Bill Maher might be in Trouble (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
No Fred, a true Libertarian is one like Ron Paul who stays out of foreign affairs, certainly not allocating Israel billions of dollars when the money needs to be conserved at home. Jasper is totally off base about Libertarians supporting Israel -- Ron Paul and other folks in the States are against aiding Israel for various reasons.

Some of the most important issues to Libertarians include keeping the troops at home, eliminating unnecessary government spending, putting an end to inflationary measures taken up by our central bank, and adhering to the Constitution of the US. Paul voted strictly against the Iraq wars and strongly opposed Legislation to support Israel.

I think lots of folks love to call themselves Libertarians, but they really are not. Bill Maher is certainly not a Libertarian.

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Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
No Fred, a true Libertarian is one like Ron Paul who stays out of foreign affairs, certainly not allocating Israel billions of dollars when the money needs to be conserved at home. Jasper is totally off base about Libertarians supporting Israel -- Ron Paul and other folks in the States are against aiding Israel for various reasons.

Some of the most important issues to Libertarians include keeping the troops at home, eliminating unnecessary government spending, putting an end to inflationary measures taken up by our central bank, and adhering to the Constitution of the US. Paul voted strictly against the Iraq wars and strongly opposed Legislation to support Israel.

I think lots of folks love to call themselves Libertarians, but they really are not. Bill Maher is certainly not a Libertarian.
Ron Paul isn't really a "true" Libertarian either. Libertarian is a pretty ambiguous term these days covering a scope of people from Mike Savage to Bill Maher. I've been told that most of my social viewpoints are Libertarian, but I don't agree with the whole individual first viewpoint.

I think it also depends on how the term is used. You have your Libertarian Capitlalists, Liberal Libertarians (Maher), Conservative Libertarians (Savage) and then you have Ron Paul who fits somewhere in the middle. The problem is Libertarians don't really know what a "true" Libertarian is either, only that they all hate paying taxes (that's a joke from the comma to the period).


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Ron Paul isn't really a "true" Libertarian either. Libertarian is a pretty ambiguous term these days covering a scope of people from Mike Savage to Bill Maher. I've been told that most of my social viewpoints are Libertarian, but I don't agree with the whole individual first viewpoint.

I think it also depends on how the term is used. You have your Libertarian Capitlalists, Liberal Libertarians (Maher), Conservative Libertarians (Savage) and then you have Ron Paul who fits somewhere in the middle. The problem is Libertarians don't really know what a "true" Libertarian is either, only that they all hate paying taxes (that's a joke from the comma to the period).
I'm speaking more towards the common viewpoint of Libertarianism in the US, which Ron Paul fits. Liberal Libertarians seem to be Democrats more than anything else.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
As far as Bill goes, he's probably one of my favorite political commentators. I may not agree with him on everything, but his New Rules segment makes up for it. Also, he tends to have a decent panel every now and again.

Religulous was great too. Check it out if you've got the chance. It's actually pretty introspective.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
So basically you guys are pro; killing innocents, throwing people out of their homes and stealing land that isn't yours?

Brilliant, where do i sign up to be a Libertarian? and when can i get a country for me and my people?
I know what a libertarian is Andy. I was being sarcastic in that post.
Dude you seem to be in denial. Look at it this way (its quite simple). Israel exists, we CANNOT change that, so we have to deal with it and try to find a two state solution. Israel have tried to negotiate a two state solution many times, you can wiki it or google it or whatever but it is has been attempted. But hamas refuse to do it. Instead Hamas choose to fire rockets and blow themselves up, and shoot at innocent civilians in a bid to force Israel into giving up there sovereign state. Any other democratic state in the world that had terrorist units in their country firing at their citizens every day would retaliate. Whether or not i agree with the way Israel have retaliated is a different matter, i think they have gotten the concept of COIN completely wrong, but thats not for talking about here. I do not think that Israel should have been created, but it does and we have to deal with it. The only real way this is going to get sorted out is time, which will allow for deradicalisation. (look at N.I/ROI now in comparison to the past 200 years....)

If you want to deny that Hamas are terrorists then i do not have the time of day for you, someone that fires on innocent civilians for a political agenda is a terrorist.

(and yes israel do commit state terrorism, and no i dont support it)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Hamas didn't choose for Israel to blockade Gaza, not allowing supplies to reach the territory, and also killing Hamas political leaders, both accounts breaking the ceasefire in November 2008.

Saying Israel wants a two-state solution when they continue to occupy and expand occupation is simply laughable.

Delle Alpi

Chemical Dean
May 26, 2009
I love Maher and I am a muslim. The guy speaks his mind, talk about the F ups relgions do and is so smart. He doesn't hate a specific religion, he just dislike them all. People who have a problem with his topics need to lighten and up and just accept that for him to say something and critisize your religiont it is becasue somebody F%^%^ed really bad and did something moronic.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Hamas didn't choose for Israel to blockade Gaza, not allowing supplies to reach the territory, and also killing Hamas political leaders, both accounts breaking the ceasefire in November 2008.

Saying Israel wants a two-state solution when they continue to occupy and expand occupation is simply laughable.
Bro we are going to look at this in completely different ways because the way i see it, Israel didnt ask for Hamas to start firing rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel on its civilians in which they responded in killing Hamas political leaders. It just depends which propaganda you choose to belief. I dont think either side is right, and the only solution is two states, and the only way that is going to happen is to allow for deradicalisation/modernisation so that they can chill the fuck out for a bit and sort out the mess. Israel tried negotiations with the PLO and they failed after the negotiators got killed, and israel have tried to get Hamas to negotiate, whether you want to believe that or not is your choice.

Also in responce to what you said above, i haven't heard from anywhere before you that the libertarian doctrine is anti foreign affairs, so far as i have always been aware it says nothing of the sort.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Bro we are going to look at this in completely different ways because the way i see it, Israel didnt ask for Hamas to start firing rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel on its civilians in which they responded in killing Hamas political leaders. It just depends which propaganda you choose to belief. I dont think either side is right, and the only solution is two states, and the only way that is going to happen is to allow for deradicalisation/modernisation so that they can chill the fuck out for a bit and sort out the mess. Israel tried negotiations with the PLO and they failed after the negotiators got killed, and israel have tried to get Hamas to negotiate, whether you want to believe that or not is your choice.

Also in responce to what you said above, i haven't heard from anywhere before you that the libertarian doctrine is anti foreign affairs, so far as i have always been aware it says nothing of the sort.
I don't see the two state solution working when Israel still expands their occupation today. In my view, the only way peace will come to the region is if it's completely destroyed.

Perhaps it is different in Great Britain, but here the main Libertarians like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, et cetera are against military action overseas. Especially the former. He has always been against the Iraq war and Afghani war, always combated aid to Israel, and preaches we should bring troops home to reduce government debt that may collapse the nation. This is why I do like the guy because I agree wholeheartedly with him on those issues and also on the economy and our central bank.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Libertarianism here is all about limiting government. That includes limited foreign excursions.
I know what it is, but the doctrine teaches nothing about how interested you can be in foreign policy. I am not a political libertarian, im a social libertarian (big difference) When it comes to politics i am a liberal that understands that sometimes things have to be done for the greater good. :crazy:

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