I forgot about this thread... but I got the figures here now
share of the market | platform
3.9% - linux
3.1% - mac
And that's for desktop systems of course, on the server market Linux is 10x the size of mac.
Thanks for the pdfs, not going to read them now, maybe sometime I have too much time on my hands. But a few reasons to choose a pc:
1. Cheaper
2. Widely supported; software, hardware
I'm sure you could list a bunch of reasons why I should choose mac. But tell me, since the market share is so small and it's sunk from about 8% 5-10 years ago, why would I insist on everyone else being wrong? Doesn't make any sense. In fact, since Linux' surge onto the market, they are mainly threatening mac's share and not Windows'. Windows still holds the fort at about 90%.
As for playing games, I only need one pc, not a mac and a console, both of which I think is a shear waste of money.