Anime (10 Viewers)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
You have no idea how stupid you look right now, but it's something that I am willing to disregard because I like you as a poster, and I don't want to make you look any more ridiculous than you are right now.

So I ask you nicely, while I am in a good mood, drop this issue :)
Thank you for you claims. I consider you a great poster as well.

But your post will not change my opinion on people who love anime, due to the fact it's merely cartoon nonsense. If you like it, so be it I suppose.


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
I'm not asking you to change your opinion, I'm asking you to drop this issue. If you don't like this stuff then stay away from it. No one is forcing you to watch it :)

Less headache for you and me :)


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
Id have to go with the pro-Anime group here.

Whats wrong with liking something again?Thats right : Nothing.Its all about taste,and claiming that your taste is superior to another person's taste is pretty naive.I bet a lot of people here enjoy Anime or some other form of Cartoon from time to time,but are too scared to admit it because it will supposedly make them look too kiddish.

The thing about the opposite gender being turned off by Cartoons is pretty incorrect too.Plus if you wont go out with the opposite gender simply because they like a TV show/Cartoon that you arent too fond of..then thats naive on your part.You are not dating the Cartoon or the TV show.You're dating the Person.Just because a person likes Godfather and hates Anime wont make him more of a man than someone who prefers it the other way around.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I sincerely hope you are kidding around here Andy (even if your anime dislike is sincere), and you really cant be as idiotic as you come off.

Anime (and manga) is a media form just like most things. It has it varying degrees of quality and type. But unlike traditional western cartoon, its not in any shape or form a medium that is targetted only to kids. Its a medium Japan use for all age groups, and hence you have everything from mature, gritty and deep stuff to regular fluff and Pokemon crap (its like regular tv industry, it has its baywatchs and jerry springers to it top notch stuff like HBO series or such).

I sincerely doubt either you or Sarah has bothered to watch 5% of the material in offering so I even if I get not watching it because its not your cup of tea, I REALLY dont get the over obssessive sweeping and generalizing. As I said, you have to have been watching it to get the wide range of concepts and series it has. In that again, in Japan the medium is more or less like how tv series are for us, then just a narrow spectrum of medium like cartoons are over here.

For example, anyone watched an american Tv series called Firely? Quite great cult series, and a record breaking series in DVD sales even 5 years after it was cancelled. Well an anime series that is identical to it is Cowboy bebop, in style, quality and concept. Same thing with stuff like the anime Ghost in The shell having alot in common with the movie Blade runner and other sci fi classics. The story telling medium of anime has a kind of scope you cant bog down to a narrow genre of just cartoon, and it really cant be as simplified as you wish it to be (its a medium like books or tv to them. They have kiddy anime to stuff like serious historical fiction of their historical figures, which they later adapt to movies from these animes/mangas) .

I would have understood if you we viewed anime (especially Anime films who are award winning top notch stuff that compete with regular movies or their betters at times) and hence could judge the nuances of it. Being judgmental then is understandable, know fans who are and I am in aspects, havent seen much new of it in 2 years because too many series are formulaic.

But you two really dont sound like you know two bits of it to judge as broadly as you do. Like you tasted every flavour of it and then spat them all out. Understandable to not like it in first impression and dont want to try it. But not understandable to degree you are taking to judging it. Grouping Pokemon together with Paranoia agent like they are the same thing for example, is like saying Nickoledeon kiddy shows for 5 year olds is EXACTLY like shows like the West wing or such. Just because they are in the same medium of tv. Hopefully this SIMPLE point sinks in with you.

And Andy, no offense, but if you arent going to bother respond seriously to this, then dont bother at all.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I can accept just not liking something, or kidding around if they were (the pretty fucking sure be kidding around about the girlfriend stuff), but being so extremely narrow minded on something as simple as another medium to tell stories, is bit weird.

Not knowing it, or not liking the few stuff one knows of it, is understandable. But wallowing in ones ignorance and righteously preach like you have a diploma on the whole medium is prettty frigging weird.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
I know.Generalzing is pretty stupid.Its a person's TASTE for crying out loud.I dont know whats so hard to understand here.If anything,its a very foolish attempt to sound more mature than other people.

And i mean,who gives a rats ass about wether you like Anime when it comes to the opposite gender?As long as the other person is nice,and you get along isnt a problem.

If you're going to make an issue about such petty things,then you're going to end up in a very small world.


Jun 7, 2004
RESPECT to our "anime" years, times have changed, people have chanced, the TV has changed, everything have changed.
Indeed today animated series vary from childish non brainers to series of gore and maybe even hardcore porn, def adressed to adults only.
Animated series can be used as a vehicle to translate on screen, fantasies and ideas than a normal film with real actors couldnt (so far).
Thats why it was mostly used as a host to unreal worlds and unrealistic symbolic/iconic characters. Characters created to attract children's fantasy, being much more distinguishable than any real life actor.
Therefore "anime" has been attached the non realistic and immature label.
Modern day children are forced to mature much sooner than normally, the whole society pushes them to grow u faster, many of them are so much stressed with that, they grow to detest any kind of attachment with the classic interests of children. They are taught to become mature-like persons and our society rewards for this try. No matter if they really are mature or not.
This is a clear example of our society clearing up the symptoms and not the cause.
Childhood is treated as a disease and the faster a child gets ridden of her, the better for him!!

