Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (17 Viewers)


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
....Angela, tuttobullshit said that Juve can sue for those things. They like selling papers and ideas. Who are they going to sue? The FIGC? No one else has been found liable and the FIGC wouldn’t have that cash. Juve want to stay in Serie A, they’ll request the titles (likely not get them) and that will be that. I don’t see them bankrupting a league or federation. Fact is that the FIGCs money comes from sponsors like Telecom and Gazzetta. They are all in bed together. Expect nothing.
Got your point in one phrase ;) but I was wondering if I had actually learned anything from Martin's course.


Dec 16, 2003
Moggi just got handed another 4 month sentence for threatening Baldini outside a courtroom during the GEA trial. He pointed his finger at him and said «Buon giorno pezzo di merda, stai attento che finisce male». – Good day piece of shit, becareful for it will end badly”.

The best part is that they slapped him with a 500,000 euro fine too. Is it just me or are they trying to sap this guy’s resources so that he can’t fight anymore.
That's my fucking man.


Nov 26, 2006
Why is it that people insist on Moggi's innocence, but keep comparing him to the head of a criminal organisation?

Not only that, they think it's great that he acts like a mafioso?


Dec 16, 2003
Why is it that people insist on Moggi's innocence, but keep comparing him to the head of a criminal organisation?

Not only that, they think it's great that he acts like a mafioso?
When people label you something you're not and they refuse to believe the truth then the only way to hit back is by acting like one.

I love his attitude.

Fake Melo

Ghost Division
Sep 3, 2010

JUVENTUS FOOTBALL CLUB S.p.A. ha depositato in data odierna presso il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio ricorso ai sensi dell’art. 30 del codice del processo amministrativo contro la Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC) e nei confronti della F.C. INTERNAZIONALE s.p.a. chiedendo la condanna al risarcimento del danno ingiusto subito dall’illegittimo esercizio dell’attività amministrativa e dal mancato esercizio di quella obbligatoria in relazione ai provvedimenti adottati dalla FIGC nell’estate del 2006 e del 2011.

Con tale atto JUVENTUS intende far accertare la mancanza di parità di trattamento e le illecite condotte che l’hanno generata ottenendo il risarcimento agli ingenti danni che sono prudenzialmente stimati in diverse centinaia di milioni di euro per minori introiti, svalutazione del marchio, perdita di chances e di opportunità, costi e spese.

Il ricorso dà seguito alla pronuncia del Presidente Tribunale Nazionale di Arbitrato dello Sport (TNAS) del 9 settembre 2011 che ha rimesso la Società innanzi al TAR limitatamente ai danni e rientra nella più ampia strategia di tutela della Juventus in ogni sede, già preannunciata nella conferenza stampa del 10 agosto 2011.

Van Helsing

Senior Member
Oct 2, 2007
Today, JUVENTUS FOOTBALL CLUB S.p.A. have appealed to the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, according to Art. 30 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, against FIGC [Italian Football Federation] and towards F.C. INTERNAZIONALE s.p.a., claiming for a sentence concerning the unfair damages due to the unfounded practice of the administrative activity and to the non-practice of the compulsory activity related to the provisions adopted by FIGC in the summer 2006 and 2011. Through this action, JUVENTUS intend to ascertain the inequality of treatment and the illegal behaviours which generated the same, thus obtaining the compensation for the severe damages which are conservatively valued several hundred million Euros for minor revenue, brand depreciation, opportunity and chance losses, costs and expenses.
The appeal follows the decision by the President of TNAS [National Sports Arbitration Court] dated 9 September 2011, which remitted the club to the Regional Administrative Court as far as the damages are concerned and within the broadest strategy of Juventus’ safeguard, as announced in the press conference occurred on 10 August 2011.


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
Today, JUVENTUS FOOTBALL CLUB S.p.A. have appealed to the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, according to Art. 30 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, against FIGC [Italian Football Federation] and towards F.C. INTERNAZIONALE s.p.a., claiming for a sentence concerning the unfair damages due to the unfounded practice of the administrative activity and to the non-practice of the compulsory activity related to the provisions adopted by FIGC in the summer 2006 and 2011. Through this action, JUVENTUS intend to ascertain the inequality of treatment and the illegal behaviours which generated the same, thus obtaining the compensation for the severe damages which are conservatively valued several hundred million Euros for minor revenue, brand depreciation, opportunity and chance losses, costs and expenses.
The appeal follows the decision by the President of TNAS [National Sports Arbitration Court] dated 9 September 2011, which remitted the club to the Regional Administrative Court as far as the damages are concerned and within the broadest strategy of Juventus’ safeguard, as announced in the press conference occurred on 10 August 2011.

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