Championship Manager 4 (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Ok this is getting more buggy with every minute, now Montella won the Serie A foreign player of the year award. His nationality is Italian, his 2nd nationality is none.

Another thing was I played ManU in the 1st group stage in the CL, but then I also played them in the 2nd group stage...

This is the beta version we're playing... :rolleyes:

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
it's so sad that i'm struggling to even complete one hour on it without screaming in frustration and going back to CM3:down:


StrikerMania Champ 2004
Jan 11, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #24
    This game is not playable for those who played cm3 alot, and when im 1 of them, i just can't se the revolutionairy features in CM4. Im very disapointet, that so many people looked forward to buy this delayet and world waited game and they/we get a delayet Beta or even Alpha version.

    To many bugs, not realistic at all. To many bugs, ohhh i could just go on for hours...


    StrikerMania Champ 2004
    Jan 11, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #25
    BTW Alex, we should really complain to sigames, but i honestly don't think they would listen to us (maybe torkel) :D


    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2001
    Could someone please just make a CM3 with the 2d-match engine & the updated teamrosters? I'd take that over CM4 any day of the week...


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Art^ ] ++
    BTW Alex, we should really complain to sigames, but i honestly don't think they would listen to us
    BTW Sigames is Aware of all this Bugs and trying to fix them in the next enhancement patch.


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by Nekton ] ++
    Could someone please just make a CM3 with the 2d-match engine & the updated teamrosters? I'd take that over CM4 any day of the week...
    hell yes! though I don't much care for that silly 2d match thing


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Just a data update would be fine by me, and some minor fixes here and there to reflect the soccer world as it is today. That wouldn't make you wait 10min to save the game either.

    Art, I posted a lengthy bug report in their forum following the demo release. But the forum is loaded with crap, there were 7 pages of posts active that same day before I found mine, I really doubt they can keep track of that. Maybe if we found an email address or something..


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Btw, as for the lameass new non-EU player rule, I assume that will reflect in one of the patches to come, someone needs to make a utility for that, scan all the nations and invite them into the EU :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Oh and the transfer market is totally dead, I played an entire season and didn't get one lousy bid for any of my players, I even tried offering them to clubs.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    Oj oj, too many people to take on here....

    I just think the game is great. It had a few faults, but so had CM3 and I think it's better and more entertaining. There are some bugs, but not too many that I have noticed. I remember when CM3 first came and many was disappointed with that, and I'll think all you people won't be stuck in the past for too long...

    Read here


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    It needs A LOT of work to equal CM3...

    Btw that article is a lousy excuse, a game that's been "developed" for 1.5 years or more should in no way be this unpolished. You don't see people frantically patching other games, do you? Once you buy the game, it's supposed to be ready to play, that's the whole point. Not to mention that given the whole CM3 history with the bugs, they should have avoided that this time, learn from experience.


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    actually I liked CM3 when it first came out, I said nothing like 'oh I'm going back to CM2, this is crap' CM3 was brilliant from day one IMO. Now I have only played the demo so I guess up to a point my view is maybe not that relevant but I don't see how they can have improved it drastically from the demo, I just hate the entire interface


    StrikerMania Champ 2004
    Jan 11, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #36
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    It needs A LOT of work to equal CM3...

    Btw that article is a lousy excuse, a game that's been "developed" for 1.5 years or more should in no way be this unpolished. You don't see people frantically patching other games, do you? Once you buy the game, it's supposed to be ready to play, that's the whole point. Not to mention that given the whole CM3 history with the bugs, they should have avoided that this time, learn from experience.
    Exactly! When a game is released it should be perfect and playable for a normal gamer, but CM4 has to many VERY BIG errors, and thats not even minor bugs.

    When a game is released it should be testet several times and without waiting for the patches. Think if this game was released for a console like Xbox or Playstation2, what should the gamers do?


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    it gives me the feeling that just to make it different from CM3 they made CM4 different in many small ways the CL you have to scroll down to the group stage you want to view,then the group you wanna view.CM3 was so much better with minor but irritating things like that,yet sigames have changed for the sake of changing rather than be practical.

    i'm tired of CM4 already:down:


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    Some of the bugs are rather mind boggling. :D I think the "best" bug is in the Argentinian and Danish leagues where it skips a whole season. Hilarious. It seems that the more bugs that they fixed in the demos, more new ones popped up.

    I also find myself wanting to scream at the little circles on the 2d pitch. Of course, I do that when watching a regular game, so it is a little accurate. Still, lots of times when viewing the 2d pitch, I'm left scratching my head.

    I still enjoy playing the game, although it's very slow on my PC. I was very happy to see 13 year old Freddy Adu score his first goal for the Juventus U20s today. And no one is buying Salas, but that's no surprise. :)

    Anyways, patches with CM games are nothing new, patches with other computer games are nothing new. Hopefully the next patch is a big improvement though.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Some hard facts from my game...

    Our non-prolific Zalayeta so far scored 29 goals in 14 matches this season. Camo has 17 assists..


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Some hard facts from my game...

    Our non-prolific Zalayeta so far scored 29 goals in 14 matches this season. Camo has 17 assists..
    Crazy. What formation are you using? I've been fooling around with my formation, changing it almost every game. :) I've only scored something like 15 goals in 8 games, but I've gone back to the 4-4-2 which actually seems to work in CM4.

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