Barca thinks to keep Davids (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
May 22, 2004

Barcelona is er van overtuigd dat Edgar Davids bij de club blijft. De Nederlandse international heeft een nieuwe, betere aanbieding gekregen en zou vrijdag na de terugkomst van voorzitter Joan Laporta uit Brazilië kenbaar maken dat hij akkoord gaat.
'De waarheid is dat het er heel goed uitziet', liet Laporta weten aan de Catalaanse krant Sport. 'Barcelona heeft Davids een hele goede aanbieding gedaan en de speler weet dat te waarderen. Bovendien is het in ons voordeel dat hij het uitstekend naar zijn zin heeft in Barcelona. Ik geloof er dan ook in dat hij besluit te blijven.'

Struikelblok was eerder de duur van Davids' contract met de Catalaanse club. De 31-jarige verdedigende middenvelder wil een lange verbintenis, de club aanvankelijk een korte. Maar nu Barça hem voor drie jaar wil vastleggen en bovendien financieel een beter bod deed, lijkt Davids overstag.

Davids kan bij de ploeg van coach Frank Rijkaard volgens Sport twee miljoen euro per jaar gaan verdienen plus nog eens maximaal twee miljoen per jaar aan premies. Bij Internazionale zou hij beter gaan verdienen, maar Davids zou meer voelen voor Barcelona.

In het halve jaar dat Davids speelde voor Barcelona maakte hij veel indruk. Sinds zijn overgang in de winterstop van Juventus slaagden de blaugranas erin na een slechte eerste seizoenshelft alsnog als tweede te eindigen. Davids' aandeel daarin was groot, als aanjager en als motivator.


Barcalona is concious that Edgar Davids would stay at the club. The former Dutch International has got a newer, and better contract and said after his return from Joan Laporta from Brazil that he would agree.

''The truth is that it looks very good'', said Laporta to the Catalanian paper Sport. ''Barcelona has given Davids a very good contract, and the player apriciates that. And plus that Davids likes it very well at Barcalona. I think that he stays at his conclusion so far.''

The only block was that the contract wouldn't keep Davids at the Catalanian club for long.
The 31-old defensive midfielder wants to stay longer at the club, but the club just wanted a short one. But now Barca offered him a 3 year deal and giving him a better financial status, Davids looks to stay.

Davids could get two million Euro's per year plus maximum two million a year at premium at the club from coach Frank Rijkaard.
At Internazionale he could earn more money, but Davids would feel more for Barcalona.

In the half year that Davids played for Barcalona, he made much impression.
Since he left from Juve at the winter, Juve could still managed a 2nd place after a very bad 1st season half.
Davids work was big in that role, as hunter and motivator.

Buy on


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
No need to apologize, its actually quite good.

Barca needs Davids back in the worst way, and the less physical play of La Liga would allow him to keep his form for another two years.

Smart move by Barcelona, if this is true


Senior Member
May 22, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4
    Yes the website is you must be a member of the website...
    By the way the website is Dutch and there is no English version.
    Almost no rumours on the site, most of the news is 99.9% true.


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    Hi Romano, I'm happy to read that...

    Davids should stay at Barca for some years more... He is so important in Barcelona, we need him...

    Thank you for post the article...

    Actually... Are you the same Romano than

    Saluton, Monma


    Senior Member
    May 22, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #6
    No I am not.
    So you are telling me that you are a Barca fan when you say : WE need him?
    Get the f*ck out of here ! ;)
    No need to read articles at Juvetuz site when you are a fan of Barca !

    Actually... Are you the same Romano than

    What do you think?! FORZA JUVENTUS


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Romano ] ++
    No I am not.
    So you are telling me that you are a Barca fan when you say : WE need him?
    Get the f*ck out of here ! ;)
    No need to read articles at Juvetuz site when you are a fan of Barca !

    Actually... Are you the same Romano than

    What do you think?! FORZA JUVENTUS
    Yes, I'm from Barca... and?

    My Italian team is Juventus and I always been a little bianconero...

    Wont' be you who kick me out of this forum, I think should be a little of respect even if my first team is not juve...

    Actually... Is Barcelona and not Barcalona... And in there is not only fans of Barcelona, we respect other clubs... ;)

    Saluton, Monma


    Senior Member
    May 22, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Yes not just for Barca, but also for Juve.
    I hope that Capello will keep him at Juve, because he is willing to sign him when he was at Roma.
    Now he has a VERY big chance, so I hope he doens't f*ck it....


