Carlos Tevez (161 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2012
Actually resale value is important in this case. Just watch him start crying about going back Argentina. Sooner or later he will and considering his age it'll be rather sooner than later.

I'm not against this deal at all but the price for his card and his salary have to reasonable. Otherwise we will be stuck with a more expansive version of Iaquinta.


Jul 11, 2011
Right... because it's perfectly acceptable and professional to refuse to play for your team in any circumstance. :sergio:

Like to see how you would react if he did that for Juventus, if he's gonna do it once he can do it again. If you told your boss at work you didn't feel like working you would be out the door like that, regardless what you think of Man City and Mancini that is disgusting behaviour by Tevez.

And I'm not embarrassing myself because I'd be happy to debate with you or anyone why I think that Tevez isn't a massive upgrade on Vucinic, and given that the majority of posters here are from the USA, Australia, Eastern Europe, Middle East etc. I'd be willing to bet that I've probably seen more live matches and on a regular basis then most people here and given my background in sports journalism I think I'm pretty qualified to make that point.
This is clearly not an adequate substitute for a brain. If you genuinely believe Tevez isn't a massive upgrade on Vucinic then you probably got your qualifications from the toilet


Apr 14, 2005
Actually resale value is important in this case. Just watch him start crying about going back Argentina. Sooner or later he will and considering his age it'll be rather sooner than later.

I'm not against this deal at all but the price for his card and his salary have to reasonable. Otherwise we will be stuck with a more expansive version of Iaquinta.

just keep him away from pasta and fast food


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2005
This is clearly not an adequate substitute for a brain. If you genuinely believe Tevez isn't a massive upgrade on Vucinic then you probably got your qualifications from the toilet
OK, let's debate then strengths and weaknesses of both players, and for the record I'm not saying that Tevez isn't better than Vucinic but that the gulf between them isn't anywhere near as huge as Vucinic and Falcao for instance.


Jul 11, 2011
OK, let's debate then strengths and weaknesses of both players, and for the record I'm not saying that Tevez isn't better than Vucinic but that the gulf between them isn't anywhere near as huge as Vucinic and Falcao for instance.
Strengths: Quite good passer, occasional moments of brilliance, good creativity, good at holding up the ball, decent vision, good dribbler.
Weaknesses: extremely inconsistent and extremely profligate

Strengths: Extremely hard worker, very clinical, great long shots, good passer, great creativity, very good dribbler, good vision, great free kicks, can carry a team on his back, more frequent moments of brilliance, quite fast.
Weaknesses: on the field - none, maybe heading
Jul 20, 2012
Reports continue to build that Juventus have agreed an £8m deal with Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez.

The Argentine international is on the last season of his contract with City and over the past few days several Italian sources have suggested talks are at an advanced stage.

Sport Mediaset claimed on Wednesday that Juve had agreed personal terms with the 29-year-old and now certain bookmakers have stopped taking bets on the transfer.

It’s believed Tevez has agreed to a four-year contract with wages that will increase with each campaign.

However, the Daily Mail insists Liverpool are now showing an interest in the well-travelled forward.-FI


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2012
This was the news on the Paddy Power blog before it was taken down. Could someone translate please?

Siamo arrivati per primi sulla notizia, vera e certa, senza se e senza ma. Praticamente fatta, accordo raggiunto, Tevez è un giocatore della Juventus a tutti gli effetti. Non ci vogliamo sostituire a nessun sito di calciomercato, ma anche noi abbiamo i nostri ganci e soprattutto oltremanica funzionano davvero alla grande.

Gli emissari della Juventus ieri sera erano in un prestigioso hotel di Manchester, prima a trattare con il City e poi con il procuratore di Carlos, Kia Joorabchian: trattativa semplice, decisa, senza tentennamenti e giocatore che da luglio indosserà la casacca bianconera. Contratto di 4 anni con stipendio a salire più premi e bonus.

Smacco al Milan! Eh si cari amici, c’entra anche questo nella logica del gioco: proprio quel Tevez tanto cercato dai rossoneri e da Galliani questo inverno, sbarca dopo sei mesi alla corte dei campioni d’Italia. E statene certi che al Milan qualcuno inizierà a rosicare…mannaggia a quel Pato! (non dimentichiamoci però, che con Tevez, non sarebbe poi arrivato Balotelli…fate voi i vostri conti).

Perchè la Juve è andata diretta su di lui e ha chiuso? Ce lo svelano i nostri guru: l’Apache argentino non sembrava intenzionato a rinnovare il contratto con i citizens, anche se Ferran Soriano ed il ds Txiki Begiristain le stavano provando tutte; a quel punto, c’era il rischio vero di perderlo oppure che il costo dell’attaccante lievitasse incondizionatamente, cosa che la Juve non voleva che succedesse. L’offerta dei bianconeri accontenta tutti: in primis il Man City che altrimenti avrebbe visto partire Carlos a prametro zero a Gennaio e soprattutto il giocatore che è entusiasta di misurarsi nella serie A italiana.

Grande colpo di Paddy Power…un ringraziamento ai nostri fedeli collaboratori d’oltremanica che ci hanno mandato in anteprima questa notizia importante. A proposito, non penserete certo di trovare questa notizia sui giornali nei prossimi giorni vero? Ne passeranno di giorni: è il teatrino del mercato…vedrete, oggi si, domani no, oggi forse, domani chissà, ma voi statene certi, Tevez è bianconero!
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