Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (54 Viewers)


Sep 4, 2007
I'm so very ashamed of the puppets running this club. Moggi doesn't deserve this, to think the FIGC were invited to the stadium and Moggi wasn't, what a disgrace.

Moggi and his lawyers should go European courts, enough Italian corruption.


Junior Member
Sep 12, 2011
Same here.

But yeah, like I said earlier, Moggi and them being guilty is not destroying AA's argument in Juve's case for the lost scudetti. It actually strengthens his arguments. "Vogliamo paritá di trattamento" is what he always said.
In fact Juve´s Lawyer is saying that the AA argument "paritá di trattamento" has been strengthen by the sentence. Apparently they are happy with the sentence ....
Apr 29, 2006
Italy is a joke. I think this country is a soap opera on a large scale. Talkin' about corrupt court systems and all.
Getting bailed by the EU? I don't think so. I wouldn't give a cent to them unless things change dramatically.


58 ' SUPER SIC ' 58
Jul 12, 2006
La sentenza odierna afferma la totale estraneità ai fatti contestati di Juventus, che presso il tribunale di Napoli era citata in giudizio come responsabile civile a titolo di responsabilità oggettiva ai sensi dell’articolo 2049 c.c. Tale decisione, assunta all’esito di un dibattimento approfondito e all’analisi di tutte le prove, stride con la realtà di una giustizia sportiva sommaria dalla quale Juventus è stata l'unica società gravemente colpita e l'unica a dover pagare con due titoli sottratti, dopo aver conseguito le vittorie sul campo, con una retrocessione e con relativi ingenti danni. Juventus proseguirà nelle sue battaglie legittime per ripristinare la parità di trattamento.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Today's ruling affirms the total strangeness to the alleged facts of Juventus, who in the court of Naples was sued civilly as a way of strict liability under Article 2049 cc This decision, taken on the outcome of an in-depth discussion and analysis of all the evidence, clashes with the reality of a sports summary justice from which Juventus was the only company seriously affected and the only one having to pay with two titles subtracted, after the victories achieved in the field, and with their relegation with a substantial property damage. Juventus will continue its legal battle to restore equal treatment.

translate fuckers:(


Release clause?
May 22, 2009
Yo guys, did you know that we're nr1 in the table and still haven't lost any games this season. Also, do you know that we're 11 points ahead of Inter.

Just thought I'd remind you.


maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005

So guys, think about it.

If Moggi and them had been cleared in Napoli, Juve would have no case against FIGC/Inter!

Because if Moggi and them did nothing wrong, the same must have applied for Facchetti and Meani and those cunts.

It's actually fucking disgraceful to say it, but Moggi was necessary collateral damage for Juve's new cause. I hate hate hate to say it, because I love Moggi and I've supported him for so long. But think about it. Juve's ENTIRE case for the lost scudetti is based on disparity of treatment!

If that argument is to stick, Moggi MUST be guilty.

Fucking sad, but fucking true.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Yo guys, did you know that we're nr1 in the table and still haven't lost any games this season. Also, do you know that we're 11 points ahead of Inter.

Just thought I'd remind you.
Don't think we have had any penalties given in our favor yet, have we?

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