Church of Mozilla has a New Convert (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Having long endured the taunts my battered old IE brings on this forum, I hadn't expected to cave in so soon. The thing is, I mostly surf from college, and unless I want to install Mozilla on every computer I ever use (or campaign for its network-wide use - of which more later), I'm pretty much stuck with IE.

Today, I got annoyed. Very Annoyed. Five times did IE crash, and five times did it take explorer with it, leaving me to restart the computer. So I did the unnecessary - I downloaded Mozilla.

I used to be a fan of Netscape. It was slow, but it was a hell of a lot more stable on the college network than IE. The thing is, its now an orphan project, and the version available to me is significantly slower than the version of IE. Added to that is its annoying difficulties with some sites, so I moved to Bill Gate's Evil Empire's flagship browser, with many a crash since. I think I might even have brought down a server with it once. ;)

Mozilla looks superficially like Netscape, but even after only half an hour using it I can confidently say it's miles superior to it's grandad, and to IE too. So what can I do to keep using it?

I think I'll try keeping a copy on my user account. It's only got about 30MB of spare space, but if it works, it'll be worth it. I'm also writing a letter to the student newspaper, asking that Computing Services replace Netscape with Mozilla on the network.

And the sooner I get a copy home, the sooner IE's going in my trash folder.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
woohoooooo! :party: Welcome!

btw, the feature i'm most enjoying on a regular basis is the web keywords.

mikhail, if u go into "manage bookmarks", u can set 'web keywords', so u can type these words instead of typing the full address of the site u wanna go to. For example, i simply type in

"fi" to get to the football italia site,
"sn" for soccernet
"hm" for hotmail
"act" for the active threads at juventuz


Another feature now comes instinctively is the google search. You just type your search string into the address bar, press down twice and hit enter, and it'll give u the search results. I haven't seen the main google page for a long time now ;)

Also (damn i get carried away, but i'll stop after this one), you don't need to rip out your hair if u get logged out or post 60 seconds from your last post...because it saves forms!

Oh man screw that, I must go on. The popup blocker is perfect, and u can allow popups from a site if u need them in no more than 2 clicks. This also eliminates the need for 3rd party programs, which equal more memory use.

Mozilla is very easily skinnable, and again this eliminates the need for a 3rd party program.

Okay, I think this post has gotten to the extent where people just skim over it... so i'll stop now.

Cheers and welcome again :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
how could i forget...tabbed browsing

what looks to my family to be a single browser window is actually the last 30 threads that i've missed at the forum :extatic:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
u din know!? I can't live without 'em anymore!

I've literally forgotten some of the most basic hp addresses. When i'm at the university computers, I find myself typing "sn"... and when it doesn't work, I scratch my head and try to remember what the actual address is :LOL:

btw, it takes like 2 seconds to set when you're filing your bookmarks. Lazy bastard ;)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    • web keywords.
    • google search.
    • saves forms!
    • popup blocker
    • easily skinnable
    • tabbed browsing
    Thanks Gray, I'd missed a number of those in my test drive. Tabbed browsing rocks though. You can get free and easy pop-up blockers for IE, but why bother?

    What's this about skins though?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ummm well u know in winamp, how u can just download a skin, double-click it, and it's a whole new program? It's the same with Mozilla. If u want to 'skin' Internet explorer, (again) you have to get 3rd party programs, and they get graphical bugs too, because they weren't made by Microsoft.

    Mozilla, on the other hand, is highly supportive of skins, and you can just download them and apply them more often than you change your underwear :thumb:


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Yeah, I've seen that on Microsoft Media Player (or whatever my version is called). I don't really see the point. It looks fine as it is.
    Sep 28, 2002
    i dont know. tried mozilla but ie is somehow better for me. maybe i need time to adatp, but so far (on this particular laptop) i didn't have any problems with ie.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    that depends how picky you are about the way your computer looks. I'm very picky about everything :)

    EDIT: btw, you're close to 1000 :D :thumb:

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    wait how exactly does IE crash? why do I not remember having my IE crash?

    its hung-up when i visit certain sites, most blatantly, but nothing besides that, and certainly not all the time.

    what are the security flaws?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Also, in Mozilla, be sure to head over to the entension room at

    There's some awesome addons, right now i'm playing with "mouse gestures", that let u use actions with the mouse to navigate.

    For example, u can hold the left mouse button, move the cursor left, and release to go back a page, or hold down the right mouse button and scroll the mousewheel to change tabs. Awesome stuff!

    There's also plenty of other tools that i've installed, now i just gotta restart my browser and check em out! :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Ahh yes, the adblocker

    This is an extension of the image manager feature. It simply allows you to right-click on an image or other object, and select it as an "ad image". This makes it not load again e.g. porn banners on websites etc. Cool :cool:

    A prime example is at , my favourite crack search engine.

    There's this red leather-clad chick on the right of the page all the time. If I select that image to be adblocked, it just removes it from the page :thumb:

    EDIT: Another simple one:

    Flash Click-to-View
    Adds an XBL binding to Shockwave Flash object tags that replaces them with a button you must click in order to play the animation. Quite nice for restoring sanity to your browsing session.

    EDIT: Okay, I've figured out my first mouse gesture! If I click and hold the LMB, then click the RMB, it goes forward, and vice versa for back. Pretty intuitive!

    EDIT: Another discovery: holding the LMB and moving the mouse up, then releasing..opens a new browser tab, and holding LMB and moving down goes to your 'home' page.

    EDIT: Another one! LMB + move mouse down then up = new window, and LMB + up + down makes the page reload. :devil: soon i'm not going to need the keyboard to browse :devil:

    EDIT: Simply Enough, middle mouse button opens a link a new tab :) You can also select which button is used to indicate that you're starting a mouse gesture. That way you don't have to have havoc with accidentally clicking links and highlighting text while you're making mouse gestures :D

    Damn I'm excited...I thought the default features were good...this is awesome!

    I'm sure there's a listing, but i'm the type to experiment :)

    EDIT: I'm an idiot...there's a listing

    SERIOUSLY LEARN THIS FEATURE. You can pick it up in about 10 minutes and it'll make your browsing experience a pleasure. Plus you look ultra-sexy using simple mouse motions to change tabs, close tabs, open in new windows, back, forward, reload/refresh.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    You can also customise what appears when you're navigating fullscreen. I always use fullscreen now, it's so much more pleasant. I only show my tabs, and the address bar autohides till i hover at the top of the screen. Very neat and nice :D

    The picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me, it's so nice having all that space to browse :thumb:



    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    I see you're enjoying yourself, gray :D

    I wanna see you try Linux and then rave about all the things you can customize. It'll keep your busy for years :D


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #19
    Linux sounds like a bit too much work to me. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually, but since my little brothers and my mother all use the computer, and none of them are even as computer literate as me, I don't want to be the guy who has to fix the computer every time someone tries to install something.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Well it's not for everyone. But I think a guy like gray could get a kick out of it, he's already demonstrated he likes to play around with settings and spice up the look of his desktop :)

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