Anyone have that new Adidas Euro 2004 ad? (2 Viewers)

ADP Timers

ADP Timers

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #28
    dude any soccer ad with more than 1 STAR player is a good ad. I dont care what you say, shit like that is always cool to watch. Better then some fag baseball, basketball, or other ad.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    It wasn't good compared to some of the nike ads though (the cage, the mission, the original freestyle... there's plenty more)
    ADP Timers

    ADP Timers

    Senior Member
    Feb 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #30
    HAHA @ Del Pieros little summersault flip off the front of that bike, never seen that far into it before. thanks for the link again. haha.

    beckham took on everyone
    ADP Timers

    ADP Timers

    Senior Member
    Feb 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #31
    ya nikes are good, cage is classic, rematch as well, freestyle, good to see adidas advertising something besides some boots or a new ball or something, and players being involved along with that, i would have thought there were some new predators out before seeing this if i did not know


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Square ] ++
    i hate milanistas.

    especially ignorant ones who champion berlusconi...i mean seriously, is that a charade?!
    Afterall, Berlusconi does enough to champion himself as it is. :D

    But bac to the ad, I liked it better than the Nike ad -- even if I'm a big supporter of team Portugal. Whereas the Nike ad goes for more straight-up comedy, I thought the Adidas ad had a better "feel" to it (for what Euro 2004 brings about, even if the Nike ad is only remotely Euro 2004-influenced).

    At the Coppa Italia final recently, they kept broadcasting the Nike spot on the delle Alpi jumbotron.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    i actually liked the ad a lot....

    The do have the player roles mixed up a bit...

    Becks should have been the one who curved the ball between the trees, not Vieira.
    Kahn shouldn't have kicked the ball into the truck. (i dont see how a GK has anything to do with it besides a Goal Kick)
    DP's role was hilarious! I loved how he was waving to Zidane with that gooffy smile on his face :howler: , but the acrobatic move wasn't "DP-like!"

    i like the scooter idea and all of them uniting on the highway on the way to Portugal :thumb:
    good to see a lot of stars in the ad :thumb:


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Yeah, thats a pretty cool comercial. I love when the little kid comes in and takes the ball from one of the stars, and the two pros look at each other like WTF?

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