Best supporters (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by bongo10 ] ++
Boca Juniors and River
these guys would kill for their teams
they are violent but they love the team a lot
Great mention, I forget about Boca and River.:p:thumb:. That is called some serious rivarly!:D.
Anyway, isn't River tends to be supported by middle-class while B oca traditionally had working class background.


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
i think that in italy juve has the maniest supportersm around some mios if i remember correctly
and their gallery is so impressive !!!
i always remain speachless when seeing their matches, coz their gallery rocks


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #24
    ++ [ originally posted by Edgar Davids ] ++
    how can you put Roma/Lazio on the fourth place? your reason is not satisfying. they certainly don't deserve the fourh place.
    Have you got a better idea?

    To hear Roma sing "Grazie Roma" is fantastic. The way they scream Tottis name during the introduction is almost scary. Their tifos are very impressive. They are very fanatic, perhaps not more fanatic than Inter supporters.
    The racisme you find within these two Rome clubs have is pretty scary. If you listen to the guys with the megaphones, you can hear when they start a song that they sometimes finish it with "heil hitler" och "sieg heil". When even the leaders are doing that shit I understand whatta huge problem they have.


    What is a gallery? Assuming that we are not talking about an image gallery.


    Senior Member
    Sep 21, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    Have you got a better idea?

    To hear Roma sing "Grazie Roma" is fantastic. The way they scream Tottis name during the introduction is almost scary. Their tifos are very impressive. They are very fanatic, perhaps not more fanatic than Inter supporters.
    The racisme you find within these two Rome clubs have is pretty scary. If you listen to the guys with the megaphones, you can hear when they start a song that they sometimes finish it with "heil hitler" och "sieg heil". When even the leaders are doing that shit I understand whatta huge problem they have.
    That's the reason why I hate them

    for the fourth place you can have Newcastle, Ajax, Dortmund...


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
    If I remember correctly they have been two games which finished 2-1 between Japan and Korea, all of which Korea won.:groan:.
    One was WC qualifier for France 1998, which we scored first, and Soma hit the post, when we all over the Koreans, and this little player, I can't remember his name scored from header, and virtually last mins, one of their CB scored from a long range shot.
    Second game was, the an international friendly, which I referred previously, and Hwang (Who used to play in the J-league.;)) scored acrobatic volley to win 2-1, a game which we were winning then lost.:groan:.
    Which one were you referring about?

    Nice to know how Hong is doing. Good luck to him in MLS, even if I would have loved to see him play in Serie A to show that Asian defenders know their business.
    The one I was talking about was the WC Qualifier, since I went to Korea in about October '97. I remember that Japan scored first in that game, I think it was a pretty weak goal, and the keeper was too far off his line. I've since forgotten the first goal for Korea, but I remember the second, it was an awkward shot from far out, that hit the ground and bounced over the keeper. :cool:

    Hwang Sun Hong is an absolute legend. The images of 2002 that I'll always remember will be his bleeding, bandaged head running around on the pitch against USA. It showed how much of an inspiration he was to the team, when we conceded a goal as soon as he sustained that injury. I'm not trying to make excuses, but the players looked obviously rattled and the defence wasn't as composed as normal.

    Hwang's goal against Poland in '02:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    Have you got a better idea?

    To hear Roma sing "Grazie Roma" is fantastic. The way they scream Tottis name during the introduction is almost scary. Their tifos are very impressive. They are very fanatic, perhaps not more fanatic than Inter supporters.
    The racisme you find within these two Rome clubs have is pretty scary. If you listen to the guys with the megaphones, you can hear when they start a song that they sometimes finish it with "heil hitler" och "sieg heil". When even the leaders are doing that shit I understand whatta huge problem they have.


    What is a gallery? Assuming that we are not talking about an image gallery.
    Has anyone heard of any racism in Juventus? I personally haven't, but I'm just wondering if there's been any incidents regarding e.g. Thuram, Davids ? I think it's despicable that fans can boo and mock foreign players, especially those who play for their own team. :yuck:

    If there's one thing football needs to get rid of, it's racism. The great thing about sport is that it brings people together (think WC '98, USA vs Iran, that was amazing, the players holding eachother for a group photo and exchanging didn't look like they were just doing it for the cameras, they looked genuinely happy to be embracing convenient that that match was scheduled on Fifa Fair Play Day.


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    The one I was talking about was the WC Qualifier, since I went to Korea in about October '97. I remember that Japan scored first in that game, I think it was a pretty weak goal, and the keeper was too far off his line. I've since forgotten the first goal for Korea, but I remember the second, it was an awkward shot from far out, that hit the ground and bounced over the keeper. :cool:

    Hwang Sun Hong is an absolute legend. The images of 2002 that I'll always remember will be his bleeding, bandaged head running around on the pitch against USA. It showed how much of an inspiration he was to the team, when we conceded a goal as soon as he sustained that injury. I'm not trying to make excuses, but the players looked obviously rattled and the defence wasn't as composed as normal.

