Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (47 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
But what are the odds that a guy claiming to know ahead of time what the groups are would predict and actually get them all correct? I did not see this on the news so I don't know the story that well, I am just going off what I remember reading on Juventuz over a year ago so maybe I don't have all the facts...


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Moggi will not go to Juve meeting
Thursday 22 October, 2009
Luciano Moggi says he was only joking when he told a radio show that he intends to be present at Juventus' next shareholder meeting.

The disgraced former director general had said he wanted to question the new regime about their handling of the 2006 Calciopoli scandal, which brought about his downfall.

When asked if would live up to his word, Moggi replied: “No, no, I was only joking. It's true, I told a radio show that I would go with the intention of asking why [the directors] didn't defend Juventus, why they declared her guilty, what the criteria was for choosing suicide.

“Then I reflected on the matter and I decided that there is always snow in Vinovo and that it would be better to stay at home. As for the rest, I also have a bit of a cold.”

Brimming with irony and menace, Moggi went on to remind people that he still has plenty of shares in Juventus.

“I have never got rid of the shares, actually I am one of the people who possesses the most,” he laughed.

Finally Moggi gave his opinion on the Calciopoli trial in Napoli, which has hit another snag after the prosecutor general lodged an appeal following reports that one of the judges had already let their verdict be known in one of the first hearings.

“You'll have to ask the judge the reasons behind these continuous difficulties,” Moggi concluded.

"Football Italia"

Anyone know what is going on in the courts? Do we have any chance of winning any of these cases?


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Moggi will not go to Juve meeting
Thursday 22 October, 2009
Luciano Moggi says he was only joking when he told a radio show that he intends to be present at Juventus' next shareholder meeting.

The disgraced former director general had said he wanted to question the new regime about their handling of the 2006 Calciopoli scandal, which brought about his downfall.

When asked if would live up to his word, Moggi replied: “No, no, I was only joking. It's true, I told a radio show that I would go with the intention of asking why [the directors] didn't defend Juventus, why they declared her guilty, what the criteria was for choosing suicide.

“Then I reflected on the matter and I decided that there is always snow in Vinovo and that it would be better to stay at home. As for the rest, I also have a bit of a cold.”

Brimming with irony and menace, Moggi went on to remind people that he still has plenty of shares in Juventus.

“I have never got rid of the shares, actually I am one of the people who possesses the most,” he laughed.

Finally Moggi gave his opinion on the Calciopoli trial in Napoli, which has hit another snag after the prosecutor general lodged an appeal following reports that one of the judges had already let their verdict be known in one of the first hearings.

“You'll have to ask the judge the reasons behind these continuous difficulties,” Moggi concluded.

"Football Italia"
Forza Moggi !!!!!:flag1:

please come back......


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Thursday 29 October, 2009
Blog: Polluting star
Juventus are insinuating that they’ll add a third star after their next Scudetto success. Antonio Labbate urges them to re-count and reconsider
Let us fast forward to the start of next season. And, in the interests of this blog, we’ll say that Juventus are the Italian champions. A tricolore shield will adorn their shirts, but, if we take into account the words of new President Jean-Claude Blanc this week, so too would a third star.

It would be a controversial move by the Turin giants, but one legally within their rights. The addition of a five-pointed gold star to signify 10 Italian championships was an idea first conceived by former Juve chief Umberto Agnelli after the club’s 1958 title. It thus became a custom, one later inherited by Inter and Milan, but it was never written into the directives of the game.

As a consequence, Juventus will be free to increase their constellation from two to three when they next win the title, even though the numbers simply don’t add up. The Old Lady thinks she has 29 titles to her name, the record books only read 27.

The two phantom championships are obviously the Calciopoli revoked triumphs of 2005 and 2006. The first was assigned to nobody, while the second was, rightly or wrongly, handed to Inter. That’s a fact that Juventus need to come to terms with.

No matter what you think of Calciopoli, the scandal itself or the verdicts, Juventus – in the form of their officials – were adjudged to have broken the rules of sporting conduct. Something they themselves seemed to accept given the way they handled themselves in the aftermath of the revelations. Remember, they didn’t defend the Triade, they discarded them.

