Christian Chivu (2 Viewers)

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
Lo sforzo per trattenere Totti, Cassano e Montella a Roma dovrebbe passare per il sacrificio di altri giocatori di valore. Dacourt è già sul piede di partenza, ed ora Juventus e Milan hanno individuato in Christian Chivu un possibile rinforzo per il futuro.

Rossella Sensi ha fatto il possibile lunedì per tranquillizzare il popolo giallorosso dalle frequenze delle radio locali romane: “Totti vuole giustamente una grande Roma, noi faremo il possibile per dargliela e per trattenerlo qui” - ha detto la figlia del presidente.

Chiaro però che per tenersi sia il capitano che Cassano e Montella (“Sarebbe un delitto sfasciare un trio del genere” ha detto Del Neri), la Roma debba sacrificare, oltre ad alcuni beni (soprattutto immobili) della famiglia Sensi, anche qualche giocatore che permetta al club di far cassa, idipendentemente da un possibile passaggio di proprietà ad una cordata di imprenditori capitolini.

In questo senso Dacourt è già praticamente stato messo sul mercato, ed ha parecchie richieste soprattutto dall’Inghilterra. Anche Panucci è da tempo sulla lista dei partenti (si parlava di uno scambio con la Juve per Legrottaglie), ma il ritrovato feeling con Del Neri potrebbe anche cambiare la situazione.

Per Christian Chivu, invece, è l’interesse altrui a renderlo una pedina sacrificabile sul mercato. Fabio Capello, che lo aveva voluto alla Roma, sarebbe ben lieto di ritrovarlo a Torino, e pare che anche il Milan abbia fatto i passi necessari per intavolare un’eventuale trattativa riguardante il rumeno. Da non sottovalutare, inoltre, un possibile ritorno dell’Inter, che era già stata vicinissima ad ingaggiarlo.

La Roma, che pagò Chivu circa 18 milioni di euro, vorrebbe ottenere una cifra simile dalla sua cessione, magari temperata da contropartite tecniche che farebbero senz’altro comodo al club capitolino. La Juve metterebbe sul piatto il solito Legrottaglie, ma anche uno fra Olivera e Kapò potrebbe rientrare nell’affare. Il Milan potrebbe rinunciare a Kaladze (che però è più allettato dalle sirene inglesi in caso di divorzio dal Milan) o uno fra Brocchi e Dhorasoo, tutti elementi che a Roma verrebbero certamente accolti a braccia aperte.

In ogni caso Chivu sta lavorando duro in vista del rientro, previsto per il periodo a cavallo fra gennaio e febbraio. Dopo la doppia operazione al piede destro, infatti, il rumeno ha praticamente perso tuttsa la prima parte di stagione (per lui solo 27’ in Champions contro il Leverkusen), e prima di pensare al mercato vuole dare il proprio contributo alla Roma, che nel girone di ritorno punta a rientrare nel giro della Champions League.
translate plz:D

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Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
From wad I see in channel 4, Chivu's agent has admitted that Milan has shown interest in him. He wants Chivu to be a replacement for Maldini.


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
This is what I understand:

Roma needs to sacrifice quality player(s) to be able to keep the Trio Totti-Cassano-Montella.

Dacourt is on the leaving and both Juve and Milan see Chivu as a possible reinforcement for the future.

the they say Sensi reassured the fans,blablabla, Del Neri says it would be a crime to sacrifice a trio like this one...

conclusion: they won't sell one of the tree but then have to sell other players.
Dacourt would be off to England, an dpanucci could be swapped with Legro, but the situtaion can change, as Roma seems to be on the better side right now.

About Chivu, Capello (who brought him to Rome) would be keen to bring him to Turin, but Milan seem to be on the good way to sign him. Inter could also be on his tracks.

Juve could not only put Legro in the deal, but also Kapo or Olivera. Milan could offer Kaladze(who could also be tempted by England), Brocchi or Dhorassoo.

Chivu is traning hard to be back for the second round. After the operation of his right foot, he only played 27' in the Champions league, and before thinking of the Mercato, he wants to give his contribution to Roma, who wants to qualify for Champiosn league.


I don't really speak Italian but that's what I understood.


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
i would definitely welcome Chivu to Juve as a Central defender or left defender. Do wad Milan did to Jankulovski. Pay the $$$, allow him to have a last season with Roma b4 joining us. I'm afraid some other team would grab him b4 us.


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2004
Legrottaglie’s future could be in the capital with Roma a possible destination for the stopper.

Giallorossi boss Gigi Del Neri is a big fan of the Italian after their time together at Chievo Verona.

The Bianconeri could offer the player in return for an option on Roma defender Cristian Chivu. - Channel4

Lego for Chivu :D sounds ideal but unlikely :(


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Well I guess if we sell Lgro, Tudor and Iuliano then Moggi is going to buy a central defender has a backup... I don't think Moggi is that stupid


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
I hope to see Chivu in Juventus. He is a great defender! a good freekicker too ;) But I wanna keep Tudor, I like him. He is a very solid defender and can be played in many positions. I think Tudor would be great next to a small and fast defender like Cannavaro. Legro and Iuliano should go though :D
Aug 26, 2003
I would have liked to see Legro showing his worth at Juventus, but that seems to be unrealistic, so than Chivu for Legro would be great but i doubt that!

and using Olivera or Kapo + Legro would be shit!


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
why also not take Amantino Mancini from Roma, I like him ;) and Chivu hihi^^ and why not De Rossi mouhahaha strip Roma off their players mouyhahahahha!!


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
I read Tudor is linked with Standard de Liège !?

but apparently he doesn't want a move to belgium? I can olnly understand that....


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
++ [ originally posted by erado ] ++
Legrottaglie’s future could be in the capital with Roma a possible destination for the stopper.

Giallorossi boss Gigi Del Neri is a big fan of the Italian after their time together at Chievo Verona.

The Bianconeri could offer the player in return for an option on Roma defender Cristian Chivu. - Channel4

Lego for Chivu :D sounds ideal but unlikely :(
I also want this to happen, but IMO I don't think Chivu will be available.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Chivu is world class and it would be a dream to have him in our defense. I still have no clue why he chose Roma a couple years ago when he was through with Ajax....


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
This is wad Chivu said on his interview.1

That’s right. I only found out about the strong interest from Roma a few days before I was due to leave Amsterdam from my agent Giovanni Becali. I was ready to join the Nerazzurri but they weren’t willing to pay my release clause. Roma on the other hand somewhat surprised me. They moved quickly, arriving in Amsterdam by midday, they concluded the transfer by five in the evening. By 10 o’clock I was on the plane to Italy.


Rest of the interview:

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