    other than that, PC is the way to go.
    btw are u into linux?if ya;
    could u plz tell me how i can i improve resolution in linux (Gnome)


    Junior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #58
    ++ [ originally posted by maxmc ] ++
    ..i hate microsoft, they wanna control everybody.... i read something that if u buy new hardware u have to phone microsoft to get a new hardware-code for u com to be able to use it.....

    i used to have a windows-pc but i switched to mac (the best thing i've ever done...) - at the beginning i was a bit sceptical, but meanwhile i'm so happy....
    my mac runs much more stable than my pc.... especially the new os x is great... everything is gr8.... - macs are better than pcs - no doubt, nearly all professionals, especially in the area of graphic and design use macs....
    of course there are many other points too, but u'll find thousands of articles about that in the internet if u're interested....
    but i've to agree that windows still has one advantage: EVERYBODY HAS IT...

    i really promise u that once u have used a mac for a few weeks u'll love it...

    what is the operating system capabalaties in mac ,i mean runnig applications ...

    btw how much you pay for a mac versus pc ,cheaper or what ?


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by Reza ] ++
    btw are u into linux?if ya;
    could u plz tell me how i can i improve resolution in linux (Gnome)
    You need to locate your XF86Config, sometimes named XF86Config-4 and change the settings.

    # locate XF86Config
    # nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
    In the file, under Section "Screen" you should see various resolutions listed, just edit the list and change the default one. :)

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