Another dedication thread (3 Viewers)


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Well it's taken a bit of time but I have finally made it to 2000 posts. I must admit I haven't been around much, mainly due to a new lady in my life, but I have always felt at home here so I have tried to pop in between nappy changes, bath times etc.

This dedication goes to

my fellow mods, for putting up with me not being here much plus for be a great bunch of people who I consider my friends.

the ever present tom whose life seems to be dedicated to increase his post count, but his posts are both knowledgable and informative.

Rick2, Bigizz, denco, Paranoia, Febrina, vitoria, trampropp, Sivori, Oded, Majed, respaul, DJ juve, AlexDP and Bongiovi for being great posters and great people.

Finally to all of the above and everyone else without whom this forum wouldn't be the great place it is today.

Buy on


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
congratulations Jack:star:, it's always pleasant when you post here and it's nice to know you have excellent reasons for not doing it so often lately:)
Jul 12, 2002

++ [ originally posted by jaansu ] ++
Rick2, Bigizz, denco, Paranoia, Febrina, vitoria, trampropp, Sivori, Oded, Majed, respaul, DJ juve, AlexDP and Bongiovi for being great posters and great people.
If I've not said this before, I apologize, please call me Ian.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Oh my god when I just sent the last reply we had an earthquake in Manchester, the 3rd this morning...but this was awful, the building shook so bad and then swayed for about 30 seconds, everyone lost their sense of balance.....ooohhh I don't wanna be on the 12th floor!


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
First: Congratulations Jack!! :extatic: And as for not being here very often - you couldn't have a better excuse! :)

Suzanne, you're having earthquakes too?? We had some little shivers over here last night - news agencies tell us it's because of the gas-drills in the North Sea but that seems a bit unlikely to be the cause for quakes in Manchester...

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