    Senior Member
    May 22, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #10
    Yes sure you have!
    Guys lets take a look at BarcElona forum.
    Only praying that Davids will sign for them.
    Released 4 Dutch players, when that dumb Dutch coach was at BarcElona, he bought all these players, and now BarcElona releases them on ''Free''


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Romano ] ++
    Yes sure you have!
    Guys lets take a look at BarcElona forum.
    Only praying that Davids will sign for them.
    Released 4 Dutch players, when that dumb Dutch coach was at BarcElona, he bought all these players, and now BarcElona releases them on ''Free''
    You can take a look at if you want, and you will see that there is people from other clubs and a lot of them are from Real Madrid...

    Not for being fan of a club you have to hate the fans of the other clubs, like you are doing with me right now...

    Rijkaard have released the 4 dutch players, but he never brought them... He only brought Davids and Van Bronkhorst that will stay at Barcelona...

    I hope you stop attacking me because I think you started with bad forms going to this forum... I have to call the moderator for you stop attacking me?

    You can go... Is in Spanish and after read some of the comments tell me what you think... All the Madrid fans that are there will shut your mouth...

    Have a nice day!!!

    Saluton, Monma


    Senior Member
    May 22, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #12
    If Barcelona would play against Juve, you would be for Barca.
    So I don't see ANY clue what a Barca fan is looking at a Juventus forum :S
    Just like I walked into Barca forum and say against all fans :
    Barca souldn't give Davids a new contract, Juve needs him !
    Has no clue, are you seeying where I'm going?


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Romano ] ++
    If Barcelona would play against Juve, you would be for Barca.
    So I don't see ANY clue what a Barca fan is looking at a Juventus forum :S
    Just like I walked into Barca forum and say against all fans :
    Barca souldn't give Davids a new contract, Juve needs him !
    Has no clue, are you seeying where I'm going?
    What the f*ck is wrong with you, man?

    I'm going to this forums almost 2 months and nobody said me a word for it...

    I cannot go for here because you say it? Actually, you can tell you are 14 because all that you are saying doesn't make any sense...

    If I like Juve, I cannot enter in the forum? Did you enter to the forum that I told you? Did you went out from your house in all your life? Do you know what's going in the world?

    I think you have a little problem...

    Davids left Juve for problems with Moggi... Now if comes Capello this doesn't change anything... Davids played at Barca the last 6 months, then he is goint to renew the contract probably... Where is your problem???

    The thing that are you telling me for exemple. I don't think it makes sense... If you loan a player when he is angry, and he finishes contract you should now that he is not coming back... Anyways, if you would come to forobarcelona and say the thing that you put me as example, nobody would react like you did...

    I think there is mature people enough for react like a fanatic, as you did...

    And, anyways, I'm not the only one in the forum that wants Davids to sign Barca... You have no idea what's going on, but you can search different posts and see that the people prefers Barca than Inter for example...

    I hope that some day you'll become a little more open minded...

    Saluton, Monma


    Senior Member
    Dec 23, 2002
    Man, Romano, keep cool! Monma is a respacted member in this forum and seems to have nothing against Juve! I think you are a bit too agressive here.


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
    Monma : you can have davids...cuz we got appiah , and you'll see that he can give more then davids next season !
    I would be really happy about that ;)

    Even Romano says that I'm not a good bainconero fan, I will really hope that Juve wins scudetto next season...

    I'm not coming here as a Barca fan, I'm coming here as a Juve fan because I think is the best italian club...

    I really hope that you have a great season and a midfield with Appiah and Emerson will be great...

    Juve the scudetto, Barca la liga and in the final of Champions a Barca-Juventus... :D

    Wouldn't be great? :D

    Saluton, Monma


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by monma ] ++

    I would be really happy about that ;)

    Even Romano says that I'm not a good bainconero fan, I will really hope that Juve wins scudetto next season...

    I'm not coming here as a Barca fan, I'm coming here as a Juve fan because I think is the best italian club...

    I really hope that you have a great season and a midfield with Appiah and Emerson will be great...

    Juve the scudetto, Barca la liga and in the final of Champions a Barca-Juventus... :D

    Wouldn't be great? :D

    Question Monma: who would you want to win that C.L. Final? Come on, you know the right answer........:fero:



    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Question Monma: who would you want to win that C.L. Final? Come on, you know the right answer........:fero:

    0-0 in all match... (I know Rijkaard an Capello :D)

    And then, in the penalties, everyone fails the goals...

    But the last one, scored for Davids and Barcelona wins the cup for the goal of the dutch... :D

    Just kiddiiiiing... :D

    Saluton, Monma

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