Best supporters (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
We have a thread called "Worst fans in the world", now it is time to start one about the best. I am sorry to say that Juventus doesn't actually have anything to do in a thread like this. :down:

The supporters who are by far best in Europe and the world is Celtics. They follow their club where ever they go and give a singing support that no other club is near. They are also very friendly and have a very good attitude.
Milan would probably be second. Their tifos are the best in the world and their singing is very impressive. They also have a big attendance.
Inters fans are pretty close behind Milan they are equally good at singing but their tifos aren't really that good.
Other teams on the top ten list are Roma and Lazio, their derbys are impressive. Napoli has a very good support aswell, too bad they aren't in Serie A anymore.

My list would be something like this:

1. Celtic
2. Milan
3. Inter
4. Roma/Lazio
5. Napoli

Barcelona and Real Madrid are not on my list especially because I don't like their kind of support with all their booing and no singing.
I would like to see Galatasaray in a big stadium before I can judge them. Their support on Ali sam Yen is fantastic but that arena is pretty small and it is perfectly built for singing.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
I would put Inter fans and Napoli fans higher....

Inter fans they may annoy me alot with all their talks and nicknames for Juve... But my respect to most of their fans cause they really love INTER, wherever they live...

They love INTER and only INTER...
No TOP 3/5/10 fav. team in Serie-A lists here.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I don't know much about Celtic, so I can't really comment on them.:undecide:.
Based on my experience, Napoli fans have to come near the top of the list. I remember in early and mid 90s, when they had good team, the stadium was packed, and extremely hostile place. Anyone remember celebrations when Di Canio fooled around, I think it was Baresi, and put unstoppable shot past Seba Rossi?:D. That was quite emotional.:cool:.
Though, Barca fans can be a bit negative with hankerchief waving, and boos, you can't argue about their passion towards club. Also, the added affect of Nou-Camp makes it one of the most hostile place in the world. Gala's fan is simply a hell, and I just love the way Turkish support their team. Full of passion, and emtion, although they can become insane, as witnessed in Confederation Cup.;). And lets not forget Koreans. Although I wouldn't call it hostile place for other teams to play in, they are always very passionate about their NT.

My list,
1. South Koreans,
2. Turkish
3. Napoli,
4. Barca,
5. Marseille
6. Inter,
7. Fiorentina(Although they went burst:D, but hey I loved the pipe-tune)
8. Valencia


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'll only judge the teams here I've seen live at a stadium (cause I don't think a TV performance really cuts it)

1. Holland NT
2. Juventus
3. Parma (those guys didn't give us any break at all, bloody hell!)
4. Ajax
5. Milan
6. Liverpool


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
I'll only judge the teams here I've seen live at a stadium (cause I don't think a TV performance really cuts it)

1. Holland NT
2. Juventus
3. Parma (those guys didn't give us any break at all, bloody hell!)
4. Ajax
5. Milan
6. Liverpool
Man I envy you!:D:cool:.
To see Juve, Holland, Milan, Parma live??!!! Can you speak Italian Erik?


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
Galtasaray fans :devil:

Just kidding :D

I think Newcastle are the best fans ever .. they are always behind their team even during the 'bad' times .. I remember in one match they were losing 4-0 and they were still cheering on their team and singing loudly and in the 85th minute Newcastle scored a consolation goal but the fans celebrated as if it was a winning goal .. they also respect the opposition .. really great set of fans ..

Juve fans aren't bad either :cool: ;)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
Galtasaray fans :devil:

Just kidding :D

I think Newcastle are the best fans ever .. they are always behind their team even during the 'bad' times .. I remember in one match they were losing 4-0 and they were still cheering on their team and singing loudly and in the 85th minute Newcastle scored a consolation goal but the fans celebrated as if it was a winning goal .. they also respect the opposition .. really great set of fans ..

