Balkan Juve thread (14 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
I won't go into this with you again. I told you how I feel and I think the people are right to be on the streets, like the Albanians were right to be out on the streets when they were being opressed. I think KFOR are doing a $#@! job at keeping the peace down there, keeping cultural treasures under protection and safeguarding the minority. At the same time I'm dreading sounds from the Serbian parliament about sending security forces to Kosovo because no one wants a repeat of the past.

What I think should be done:

The Serbs who were forced out of Kosovo in 2004 should be allowed safe passage back to their homes, then there should be drawn a boarder between the two ethnic groups. The northern part of Kosovo being annexed back to Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo to do whatever they feel like.

I think that's a fair solution and will ensure a certain standard of keeping the peace in the future.

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Anyways lets take this to the Balkan thread because the original topic is pretty serious in it's own right.
I agree that everyone who lived in Kosovo should be brought back to their homes, since it's the basic human rights. Regarding the northern part of Kosovo, especially Mitrovica, I don't think we are going to see another change of the border, I expect a war if such thing happens. Negotiations have started between the leaders, Thaci (prime minister), insists that there will be no changes and mitrovica and co will remain with Kosovo, but I won't be surprised if he fuccks up, since he has no dignity, all he cares is about money and not going to prison, since there are lots of accusations about him, being part of the organized crime, corruption and so on.

I think that northern part is not about people serbs or albanians, since there are lots of albanians who lived there (Mitrovica) before 1999. What I think the whole issue is the Trepca lots of natural resources, both Pristina and Belgrade want to posses it. And I think the international community will take it.

Most albanians are against the negotiations with Belgrade, except the party in the position.


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
But that's one of the fundamental problems in this discussion. All the Serbs who were implied in the previous war are either retired and a good part of them are in jail. Now negotiations are starting and who is sitting at the other end of the table? A war criminal. It just doesn't look promising to me.

Nautral resources or not, that's how the map looks today and I definitely think it would be the best outcome if the two ethnic groups just split up into north and south, much like they already are but with an added boarder. I just hope it doesn't come to war (which it very well could considering the KFOR mandate is expiring in 2014).


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
But that's one of the fundamental problems in this discussion. All the Serbs who were implied in the previous war are either retired and a good part of them are in jail. Now negotiations are starting and who is sitting at the other end of the table? A war criminal. It just doesn't look promising to me.

Nautral resources or not, that's how the map looks today and I definitely think it would be the best outcome if the two ethnic groups just split up into north and south, much like they already are but with an added boarder. I just hope it doesn't come to war (which it very well could considering the KFOR mandate is expiring in 2014).
Question, who is that person?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
But that's one of the fundamental problems in this discussion. All the Serbs who were implied in the previous war are either retired and a good part of them are in jail. Now negotiations are starting and who is sitting at the other end of the table? A war criminal. It just doesn't look promising to me.

Nautral resources or not, that's how the map looks today and I definitely think it would be the best outcome if the two ethnic groups just split up into north and south, much like they already are but with an added boarder. I just hope it doesn't come to war (which it very well could considering the KFOR mandate is expiring in 2014).
I agree there should be a middle ground there. People are tired of wars and conflicts. I am from eastern Kosovo, and we never had problems with local serbs. We lived in peace, before war, during the war and after the war.

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Hashim Tachi. Together with Omar Al-Bashir he's the only leader currently in power despite an international arrest warrant being issued for him.
Hashim Thaci is the person I hate the most. He's sold almost all natural resources to foreigners. He shut down all factories and everything else. He is will to compromise anything as long as he keep his position as Prime Minister. He is a puppet of international community. He listens to anything they tell him. They say, he either listens to them or he goes to prison (hague). Seems that they still need him to finish up few more things, such as selling Trepca, Telecom, and KEK (distribution of electricity). BTW wasn't dacic very close to Milosevic during his regime?


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
Dacic was in the socialist party during Slobo, but it took him no more than a few months to renounce Milosevic and take the party into his own direction.

You might hate Hashim Thaci for the thing he's doing now, I dislike him for his actions during the war. He should be hanging from a rope next to all the other criminals from the 90's.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
Dacic was in the socialist party during Slobo, but it took him no more than a few months to renounce Milosevic and take the party into his own direction.

You might hate Hashim Thaci for the thing he's doing now, I dislike him for his actions during the war. He should be hanging from a rope next to all the other criminals from the 90's.
Either way he is not a good person. If he has committed war crimes then he deserves the punishment.


May 27, 2007
Ja gledam samo derbi, a i to mi nije zao kad preskocio. Pola namesteno, a ne sto je namesteno, nego sto je to sve samo nije fudbal. Uzas, umiru mozdane celije dok gledas.

Sramota, haos na sta smo spali.


