Annoying kids in movies (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I just found this excellent article about annoying kids in movies. It's written in danish - but I'm bored, and decided to translate it and post it here.

I agree with everything this dude writes. Read and reply...

Annoying kids in movies

I like watching movies. I watch alot of movies. But unfortunately many movies are destroyed cuz of the use of these damn children. These so called "stars" always have to be the hero and the center of attention.

Not so long ago I saw Jurassic Park - Lost World Yeah, I know - crappy movie, but I was bored and hung over on a sunday. I had nothing better to do, I just wanted to chill. You can't help getting entertained watching this. There's good effects and alot of actions - but then this little stupid girl ruined it. This little girl decides to fight a freakin' dinosaur, using some of her various Bruce Lee moves. It was horrible! Why is it that these little annoying ignorant kids always gotta be the hero, running around saving grown-ups who are all well educated and probably alot smarter than these piss-ants kids? Get those freakin' kids out of the movies damn it!

I don't know when it all started, but I'd like to strangle the idiot who got this idea. The kid "stars" are all over the place... Signs, Jurassic Park, Home Alone, Starwars Episode 1... etc, these are all examples of movies with annoying little kids who steals all the attention.

It's not only annoying, it's also screwing up normal innocent kids. They're being served a unrealistic picture of reality. "Mom, I'm of to kill some terrorists with my water-gun" ... great little Billy, you'll probably succeed at that... or not! The kids are left with the impression that anything is possible, but it's not!

These kids are often starring in movies, that is not even made for children. What do grown-ups get from wathing stupid and ugly kids cathing bad guys, while 4000 police men and FBI agents are just standing by? The kids doesn't belong in action movies, put them in a commercial for car-sick-pills or something.

"But... they're so cute!" Not they're not! Kids are not cute when they're being all heroic and saving all of humanity from dying. It's been taken to damn far and it wouldn't amaze me if someone made a movie about a kid winning the nobel price for inventing a new way to fight with your pokemons and whatever.

American TV shows are full of these kids. You can't even turn on the freakin' TV without one of these brats playing the know-it-all professor type who always does the right thing. Why aren't these kids in school? They're stealing all the jobs from real actors.

I'm not saying that no kid should ever be in a movie. Just give them more realistic roles... let them play with something or whatever.

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I was mad with that girl of Jurassic park!!!! oh my god!! and that part when she knocks down the dinosaur. Whata fake!!!!

what fokin kid with all his senses will be doing acrobatik moves that he learned in his athetic school...against a monster with sharp teeths that is 1000 times stronger than him.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++

I'm not saying that no kid should ever be in a movie. Just give them more realistic roles... let them play with something or whatever.
and adults in movies are given realistic roles?!! :rolleyes:


Anyway, i dont care much for kid actors. i know their just as fake as adult actors except that they have a head start in th elying business.

but the one damn Great actor who beats the hell out of many Adult actors in showbiz is "Haley Joel Osment " :thumb: :cool:


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
who is that guy?

anyway, some of the adult actors look really stupid....but the kids actor looks worse, because they are trying to do the role of the adult ones, and being same stupid.


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
i don't know what to say
there are many kid-actors who are famous just until they reach 16 ... and then drugs and fame come, and they are forgotten
the best example : makaulay kulkin (spelling ?)
anyway, there are many cute and adorable child actors, so ...
no comment :)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Kalle, all I can say is that guy has been watching all the wrong movies, I haven't seen a movie with a kid in a good while now... :D


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
i don't know what to say
there are many kid-actors who are famous just until they reach 16 ... and then drugs and fame come, and they are forgotten
the best example : makaulay kulkin (spelling ?) anyway, there are many cute and adorable child actors, so ...
no comment :)
actually, he went out of the spot light because of family problems. his parents got devorced. Then, each one of his parents wanted to take part of the millions of dollars that he earned with them (money was also the reason of their devorce). the money wasn't supposed to be touched till he was 18. so, he devorced them!!!!


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

    and adults in movies are given realistic roles?!! :rolleyes:
    no... not always.

    But I'd rather see a grown man fight a dinosaur and eventually getting killed by it, than seeing some little girl kick it's ass... if you know what I'm saying.


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    1. haley joel osment is the kid who played in the 6th sense, hydde
    2. you are right about culkin, majed ... and than he got married and michael was his godfather blablabla
    3. :thumb: anders


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
    1. haley joel osment is the kid who played in the 6th sense, hydde
    2. you are right about culkin, majed ... and than he got married and michael was his godfather blablabla
    3. :thumb: anders
    that guy of the six sense was not that bad.

    at least he was not doing ridiculous.


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    i haven't said he was bad, au contraire ;)

    i liked the young anakin skywalker from the star wars - the phantom menace (i guess, not a big fan) and the little girl named makenzie rosman ( from a sitcom)


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    the sixth sense dude is good and he was great in that other movie about making something good to the world i dont remember the title


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
    Jaleel white has vanished. Or steve urkel :D

    He is studying to be a film director i think.
    I heard he died after a drug overdose. I'll try to find out.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++

    I heard he died after a drug overdose. I'll try to find out.
    I heard many young actors died from an overdose.

    I was a big "Saved by the Bell" fan when I was like 10-12 so. I hear Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosslear :spelling: ) died because of an overdose. Turned out to be just a rumour.

    Hey, watching Saved by the Bell now, I think the show is just gay. I can't believe I used to watch that every day, 4 episodes straight.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    One nomination: that annoying, hair-pulling, back-stabbing, ass-kissing, ugly-ass booger kid of Home Alone

    AAARGH :fero: Where's my base-ball bat?!?!

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