Choose a Member (3 Viewers)


Junior Member
Apr 4, 2003
Ummmmmmmmmm:rolleyes: ..
This idea came up on my mind yesterday … And I’d like share it with you :D

It is like a game… You have to choose one of the members then you have to ask him/her a question… any question that you would like to know about…

I’ll begin

I’m going to choose dj juve
How many times did you change your avatar?? :D:D

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Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
nice idea zainah ;)

++ [ originally posted by Zainah ] ++
I’m going to choose dj juve
How many times did you change your avatar?? :D:D
as much times as totti has dived ;)

my questions go out to the persians
why are you people??!?! :down:


Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i'll change my question since the persian bunch will take forever to answer that question....

question to karlle, what would you do if you suddenly get whacked in the leg again and break it again and miss all the girls in the club bla bla bla?


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dj juve ] ++

question to karlle, what would you do if you suddenly get whacked in the leg again and break it again and miss all the girls in the club bla bla bla?
Sounds terrible. What would I do??? :confused: :eek:

++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
What a stupid question - everybody knows the bloke would probably rush to the hospital in search of hot nurses :D;)
oh...yeah :D :angel:

TOM - What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw 50 broken bottles lying around? :D

juve lord

Junior Member
May 12, 2003
hey u killed the thread :D
y u stopped... !!!!
ok... i'll ask.. Zainah.....
in ur profile....the birthday is _______ & the location is _______ :D
so..... fill in the spaces :D


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
i chose erik :D
where are you studying and what?
I am studying in the Dutch city The Hague (Den Haag). My education is a mixture of communications, management and foreign languages (English, German and Italian in my case and I can add Russian or Spanish next year).

My question is to Martin: why did you decide to make this site in the first place? I know that the history section on this site explains how you started out, but I want to know why ;)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Well... it's pretty obvious. He's a geek and he wanted to test his geekish skills by building a website. Now he's stuck with it. :D


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
My question is to Martin: why did you decide to make this site in the first place? I know that the history section on this site explains how you started out, but I want to know why ;)
From the site history...

My very first Juventus fansite was "The Unofficial Juventus site". The first version of the site came online sometime in 1997. It was then hosted somewhere on Geocities. Back then it was rather small and limited. Nor was it overwhelmingly popular. However, some people still seem to remember it after all this time. It was fun as long as it lasted but then I got tired of updating the site, especially since hardly anyone came to see it anyway.
So as a Juve fan, I started a Juve site but then closed it. In the meantime I was doing a bunch of other sites and after a while I realized I wanted to run a Juve site, there were other great sites around back then and I wanted my own. :)

++ [ originally posted by Paranoia ] ++
i remember nina/jules once told us the reason martin started the forum was to meet girls:D
That's nothing more than urban legend ;) And considering I never told them why, they had to come up with something, hadn't they? ;):D

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