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
Možda je najbolje to gledati kao neku komediju pa se možda čovjek može malo nasmijati. Kad pogledaš realno i u tvojoj i u mojoj državi prvak se zna već zadnjih 6-7 godina. Ja sam izgubio interes prije nekih 10 godina, a i tada sam eto sam sporadično pratio poneku tekmu. Mafija je ušla u najprofitabilnije sportove i polako izvlači što se može izvući. Pogledaj samo izbornika Hrvatske i kako je dobio tu poziciju. Štimac je htio biti predsjednih HNS-a i u to vrijeme se svađao s Mamićem i Šukerom. Međutim kad je nedavno trebalo izabrati novog predsjednika neobjašnjivo se povukao da bi par mjeseci poslije postao selektor. Sad naravno mora vratiti uslugu pa poziva u selekciju igrače kojima je Maminjo menadžer. Politika i mafija. To treba okupiti u jednu prostoriju i postaviti C4. Jedino rješenje.


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
Možda je najbolje to gledati kao neku komediju pa se možda čovjek može malo nasmijati. Kad pogledaš realno i u tvojoj i u mojoj državi prvak se zna već zadnjih 6-7 godina. Ja sam izgubio interes prije nekih 10 godina, a i tada sam eto sam sporadično pratio poneku tekmu. Mafija je ušla u najprofitabilnije sportove i polako izvlači što se može izvući. Pogledaj samo izbornika Hrvatske i kako je dobio tu poziciju. Štimac je htio biti predsjednih HNS-a i u to vrijeme se svađao s Mamićem i Šukerom. Međutim kad je nedavno trebalo izabrati novog predsjednika neobjašnjivo se povukao da bi par mjeseci poslije postao selektor. Sad naravno mora vratiti uslugu pa poziva u selekciju igrače kojima je Maminjo menadžer. Politika i mafija. To treba okupiti u jednu prostoriju i postaviti C4. Jedino rješenje.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2007
Možda je najbolje to gledati kao neku komediju pa se možda čovjek može malo nasmijati. Kad pogledaš realno i u tvojoj i u mojoj državi prvak se zna već zadnjih 6-7 godina. Ja sam izgubio interes prije nekih 10 godina, a i tada sam eto sam sporadično pratio poneku tekmu. Mafija je ušla u najprofitabilnije sportove i polako izvlači što se može izvući. Pogledaj samo izbornika Hrvatske i kako je dobio tu poziciju. Štimac je htio biti predsjednih HNS-a i u to vrijeme se svađao s Mamićem i Šukerom. Međutim kad je nedavno trebalo izabrati novog predsjednika neobjašnjivo se povukao da bi par mjeseci poslije postao selektor. Sad naravno mora vratiti uslugu pa poziva u selekciju igrače kojima je Maminjo menadžer. Politika i mafija. To treba okupiti u jednu prostoriju i postaviti C4. Jedino rješenje.
A moze se nekako dogovoriti da prisustvuju i ovi iz makedonske federacije?! :D


May 27, 2007

Samo da se nadovezem na pricu - stanje u Srbiji je katastrofalno. Cak su i propale stare price 'ne moze biti gore' u vodu. Definitivno moze. Toliko sranja i sranja i sve je gore i gore. Ljudi su prestali i da se trude, uzas. Najgore bolesti i poremecenosti sistema su postali nesto normalno. Kazes nekom 'ne mogu da nadjem posao' i svi ti kazu 'pa to je normalno..sta se cudis'. Kao pomiri se s tim, a sve zivo se raspada. Procenat mladih koji ne radi je preko 40% sada, a to su samo ljudi koji su na birou. Ali evo na primer ja sam jedan od onih koji je nezaposlen a nije na birou pa nisam ni jedan od tih. I ima nas jos mnogo, mnogo.

Vlast katastrofa. Kao uhapsili su neke lopove ali u sustini se ama bas nista nije promenilo, niti ce. Sve se nesto kao juri ta jebena EU, a ustvari to je nikad vece. Ne kapiram uopste ljude koji forsiraju da udjemo tamo, to je samo dobro za vlast jer ce jos vise pokrasti. Cene su i sad nenormalne skroz, a plate nikad manje. Cak i ko ima platu ljudi uglavnom primaju vise od pola na crno, na minimalcu su tehnicki zbog doprinosa. Uzas. Cene evropske, a plate katastrofalne. Kod prosecnih ljudi je plafon plata od 400e, a ja ih bas znam malo. Cak neki imaju i ispod minimalca sto je valjda oko 19 000 sada. Ko god zavrsi fax ne moze da nadje posao minimum godinu, dve. Bukvalno znam ljude koji su cekali toliko. I sto je jos crnje zaposle se da primaju 300e, a rade posao sa srednjom skolom, i jos dobiju otkaz jako brzo. Neke ribe sto kao sabijaju rade po kaficima i izadju na 500-700e mesecno. Pa jebem mu mater.. sta koji kurac. Ja bukvalno od kad sam zavrsio fax samo gledam i ne mogu da verujem sta se desava. Uzas i katastrofa.

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