Beijing 2008 Olympic Games [SEE THREAD RULES ON PAGE 1] (1 Viewer)

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vanilla pudding
Aug 21, 2006
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #623
    Yes De Ceglie is good. So is this guy called Ignazio Abbate, Damm he is a Speed Demon. Which club does he play for??
    That's all he is, speed. He's owned by Milan (and as far as I'm concerned should stay there), on loan at Torino.


    official nedved copy
    Jul 15, 2006
    lochristi heerst jonge ;)
    The East-Flanders connection :p


    oesj das minder :p. Wa studeerde mss? Waar is u kot?

    Ik woon in Heusden:p, net naast Sint-Amandsberg en Ledeberg
    en ik die dacht dat ik de enige juve fan was in oost-vlaanderen ...

    ik studeer industrieel ingenieur en woon in een studio in gent aan de plateau. 'k ken enkele mensen die in ledeberg wonen, nu ja da's ook gewoon vlakbij e :)


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    How can you say I am not at all Italian, you have never met me for all you know I'm fuckin Silvester Stallone. I have never once claimed to live in Italy or be Italian as I consider myself an American but my mother was born in Italy and my father's mother was as well so my family is fairly Italian. My family are Azzurri supporters so I inherited it, but personally I support America above everybody else even the Azzurri. Stop calling my loyalty into question for a team which I support and you claim "Fucking sucks". If somebody needs to be a little more loyal to their country then its that douchebag you look at everyday in the mirror. I admit I do not know every single player on the roster for this summer's olympics but I do know most of them.
    Thats all I can remember off the top of my head but I know theres like 4 more.
    You have constantly insulted me about claiming to be Italian yet for some reason you never listen to me so let me make this perfectly clear: I AM NOT CLAIMING TO BE ITALIAN! I HAVE ALOT OF ITALIAN FAMILY BUT I CONSIDER MYSELF AN AMERICAN SO PLEASE STOP TELLING ME I'M NOT AN ITALIAN BECAUSE I'M NOT CLAIMING TO BE ONE!!!! Just because I like the Azzurri doesn't mean I support them over or even close to the United States. I rarely talk about American football on this forum because whenever I do you insult me or make lames ass geography jokes and I don't know about you but I joined this forum to talk about football not argue petty personal feuds with people I will never meet. I'm not interested in forming a personal conflict with you or anybody else over the internet.
    Why did you put my last name up there Beck? :tup:
    Now, what are you blabbering about? You're the troglodyte homunculus who decided to question my uncontested support for my nation's soccer. You're the fool who never partakes in US soccer discussion even when we have a match going on. You're so obviously lying to me and others when you state that you support the US over the Azzurri; you're not fooling anybody though. Just because I have the balls to admit that our National team moronically screwed up and the people who run it are not qualified for such a job, doesn't mean anything besides I am a supporter of the side because I want what is best for them.

    I seriously doubt you watched any of our matches during these Olympics, as you were probably too busy watching the Azzurri. Go cheer for them instead. I suppose at least you can locate that country on the map.

    I don't get your arguments about the issue anymore, Andy. Sure, he's not Italian, but he supports the Azzurri. Why can't you leave him be?

    I don't know who to support tomorrow to be honest. If Belgium win against Italy I am obviously very pleased, but I would be far from heartbroken should the Italians crush them. Although I would get to laugh at a lot of people, should Belgium win.
    Funny. You're laughing it up how Belgium came away with a win against the odds, saying how you're pleased of the result. How in God's green earth can you possibly be excited seeing such a result when your beloved Azzurri got knocked out of a tournament?

    You see, I'm pretty sure you just proved you're a mediocre Azzurri fan. No offense, but this was bound to happen. You cannot give your wholehearted support to a side and then choose to cheer on someone else just because it "suits" you that day. This is exactly why Azzurri fan boys continue to make themselves look rather ridiculous; no offense.
    Apr 12, 2004
    O my worddddd slaughteredddd USAIN!!!! and 2nd for Trinidad!!!! lol Bolt destroyed it, he showed off and still broke the record, kinda wished he did not show off near the end tho, then he would got like 9.67 or less..

    made me and the caribbean proud!
    That's like an Englishman pulling for France because they are from the same area.
    Cummon, Bolt. Great run, but finish the race with class.

    No chest pounding, no arms out, no looking, finish the race and then celebrate, don't throw it in the face of the rest of the guys......
    Well said...


    Senior Member
    Apr 15, 2008
    he got one chance that he screwed due to bad finishing. later he got another one via the referee and missed.

    Giovinco was one of the most useless players on the field unfortunately
    He also got drilled in the box, on a play that should have resulted in a PK.

    He had a well below par game, and he still could have easily potted 2 goals. I was in total shock after the game last night. Fucking Viviano...

    Anyways, I can't wait to get Giovinco into the fold at Juventus... I'm confident that he'll make a solid contribution to our team this season.

    Big congratulations to Michael Phelps. The amazing feat has been accomplished.
    Pure domination by the most decorated (and in my opinion, greatest) Olympian to date.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Ian Thorpe is a moron. He stated that Phelps wouldn't do well in Beijing because the races were in the morning. So Phelps posted the article in his locker and looked at it before every race. :lol2: Thorpe sucks.
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