Attention American Juve Fans (4 Viewers)


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Hey guys,

All summer, I've been looking for ways to somehow see all of Juve's exibition, CL, Coppa, and Serie A games. I have talked to many people here in Buffalo, and up in Toronto, Ontario to see if anyone has any ideas on how we could see the games. No one here has the ability to see all the games. I've also talked to some Milan and Inter fans- they too have the same problem.

I looked into 8 and 10 foot satellite dishes hoping to somehow be able to pickup the signal, however, it is impossible !!! I even found out which satellite in orbit has the channels which show the games, but it is way to far away to receive.

My last option was to call my satellite company- Dish Network, which already carries RAI INTERNATIONAL, and let them know that I was interested in receiving the Tele Digitale package. The package includes 3 networks of Tele+, the Inter Channel, the Milan Channel, Canale 5, Italia 1, and the pay per view channels Palco(which carries all of Juve's games) and Stream.

Dish Network told me they are always looking to satisfy their customers by getting the channels they request.They also told me that the more calls they receive , the more likely they'll pick up those channels.

Dish Network knows that soccer is big, they offer many EPL games on pay-per view.

If anyone is interested, call 1-800-333-DISH(3474). This obviously means that you dont have to order anything, but if they get enough calls, they might pick it up, and you then always have the option to see Juve's games !!

Buy on


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3
    ++ [ originally posted by BigIzz ] ++
    I'll do that tomorrow morning, but aren't half of Juve's games on RAI anyway though?

    I'd say that RAI probably had about 10 or 11 Juve games on last year, not including CL or Coppa, they dont carry those.

    I think RAI split pretty evenly between Roma, Inter, Milan and us last season.

    Thanks for helping out Matt !!!


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #4
    I just read on the Football Italia website that RAI and the Italian Football Federation cannot agree on financial terms, and that RAI may no longer carry football.

    We may really need the Tele Digitale package now !!!!


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by [DJ Juve] ] ++
    Rai's set to pull out of Italia footie....muahahahahaha ;)
    That is NOT funny. None of us here in the U.S. will be able to see any games, not even highlights :down::down::down:

    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    If RAI drops coverage, we are really screwed. I'll call Dish Network, but we probably need about ten thousand more requests :down:


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
    If RAI drops coverage, we are really screwed. I'll call Dish Network, but we probably need about ten thousand more requests :down:
    They carry the EPL on pay per view, so why not our calcio ?????

    I already put the word out to the Milan and Inter websites as well !!!!

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    OK. Here's what I think-

    Long term goal: Get fellow Yanks interested in 'association football', particularly the Serie A. We wont go too far with something like 15 people calling in.

    Baseball is a cat in hell, fat old men in tights and stripes. bball is the game for black and wigger inner-city ghetto youth wannabe gangsta hip-hop artists, football is plain ugly, too padded, and brains replaced by brawn.

    So now we have sufficient reasons to promote footy, and await the first wave of drunken hooligans invading across the pond!


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by laresca ] ++
    OK. Here's what I think-

    Long term goal: Get fellow Yanks interested in 'association football', particularly the Serie A. We wont go too far with something like 15 people calling in.

    Baseball is a cat in hell, fat old men in tights and stripes. bball is the game for black and wigger inner-city ghetto youth wannabe gangsta hip-hop artists, football is plain ugly, too padded, and brains replaced by brawn.

    So now we have sufficient reasons to promote footy, and await the first wave of drunken hooligans invading across the pond!
    Who knows how many people will call in, you dont know 'till you try laresce !!

    They show EPL. Why not Serie A ???????


    New Member
    Aug 27, 2002
    Just wanted to let you know that Rai International are supposed to sign the deal for the international rights within days, unless it's already been done. So, as regards the games they show on Rai International I wouldn't be too worried. It's the domestic scene that's causing all this havoc, not the international rights one. Hope I helped


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by BigIzz ] ++
    My hope is (and I heard a rumor) that Fox Sports World picks up Serie A again. That would be great.
    Where did you hear that ?? I've e-mailed those clowns 3 times (the last time was yesterday), and have gotten no response. The first e-mail I sent was well over a month ago.

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