    Hwang's goal against Poland in '02:
    Yamaguchi scored the first, with what I would called a beautiful "lob";. Similar to Karel Porbosky when he scored against Portugal in Euro 96, I think.:p.

    What I like about South Korean fans is that they seem to support their team without really hating the opposition, unless "cough" that opposition is us "cough", or Italia.;). A friend of mine told they weren't impressed with Italian reaction to the defeat. Anyway, its kind of behavior which should be encouraged by FIFA all around the world, because violence is reaching the point where I believe is being detrimental to the game. An Iranian player beating the opposition player in the domestic game, group of fans in Argentina literally tackling stamping on a player for kicking out on mis-behaving fan, racism on the pitch, none of these seems to be problem in South Korea, whereas it is a major issue in Europe. Nevertheless, I must admit, though, European knows how to support the team in Stadium. They have particular tune they like to sing, (Milan and Holland seem to sing similar tunes), banners, fireworks, it would be pretty special to go to one of big European night matches. In contrast, the supporting culture is still developing in Asia, and I have noticed that like us, but less so, South Korean Stadium tends to be quiet on normal times, and there is shreek sound whenever a player comes close to scoring.:D. Nevertheless, it is improving, and once a decade or two of propoer domestic league support becomes established then we might see more improved and more emotional support similar to Europeans.


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    Have you got a better idea?

    To hear Roma sing "Grazie Roma" is fantastic. The way they scream Tottis name during the introduction is almost scary. Their tifos are very impressive. They are very fanatic, perhaps not more fanatic than Inter supporters.
    The racisme you find within these two Rome clubs have is pretty scary. If you listen to the guys with the megaphones, you can hear when they start a song that they sometimes finish it with "heil hitler" och "sieg heil". When even the leaders are doing that shit I understand whatta huge problem they have.


    What is a gallery? Assuming that we are not talking about an image gallery.
    a gallery is how we call in romanian "una tifoseria" :D
    a huge group of supporters, yelling nedved's name in this case
    i still think juve has the greatest fans in the whole italy


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    Has anyone heard of any racism in Juventus? I personally haven't, but I'm just wondering if there's been any incidents regarding e.g. Thuram, Davids ? I think it's despicable that fans can boo and mock foreign players, especially those who play for their own team. :yuck:
    I haven't heard anything and I aslo didn't hear (or can't remember :undecide: ) that fans would boo their own players in Italy because of color of their skin. Ironically they only do it to other teams' players although they have players from the same race in their own team :rolleyes:

    I remember the time when Parma was selling Thuram and Lazio really wanted to have him, one reason was because they needed a defender and the other was that they would finally have a black player and maybe reason the fans a bit. The leader of the Lazio tifosi met with Thuram and he said he was in no danger ... they will only mock others :dazed: Hellooooo, no wonder Thuram didn't decide for them :rolleyes:

    But I also have to add, that only a small, small group of fans are like that.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    Because usually they only see the bad part. I went to many Lazio games and sat on their Curva and know quite a few of Laziali and pretty much know what's going on :)


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    oh, i'm really happy to hear that coz i like lazio (not as much as juve of course, nothing is better than juve), they are the only team i like in italy besides the champions :touched: and now i can go there and tell to anybody that they aren't racists :D
    thanks nina


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
    A friend of mine told they weren't impressed with Italian reaction to the defeat.
    I think a club sacking a player for scoring against their country is just a tiny bit over the top :D...what was he meant to do? Miss on purpose? :eek:

    You don't see anyone giving Trezeguet a hard time for scoring against Italy in the final, do u?

    South Korean Stadium tends to be quiet on normal times, and there is shreek sound whenever a player comes close to scoring.:D.
    Are you kidding?! Well I guess it's like that for the club games, but during the World Cup, the co-ordination of the cheering was amazing...all at once, "OHHHHH PILSEUNG KOREA" (Oh, Victory Korea) would ring out around the stadium. :touched:

    Even in Sydney, all the Korean supporters blocked the streets for hours, and there were some pretty big group screenings going on around the city.


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    I agree Gaucci's reaction was wrong, but it would be wrong to regard an action of very volatile and moronic Gaucci indicative of Italia as a whole.
    Beside, I feel sorry for Italians in the WC, and I can totally understand their frusturations. I think Italian reaction was not so much on Koreans (although sadly it seems Koreans had to take blunt) but the level of officiating, and the sense of injustice.
    Nevertheless, full credit to Korea, and in truth, regardless of level of officiating or missing element of luck, Italia played poorly.

    By the way, sorry if I didn't notice their singing. After all, I would have no idea PILSEUNG KOREA Korea on TV.;). Similar to Gambare Nippon in here, I guess.:D. However, I still think in terms of supporting culture, both Korea and Japan are quite far behind in Europe. It should improve with time, though.

    Anyway, I do admire the organization and sense of group feeling within Koreans. Gathering in millions to watch the match together is fantastic, and in truth quite frightening. But I still think Korean fans are too nice to opposition. Probably I am wrong because I am making judgement on the basis of TV, but I think they can be little bit more hostile without going crazy like Turkish fans.;)

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