I was checking some polls about Boniek, and I have to say, I'm a little surprised. Cause results were similar in few places and they were bad. Here you are one example:
What do you think about Boniek as coach?
12 % - This is great idea. He is specialist and knows, what he wants.
23% - Good decision, he is not ideal, but we don't have better one.
24% - Nothing special, I expected this.
18% - This is bad decision. He is too self-confident.
23% - Żenada

. We will have only defeats.
So you can see. And this is general meaning. But still most people want to gice him a chance.
And these negative opinions have causes or explanations.
1. He was poor as a coach of Italian teams: Lecce and Bari.
20 wins
29 draws
33 defeats
Today he said to some journalist about this: "Yea, go to Italy, try to train some Italian team, and then we can talk". And journalist from "Tuttosport" Luca Borioni said: "Boniek had no chance with those teams, cause they didn't have good enough footballers to play in Serie A. And no coach could help those teams". But for many people, this is still argument against him. So we will see, if they are right
2. I think people are general tired of whole PZPN and "colleagues" there. They name them in such way

. Cause there were many candidates, and everybody knew: of course Boniek. Here you are one more poll:
Who should be Poland's coach?
22% - Boniek
11% - Kasperczak
20% - Smuda
13% - Liczka
4% - Okuka
4% - Wdowczyk
2% - Majewski
24% !! - somebody else !! And here foreigner name !!
Foreigner, cause people think, that Poland have to have good and independent coach, sb don't connected with old agreements with old colleagues.
3. And about his work for PZPN as manager. It's not so easy. Cause he is great, but this is point of view people conncted with PZPN

. He can find and talk with sponsors and people connected with football and he is respected for this. But the same
man, as a PZPN manager sold Plish league to private, paid television. A few years ago, here was fight about it. I'm not sure, if you remember

, but previously every Wednesday was a "saint" day, cause of matches in TV

. And now there are no matches on public TV and some people are still piss off. And curious case: now Boniek is person, who complain, that people in Poland aren't so interested in polish footbal like earlier :LOL:. Wow, what a observant man !! :LOL:
And about Kasperczak: yes, I know his merits. And he was one of three the most serious candidates to that vacancy. ( Boniek, Kasperczak and Liczka – main candidates, and Smuda, Okuka, Wdowczy and Majewski - the rest). And he has really good opinion. So maybe he is a little disappointed. And maybe will be next

And what do I think about Boniek? I have no idea

. I really have to see his achievements as Poland’s coach.
About Engel: the same as you: yes and no. „He is the first successful national team coach in I don't know how long”. For 16 years

, this is really long. And I agree.
And about his tactics: I agree one more time with you, and the second: there was group of footballers in team, who were too self-confident in negative way and I think Engel couldn’t handle with such sitation. As a coach: he has to !!.
"Piechniczek: Kandydatura Bońka była najlepsza z możliwych, sorry here, but how to say "najlepsza a możliwych???"
I think you could translate Piechniczek's statement to mean that Boniek is simply the best candidate for the job"
I think it’s a matter of interpretation, and you and me, we understand this polish sentence in diferent way

So let’s skip it
Huh, I’m almost never sooo long in English

. In Polish faster and easier for me, and easier for you
