Andy is no longer a moderator (1 Viewer)

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Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
At the end of the day, though, the forum has one owner right? Marty..

How can we start a poll when he's the Louis XIV of it all?

Also, if we were to have a democratic poll to elect moderators, I propose another one beforehand: "Should a moderator on be a Juventino?"

I say yes! It should be a requirement in my opinion..
I concur. Initially I meant a poll of whether to bring about new mods or not, but certainly, a poll for who the new mods should be would be ideal.

As for the Juventino part, I totally agree. I mean It'd be kind of rediculous to have a mod of a Juve forum who's not a even Juve fan. Now that would exclude all the Inter fans, Milan fans, or what not.

Buy on
Apr 12, 2004
With all this quarreling going on...maybe it's time for a mod change. I mean we've had the present mods for a while now, perhaps a change is due. Though I think Greg, Mikhail and Gray (Bozi is too new to be judged) have been the mods with the least bad rapport.

I suggest a poll instead of bickering back and forth about this.
I can go with that.

At the end of the day, though, the forum has one owner right? Marty..

How can we start a poll when he's the Louis XIV of it all?

Also, if we were to have a democratic poll to elect moderators, I propose another one beforehand: "Should a moderator on be a Juventino?"

I say yes! It should be a requirement in my opinion..
Louis the XVI maybe?
I concur. Initially I meant a poll of whether to bring about new mods or not, but certainly, a poll for who the new mods should be would be ideal.

As for the Juventino part, I totally agree. I mean It'd be kind of rediculous to have a mod of a Juve forum who's not a even Juve fan. Now that would exclude all the Inter fans, Milan fans, or what not.
You can't be biased about that, and TBH, it would be better that you have a mod who is NOT a juve fan. Juve fans tend to get crazy with each other because someone says that Camo is a punk and then a Camo lover gets mad. A lot more bickering goes on here Juve v Juve than anything else.

I have been here a long time, and the only real crazy football arguments i recall are when Bayern plays Juve, and when I argue about BARCELONA.

Sounds like a real problem, right, Ze?
Apr 12, 2004


maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005
I don't care who is a mod as long as he supports Juventus FC and is a good person. And btw, I'm not "running" nor do I want to be considered.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
...well, just as long as the mods can call on Andy for his creative dress-downs of forum spammers/sploggers who occasionally appear on the site from time-to-time. :D
That will be the only facet of moderation I'll miss. Editing the posts of spammers gave Burke and I countless minutes of humor, and is the basis for the new fat stomach fetish we have going on around here. Caroline, the girl who layed her 300 pound stomach upon her mother, will go down in history as the woman who produced the most fulfilling and addictively appaling sexual fetishism material known to mankind. I will forever live to lay my fat stomach... on your mothers.

When you let people crosse the line so many times and bitch around when they get punished, eventually the line will get deleted and the people trying to maintain it will get tired of doing siziphus work and give up, and the forum will get completely out of control.

I believe thats what's happened here. A lot of people who constantly bitched to me about my moderating style now see it isnt as easy as it seems.
Your moderating style was far too harsh. You can't simply go around banning people for mere insults and then become involved in an insult match yourself with the people you have banned. Again, this is a forum and if every insult etc was vProsecuted, there would be very few members.

When Martin was in charge of this place and when I first joined, the mods did their job effectively without giving warnings every single time somebody stated something upsetting. Rather, the mods tried to level with people and would use such sanctions as only a last resort. But nowadays you have officers running around handing out citations like it's some hick town in Alabama where going a mile per hour over the speed limit gets you donut chunks and Skoal smacking your face. You cannot seriously believe banning is the only method to alleviate problems on a forum.

I was never an idiot. I just had fun. And if you're honest, lots of you guys had fun as well. I'm not going to debate my past bannings, however Zlatan clearly also had some personal issue with me. I distinctly remember being banned for giving my opinion on religion for that matter.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. While one mod takes action against one poster, other members of the supposed "team" might not agree and you end up having a situation where somebody is banned while others are not for the same sort of offense. That will always occur when you sanction posters right off the bat, and obviously once the cards have been given out the poor lad will feel like he's being targeted. Weighing this current state of moderation against the moderation of the Martin era, the creator of this site, it's easy to see how the scale tips..

you didnt resign you idiot. you said that you dont want to be a mod after your status was already suspended. resigning is when you actually step down before your powers are removed.
... and here you have another case of wonderful moderation.

I might have let my best friend off the hook, stole money from an imaginary bank and went against the supposed "team" of moderation, but I would never publicly expose the private messages between two members just because I had the power to do so. That is much worse than taking away warnings or stealing vCash. Such an action is simply tasteless and below the belt, but again considering you're still a mod apparently I'm wrong and you're right.

A lot, it is a matter of honesty.
Honesty? What the hell are you on about anyway... I never lied to the rest of the moderating crew and when accusations came flying my way I admitted they were true. Honestly... the only thing I regret doing as a moderator was responding to your goddamn emails.

He can check mine, It's not like I'm not going to sleep. The thing is, since he's a moderator he warns each one for using bad lang and etc, where infact he's the one insulting here and using the bad lang.

I mean what kind of a threat is this "Anyone wants to see Andy's +reps to Fabiana"?? thats VERY VERY immature from someone who is part of this moderating system.

Like I said, he and the rest of the team can go look on each one's +reps.... but to threaten members that they'll post their +rep posts is something I will never accept. Yes me. I think I'm a member who has the right like any other one here. And I wont accept this.

The other day he also threatened to send Andy to a holiday(meaning he'll ban him) just because he didn't like Andy's posts. I mean ffs who is he kidding or playing here?

Again, he should be a man and resign like Andy did, since his acts are not suited the moderating thing.
Good post, my man. While I'm certainly not moderator material, neither is Fliakis. He has shown this time and time again... holding personal grudges against other members, letting insults stream from his fingers upon the keys to this forum and now this nonsense.

am still trying to understand why this thread created, and why it is still open?
Apparently this thread was opened for public shame purposes and also perhaps to somehow cause me or other members to throw around insults, thus resulting in a ban. Threads such as these where people blast the actions of others usually end up in people either getting banned or receiving warnings. So we have yet another wonderful aspect of moderation for us to behold.

Also, if we were to have a democratic poll to elect moderators, I propose another one beforehand: "Should a moderator on be a Juventino?"

I say yes! It should be a requirement in my opinion..
Mikhail is not a Juventus supporter as far as I know, and I believe another former moderator from years past was not a Juventus fan either.

Andy, just wanted you to know that I just ordered some General Tso's chicken for take-out from Eric's Chinese down the street... in your honor. :lick:
:touched: My favorite!

PS - Thank you to all those who have actually spoken with me off the forum, either verbally or on different occasions on msn, for bringing sensical opinions on the matter.
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