Juve fans aren't bad either :cool: ;)
yeah... :thumb:

another example is when they suffered a heavy lose to ManU last season, the fans kept cheering till the end. it was awesome listening to the fans while their team was down. i didn't hear a single booing. :touched:


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
DJ - it wasn't so bad actually; quite a good match! Plus, it was in the Amsterdam Arena against Ajax soo... :D

++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
Man I envy you!:D:cool:.
To see Juve, Holland, Milan, Parma live??!!! Can you speak Italian Erik?
Sì! Non parlo Italiano perfetto a questo momento ma studio e provo. ;)

I've also watched Barcelona live in Amsterdam but only a few fans of theirs travelled to our capital and it wasn't really anything to go on.

It's the virtue of living in north western Europe really, every great football capital is nearby! :cool:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
South Korea !!! Did you guys see how clean the stadiums were after the matches? They stayed behind and cleaned up :thumb:

Also, during the Turkey game, when Hong Myung-Bo gave away the ball and they scored in the 1st minute, they were all shouting (in Korean) "It's okay!"... now I know some other fans would do that, but the volume of that chant was as loud as when their team scores a goal :D


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I agree Godot, the sea of people in redshirt on a hot day is just mad.:D.
My Korean friend also told me that their nation goes crazy whenever we play them in international matches, even if it doesn't come across same way to me.:p. He told me that when Japan played Korea in an International friendly in 1997, (I think), the whole juku class (It is called differently over there, but basically it is way you have group lessons) listened the first half on radio, and saw part of second half in the pouring rain, from TV displayed on Electrical Retail shop. That is one hell of a crazy lot!:p.

Talking about Hong Myoung-Bo, he is one of the best defenders not to have played for an European team. He was fantastic defener in the J-league, and was far better player than Nakata or Nakamura for sure. He deserved to play for quality European team.:star:. Gray, how is he doing now, I heard he retired from International stage.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
No, he followed the likes of Valderama (sp?), Mattheus, Stoichkov and went to the MLS. I really wish a European signed him for at least 2 seasons, I think he still has something to offer. Damn I'm glad he scored that last penalty against Spain.

I remember when I watched Korea v Japan (the most passionate contest, it's like a derby) when I was in Korea. Everyone lives in apartments there, because there's not much land. Every time we came close or scored a goal, the apartments would literally shake, and you could hear the loudest roar all over the city. The game was tied at 1-1, and my family had to go out...dismayed as I was, I had to tag along. While I was waiting at the bus stop, I heard "YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" booming from every single apartment building, and thought "yes, we scored :D"


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
No, he followed the likes of Valderama (sp?), Mattheus, Stoichkov and went to the MLS. I really wish a European signed him for at least 2 seasons, I think he still has something to offer. Damn I'm glad he scored that last penalty against Spain.

I remember when I watched Korea v Japan (the most passionate contest, it's like a derby) when I was in Korea. Everyone lives in apartments there, because there's not much land. Every time we came close or scored a goal, the apartments would literally shake, and you could hear the loudest roar all over the city. The game was tied at 1-1, and my family had to go out...dismayed as I was, I had to tag along. While I was waiting at the bus stop, I heard "YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" booming from every single apartment building, and thought "yes, we scored :D"
If I remember correctly they have been two games which finished 2-1 between Japan and Korea, all of which Korea won.:groan:.
One was WC qualifier for France 1998, which we scored first, and Soma hit the post, when we all over the Koreans, and this little player, I can't remember his name scored from header, and virtually last mins, one of their CB scored from a long range shot.
Second game was, the an international friendly, which I referred previously, and Hwang (Who used to play in the J-league.;)) scored acrobatic volley to win 2-1, a game which we were winning then lost.:groan:.
Which one were you referring about?

Nice to know how Hong is doing. Good luck to him in MLS, even if I would have loved to see him play in Serie A to show that Asian defenders know their business.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
From my experience I would have to go with Roma's and Milan's supporters. They are the most passionate ones.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

yeah... :thumb:

another example is when they suffered a heavy lose to ManU last season, the fans kept cheering till the end. it was awesome listening to the fans while their team was down. i didn't hear a single booing. :touched:
indeed...pity the same cant be said for another famous black-n-white team :down: ;)

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