[CL] JUVENTUS 2-2 Bayern [23rd February, 2016] (2 Viewers)


Always spot on
May 6, 2012
supporting juve isn't the best? fake fan.
I feel sad for your father. I bet there's nothing he'd want more than to watch the weekly Bayern game with his only son. But no, no... Rebellious Daidevil doesn't want to have anything to do with his father. He'd rather stay in his room with his headset on and listen to the exotic singer Eros Ramazzotti and dream about Italy. Germany is apparently not good enough for Daidevil. You should be ashamed of yourself!


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
yeah. not funny. go rate a movie.

i bet your father already bought clothes for a little girl.
painting the room all pink, looking forward to the birth
of what should have been a little girl. they already had a name
in mind. then you came.

and...nothing changed.

they already bought the skirt. they already painted the room pink.
they already named you Gundeline.
little völler to be raised like a girl. leading the transgender campaigns
all over the world.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
I can relate, I live in England and my whole family are EPL fans from scum to pool to chelsea. Anyway, bottom line I resent that shit for me the grass is greener elsewhere and that grass is in Turin. Having visited it and watched them at trafford and st James park decades ago. I know and I believe with all my heart there's nothing more beautiful than this pretty Italian old lady. Mamma mia, here I go again.


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
please now 352 against a wing-based formation. it's suicide.

rather play the 443/442 ish one.
We'll probably play this:

Lichtsteiner Barzagli Bonucci Evra
Cuadrado Khedira Marchisio Pogba
Dybala Morata

Would have loved if Sandro was available for the game, eventhough he wouldn't start I'd expect him at one point to sub Evra out.


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
yeah. not funny. go rate a movie.

i bet your father already bought clothes for a little girl.
painting the room all pink, looking forward to the birth
of what should have been a little girl. they already had a name
in mind. then you came.

and...nothing changed.

they already bought the skirt. they already painted the room pink.
they already named you Gundeline.
little völler to be raised like a girl. leading the transgender campaigns
all over the world.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
Dieses 50-50 ist doch ein Witz. Realistisch betrachtet sind wir klarer Favorit, etwa 75-25, was die Buchmacher übrigens auch so sehen. Juventus schöner Name aber keine überragende Mannschaft mehr. Man sollte sich da nicht so von den letzten Ergebnissen blenden lassen. Da waren einige Gegner der 2. Kategorie dabei und auch einige glückliche knappe Siege. Ihr absolutes Formhoch haben sie auch schon wieder hinter sich. Wir hingegen kommen allmählich besser in Fahrt und die Verletzungsproblematik ist auch nicht so groß wie sie von manchen gemacht wird. Individuell sind wir juventus auch überlegen. Mag jetzt alles bisschen arrogant klingen aber gehe von 2 Siegen aus und ein ausscheiden wäre einen Riesen Enttäuschung. Das braucht man jetzt im voraus auch nicht mit einem angeblichen 50-50 Duell relativieren.
50-50% is a joke. Realistically, we are the clear favorites, about 75-25%, even the bookmaker see it this way. Juventus is a nice name, but not a outstanding team anymore . don't fool yourself by looking at the last results. They played some 2nd tier clubs and also had a lot of lucky victories, their form high is already over. we on the other hand are gradually improving and the injury problem is not as big as everybody thinks it is. Individually we are superior to juventus. May sound a bit arrogant, but i expect 2 wins, to get eliminated would be a major disappointment . no need to make it sound like it was a 50-50% duel.

Juve wird uns auch mit ihrer besten Elf nicht raushauen. bin da ganz entspannt.
Juve will not win against us, not even with their best starting 11. i am totally relaxed.

...Juve hat sich aber bisher noch nicht gegen so eine Offensivpower wie der Unseren beweisen müssen.
... until now Juve never came up against such a strong offensive line like ours.

Juve kann nur weiterkommen, wenn wir nicht unsere Leistung abrufen.
Juve will only be able to beat us if we dont play our A game.

Also am Samstag Abend hab ich ihr Spiel zu hause gegen Neapel gesehen. Dabei war Neapel, die übrigens gestern in villareal verloren haben, das bessere Team und hat am Ende durch einen späten Treffer etwas unglücklich verloren . Davor zwei unspektakuläre Siege gegen frosinone ( das ist ein Gegner 2. Kategorie) und Genua. Die Ergebnisse schauen ganz ordentlich aus aber das ist sicher nicht real Madrid oder Barcelona.
i've been watching juventus - napoli. napoli was the better team and in the end they only lost
through a unlucky goal. the same napoli just lost to villareal btw. before the napoli game juve won
against frosinone (2nd tier club) and genua. it looks good on paper, but they aren't real madrid or barca.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
whta a time to be losing form, damn...

lets hope we go ttoally fired up and put a show.

I dont want a repeat of the last time they came to juve stadium (yeah different times, different teams but you get my point)


Sep 29, 2008
442? Why would we play that? It will be 352 once again...


I see us winning this...but we will concede at least one goal and that's a problem.


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
whta a time to be losing form, damn...

lets hope we go ttoally fired up and put a show.

I dont want a repeat of the last time they came to juve stadium (yeah different times, different teams but you get my point)
I wouldnt read too much into last nights game. Players were already thinking of CL match. This is quite common and over the years we have seen some terrible displays before and after our CL encounters. Games against Roma, Milan, Parma spring to my mind from more recent ones. If I go further back we lost against Brescia back in 2003, 0-3 vs Udinese back in '97 They are proffessionals but slips like these are understandable.

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