dj, don't listen to him.
dunno about songs though, for me rahiohead is the kind of album band. yes, separate songs are very good but album as piece sounds much better. e.g. take "nice dream" from "the bends". ordinary song. but without it album would be incomplete.
anyway, here's my favs:
idioteque (very strange song)
paranoid androin
exit music
i might be wrong
street spirit, karma police
climbing up the walls
a wolf at the door
that's not all just cant remember or exclude somth special
really, just try down loading albums, might be better. or not, like in zambrotta's case.
but you are special and different, you should like them. on the other hand you're like this without them. :undecide:
lol, just now i'm looking for tickets to radiohead show in ny on ebay