Antonio Conte (33 Viewers)

How would you rate Conte's (dis)appointment?

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May 22, 2007

If we compare the cases of those Passoni, Savorani and Polini guy, we have a more clear picture.

Passoni pleads for 4 months - REJECTED
Passoni pleads for 6 1/2 months - ACCEPTED

Poloni pleads for 4 months - REJECTED
Poloni pleads for 6 months - ACCEPTED

Savorani pleads for 4 months - REJECTED
Savorani pleads for 5 months and 10 days - ACCEPTED

Conte pleads for 3 months - REJECTED

It's logical if his plea is for something between 4 and 5 months, it will be accepted. 6 months is the worst case scenario. In any case, even 3 months was a lot to go without him. If he gets 4 months at least he'll be here for the last 1 or 2 CL matches. But I believe they'll make sure he completely misses the remaining days of 2012, which means they'll give him 5 months.
Thanks for missing the point.

I get it though: we, as Juve fans, will eat up every pro-Juve (pro Conte, in this case) story that comes up. Every single person who speaks in favour of us will be deemed credible. Etc.
Every anti thing popping up will be considered crap, untrue, bias, whatever.

It's only normal, especially in light of what happened a few years ago. And I'm ok with that.

What I'm not ok with is lies being spread as facts. Nice example: "Carobbia is only banned for 4 months while he did far worse things." Look it up, people. On May 31st he was suspended for 20 months, and that can still be extended afaik. How is that, in any way, worse than what is expected to happen to Conte?

I see lots of people pretending they know a thing or 2 about this situation, but the simple truth is that no one of us know the facts. As a result, 90% of the posts that I read on here are, quite frankly, based on nothing at all.

Also, personally, I'm quite surprised it took this long for anything Conte-Bari related to pop up.

Oh, and for the people who interpret this post as me saying Conte fixed games & should be punished: read it again. And then a 3rd time, if necessary.
Both of these posts needed quoting.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Carobbia had his 20 month ban extended by 4 months to make 24 months. A few years ago, fixing matches would get you a lifetime ban, now 2 years is accepted by the judges, while 3 months for failing to report is rejected. Obviously the judges have an agenda in their heads. They have already decided what the punishments should be and this is why Juve lawyers have asked them to recuse themselves. Unfortunately, we are using a legal argument in a sporting tribunal. The tribunal does not follow the law nor the constitution. They follow the rules and regulations of the organization.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2005
Well put Alen and Buck.

So the worse we should hope for is 6 months. If Conte is going for an updated plea bargain i think he should go for 5 months instead of 3 and then let's hope for the best :xfinger:

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