Let me tell you something about Farenheit 9/11. The President George W. Bush is on camera many times a day, and he makes mistakes. This can be compared to how a teacher may make a goof in a lesson and all the students laugh and such. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Bush himself can be compared to a teacher, but this situation is like that.
The point is that Farenheit 9/11 is all of Bush's mistakes in a 2 hour movie, which doesn't necessarily tell what kind of a President he is. It's like myself making a movie of when I've said stupid things (if this was the case, the movie would have a sequel with the amount of stupid things I've said). It'll make me look like a jackass, but that's not me. Or at least I hope not.
I'm not pro-Bush by the way. He is truly a jackass for what he has done decision-wise inside the Oval Office more than what he's done on camera. I'm just saying that don't believe everything you see.
Bowling for Columbine is a much better movie. But again, it portrays Americans as shotgun-weilding people, in which most of them aren't. Some are very kind to me when I go down there.