Bombs over San Siro (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
I just saw some really shocking scenes today. I have supported some of the italian Ultras actions over the years but this was way over the line. The Milan players could have got badly injured from those bombs.

What happened in short was that Totti's freekick hit Shevchenko's arm but the ref didn't give any penalty. Totti went nuts and the fans were even more mad. Duriing the game they threw some kind of air bombs. One of them made Gattuso fall to the ground, Dida got hit in the head and hurt his knee, one was damn close to the ref.

Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
That non-call didn't help the situation, but the Roma tifosi were an embarrassment from the start. Bombs, flares, etc. -- it only got worse when Totti's free kick was tipped. Gattuso kept signalling with his hands that they were plain sick in the head. Capello ran down to the curve to signal to the Roma fans to settle down.

Between today's spectacle and the events at the Rome derby a few weeks ago (that resulted in two Roma home games going to Palermo instead), Roma's fans have been an embarrassment to calcio this year. Which is also unfortunate, because a handful of troublemakers have made the entire lot look bad ... and hurt the team they're supposedly supporting.

Good luck to Roma for dealing with that. We don't need ultras to start emulating the worst of England's 80's hooliganism. No class.
Aug 1, 2003
It was a disgrace. That's crazy man. Dida went down twice. And they still kept on throwing it on the the pitch and FFS it could actually hit a Roman player.

Loco :rolleyes:


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
Well, Roma's punishment was a hefty ban and a one-match ban on playing at the Olympico. I think the fans who threw the fireworks should be individually punished instead of the club. Strict rules should be applied that would make fans think twice before commiting such horrible acts: like a lifetime ban from attending matches on any stadium in the future.

As for the incident itself, I think Messina should've let the teams switch ends so that the Roma fans can't reach the Milan players.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
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    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
    Well, Roma's punishment was a hefty ban and a one-match ban on playing at the Olympico. I think the fans who threw the fireworks should be individually punished instead of the club. Strict rules should be applied that would make fans think twice before commiting such horrible acts: like a lifetime ban from attending matches on any stadium in the future.

    As for the incident itself, I think Messina should've let the teams switch ends so that the Roma fans can't reach the Milan players.
    Such rules already exist but it's impossible to see who did what in a crowd of 10.000 people standing so tight.


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
    Such rules already exist but it's impossible to see who did what in a crowd of 10.000 people standing so tight.
    Surveillance cameras should be installed in stadia, to cover all crowd actions. When case such incidents happen, they could be used to identify those involved.


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    In Azerbaijan (my country) we have policemen standing on several levels, facing the crowd. Whenever someone throws something on the field, a polieceman responsible for "that area" notices him, grabs him and the violator is taken away. After one or two crazy fans like that are down- everybody else acts perfect.
    Aug 1, 2003
    Well in Italy too I think that happens, at least I remember policemen at an Italian stadium monitoring - but it didn't work much because I think it was between Juve and Parma where the fans threw stuff at each other too regardless of policemen's presence. they can't do much


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
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    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++

    Surveillance cameras should be installed in stadia, to cover all crowd actions. When case such incidents happen, they could be used to identify those involved.

    I would never allow surveillance cameras in the crowd. It would destroy all what supporter culture is. The bloody guards we have today have destroyed enough already. Surveillance cameras is a threat to my integrity.
    I guess all of us who have been to a football game have done something which could make us guilty of some type of crime. Lighting bengals, throwing things on the pitch or even screaming bad words against certain groups. Things which might not always be right but they have to be there if we don't want to have NHL Atmosphere.
    We supporters have been pushed down by the clubs the latest years by: removing stands, prohibiting pyrotechnique, extreme security and so on. Surveillance cameras would be the final step towards the end of supporter culture.


    Senior Member
    Jul 27, 2002
    this swedish reporter attended MILAN - ROMA game.
    He said what surprised him the most was that all people
    entered the stadium without any form of inspection...

    Surprising since terrorists groups have said Italy could very well be
    a possible target!


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    I think they do. But it's so easy to trick em in Malaysia though :D
    In Azerbaijan also :D That's why I see no point of "inspecting" thousands and thousands of people. If people was to bring something through- they'll do it!


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
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    ++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
    Do people on the stadium usually get inspected? We're talking 85,700 San Siro visitors to be checked!
    Actually many people don't even have a ticket, they make it past the gates and guards anyway.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    Actually many people don't even have a ticket, they make it past the gates and guards anyway.
    This is incorrect.

    I go to San Siro and L'Olimpico quite often. The police IS there...usually with batons, shields and the whole Nine Yards.
    EVERYONE is frisked especially bags and MANY items are prohibited.
    However, many areas of the Stadium are unmarked and protected only be a 15 foot steel fence. The Ultras make their way in EARLY before Kick-Off...they walk around to an unmarked area and friends toss a bag with flares and weapons over the fence. Some even climb the fence and hence the free-bee's but I have seen less and less of that because the fence is quite hard to climb.


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    Its very bad what the roma fans did but Its one of the reasons I was attracted to Italian football. The atmosphere is like no other. Imagine the bombs and flares where banned. It will look like here. A bunch of sad looking faces and drunks:D

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