In an era where the Stile Juventus is being exposed as the myth that some argue it always was, it would be wholly inappropriate to add a third stella to their chests. It would be a gesture to appease their fans, but one that would only re-open the wounds of a scandal that brought a great club to its knees.

A third star, unveiled two titles prematurely, is an understandable temptation but it would be an empty symbol, a duller celestial body with less sparkle than the two preceding it. After all, what use is a star if it doesn’t shine?
Have your say on this issue. Email us at: [email protected]
I have mixed feelings. My initial response was they shouldn't have an extra star. Cheaters are cheaters and when caught, they should be stripped of gold like in other sports. Players can say 'we won it on the pitch’ but that's extremely hollow considering they shared that same pitch with the refs 'influenced’.

However, there are no rules on this. If they want to add a star, why can't they? If they want to add two 'special stars’ for the two lost titles, why shouldn't they? It's their choice. It may be shallow, but isn't that what the Triade stood for in the first place? As for the President declaring "we shall add a star", well, let's face it, in a popularity contest, he can't say the opposite.

The bottom line is that the record books will say Juve had 28 titles when they added a third star. That will speak the loudest when we are consigned to history, but does anyone really care? I am a devout Interista and I'm not sure we should get our second star when we reach 20 – maybe it should be at 21.
Amit Patel, Northwood

In relation to this statement by Blanc, what should Inter put on their shirts? Maybe three stars too, because who knows how many titles they could have won if Juventus had not cheated? I cannot believe the new President is so ignorant – I pity Juve – perhaps they are going back to Serie B?

It is really sad and disturbing to see such an article after all of these years of Juventus cheating. It seems like everyone has forgotten what Inter fans went through during those times. It’s not like they should or could put the stars back on their shirt. It’s time to go back to 5-6 years ago Labbate and look at how they won their so called 'championships’. Maybe it is time to open your eyes again Labbate.
Roozbeh Beyhaghi

Why shouldn’t Juventus add a third star? We have won 29 titles. The verdicts were a joke and the evidence inconclusive. I would wear a third star with pride.

Roozbeh – what?
Paolo LV

First of all to all of you Interistas sweating that your token titles will be handed back to Juve should be worried. The verdicts as mentioned were highly inconclusive. The evidence was not as clear cut as you think which is the reason the case is now in an appeals court.

We deserve the third star if we win the League again and I will be happy to wear it. After 30 titles anyone would be proud. From a proud Juventino to all the vindictive Interistas – talk to me when you win 30 and catch up.
Cameron, DC

For some time I have avoided discussing the scandal for one simple reason. People insist on discussing the complicated issue without actually informing themselves on what happened before, during and after the verdicts. This article is an example of what should be avoided.

The Triade was not discarded. Moggi and Giraudo resigned and sought legal council independently while Juventus as a team created an appeal that was pulled from Civil Court moments before going to trial at the behest of the FIGC, FIFA, and UEFA officials who made very public that Italy and her clubs would be absent from all international competition for the duration of the trial. In the best interest of the nation’s football, Juve dropped the appeal.

It should be noted that since then, Moggi and company have won every civil appeal in actual civil courts which hold precedence in Italy over mere sporting tribunals [that failed to actually identify a single incident of wrongdoing or attempted “cheating” for the accused].

Juventus have won 29 titles on the pitch and are well within their rights to celebrate their 30th the next time they clinch it.

For the record, the FIGC for whatever reason has refused to acknowledge federal titles that the team won in 1909 and 1910. All things considered, Juventus could already put that star on their jersey and it would be entirely appropriate.

The real problem will be when Inter managers attempt to stitch a second star on their jersey by counting a third place finish behind Juventus and Milan as a "title" season.
Giuseppe Solinas



Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Not to mention this Giuseppe guy nailed all Interista's too the wall with his reply FUCK YEAH!!! I have a feeling that guy was Alen though...only he can throw out facts like that:)


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
who is giuseppe? :shifty:

Does he wish to remain anonymous? In any case, he nailed their asses to the wall with that reply today.

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