Well time will tell if this tactic will have any positive results to the new generations,
the first specimen seemed to be narrow-minded and one sided, they give little value to moral values and they live for and judge everything on the material dimension.
These characters serve our materialistic world and are very one-dimensional, therefore they feel the need to prove themselves and sacrifice everything in the race of competition, in a desperate effort to prove they are different/better.
We will see if these efforts will collapse on them, or not by the years...

As far as i am concerned, anime years are over for me, i still respect my childhood though. I see no reason to hate animes and disrespect a person, only because he finds an interest on them.
I would watch again an anime film like Lion King and Beowulf any day instead of a "real" film like "meet the spartans" and "sex in the city"
and i would def rate the first two films despite them, being anime and def much more mature-rated !

G.I.Joe is another favorite series, victim of this desperate effort wrap up everything with the mature cover and let it empty inside, just look at my avatar and tell me you that recognize, that this is Snake eyes!!
This is a crime, those people vandalize the innocence of children and rush the natural spiritual growth of human maturity and integrity.
Just like they do with the mutated plants and hormone enhanced animals, we are breeding for consume...


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
And..One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest,As Good As It Gets,The Departed,A Few Good Men....

Nicholson isnt great.

Greatness is Nicholson.
no way, he is one of the most over-acting performers in hollywood. he should take a page out of de niro's manual or even denzel. those are great actors. i wish my leader amitabh bhachan would come put a beating on jack jsut to show him wuz up


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
His ability as an actor is absolutely great, if you see a movie like Chinatown its obvious. And he has done several great performances (and yes, Cuckos nest was classic one, it was not crappy). But he is the archetypical of the hollywood egomaniac star who really doesnt need to act much to to be a hit, he has done alot of movies just strutting around being himself, or what the public wants him to be (overracting as someone said).

Its quite easy to do when you need to do so little to appeal to people. Get easy cash and fame. Not really about his lack of talent, more of his choices.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I sincerely hope you are kidding around here Andy (even if your anime dislike is sincere), and you really cant be as idiotic as you come off.

Anime (and manga) is a media form just like most things. It has it varying degrees of quality and type. But unlike traditional western cartoon, its not in any shape or form a medium that is targetted only to kids. Its a medium Japan use for all age groups, and hence you have everything from mature, gritty and deep stuff to regular fluff and Pokemon crap (its like regular tv industry, it has its baywatchs and jerry springers to it top notch stuff like HBO series or such).

I sincerely doubt either you or Sarah has bothered to watch 5% of the material in offering so I even if I get not watching it because its not your cup of tea, I REALLY dont get the over obssessive sweeping and generalizing. As I said, you have to have been watching it to get the wide range of concepts and series it has. In that again, in Japan the medium is more or less like how tv series are for us, then just a narrow spectrum of medium like cartoons are over here.

For example, anyone watched an american Tv series called Firely? Quite great cult series, and a record breaking series in DVD sales even 5 years after it was cancelled. Well an anime series that is identical to it is Cowboy bebop, in style, quality and concept. Same thing with stuff like the anime Ghost in The shell having alot in common with the movie Blade runner and other sci fi classics. The story telling medium of anime has a kind of scope you cant bog down to a narrow genre of just cartoon, and it really cant be as simplified as you wish it to be (its a medium like books or tv to them. They have kiddy anime to stuff like serious historical fiction of their historical figures, which they later adapt to movies from these animes/mangas) .

I would have understood if you we viewed anime (especially Anime films who are award winning top notch stuff that compete with regular movies or their betters at times) and hence could judge the nuances of it. Being judgmental then is understandable, know fans who are and I am in aspects, havent seen much new of it in 2 years because too many series are formulaic.

But you two really dont sound like you know two bits of it to judge as broadly as you do. Like you tasted every flavour of it and then spat them all out. Understandable to not like it in first impression and dont want to try it. But not understandable to degree you are taking to judging it. Grouping Pokemon together with Paranoia agent like they are the same thing for example, is like saying Nickoledeon kiddy shows for 5 year olds is EXACTLY like shows like the West wing or such. Just because they are in the same medium of tv. Hopefully this SIMPLE point sinks in with you.

And Andy, no offense, but if you arent going to bother respond seriously to this, then dont bother at all.
Actually, I will respond to this.

I have seen various anime shows in the past. Stuff from super-powered individuals to drama-type episodes from anime I couldn't tell you the names of. But the fact I can't name any anime film, movie, show, moving drawing, whatever the hell you call it, does not make my view any less viable (or in your opinion, less idiotic). I type in anime to google, I find pretty weird stuff. I type in anime into You Tube, I find pretty strange things. I type anime into You Porn, and I find an animated tranny getting sucked off by a pretty animated girl. No idea how you guys can like this stuff when anime is just a bunch of moving drawings in reality. What is the point? How is this better than actual actors and actresses doing the same things?

That last sentence is why I find this stuff particularly weird, overrated, and fucking dumb. But hey, that's just me. I don't like the Simpsons much either even though it's funny, but it must be said that show is better than anything I've seen in anime.

And what Sarah said about watching anime with girls is totally true... at least in this country. I mean, whether you guys like it or not, anything that is a cartoon in essence is looked upon as something immature by a lot of people. The intelligent people whom I am friends with share the same opinion as me. Perhaps we're all idiots I suppose.

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