Ancelotti opens door to Del Piero (2 Viewers)


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Orgut ] ++

Actually I pick 2
DP is done he isn`t even a shadow of what he was and now the only battle he has is with Mutu and I think Mutu desrves the chance so I say sell DP
One of the main reasons we won last season was because of DP..
Thanks to the assist which then Trez headered it in against Dida :D


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
If it wasnt Dp, it would've been someone else would've created the goal. I dont think Dp was the only reason we wo nthe scudetto but he played his part and I have no complaints against that. The problem lies in the fact that he's better off playing somewhere else because as time progresses he's only going to fade. Might as well do it on the field.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by edpiero ] ++

One of the main reasons we won last season was because of DP..
Thanks to the assist which then Trez headered it in against Dida :D
Actually I think we wouldv'e won that scudetto even without DP
as someone else said if not DP than someone else would have created that assist
and I don`t think that we shouldn`t sell him based on one assist which was against our rival...
the truth is DP isn`t even a shadow of what he was and at this age I don`t want us to continue wait for the "real DP" he is over 30 already when do you think he become as good or even close to what he was at the age of 37?!


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Desmond ] ++

And who in the team would you have counted on to reproduce that exquisite assist?
Not talking about that situation per se. Just saying we were more determined on the day and would've eeked out a goal either way.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++

Not talking about that situation per se. Just saying we were more determined on the day and would've eeked out a goal either way.
You might never know...


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Milan-Juve, un patto per gennaio
Cassano a Torino,Del Piero da Ancelotti

L'incontro di giovedì tra Luciano Moggi e Silvio Berlusconi potrebbe essere il preludio di interessanti trattative future tra Milan e Juventus. A gennaio, quando verrà aperto il mercato di riparazione, le due società potrebbero mettere a segno operazioni importanti: i rossoneri lascerebbero via libera ai bianconeri per Antonio Cassano, in cambio Ancelotti riceverebbe Alex Del Piero se Inzaghi non recuperasse al 100%.

Si tinge sempre più di giallo il presunto incontro a Palazzo Grazioli, residenza romana di Silvio Berlusconi, tra il premier e il dg bianconero. Moggi ha smentito l'incontro ("Non ero da Berlusconi, ma da un amico"), ma un summit tra i due sembra che sia effettivamente avvenuto. Diverse le ipotesi, tra cui quella di un possibile accordo per Cassano e Del Piero, anche se il dirigente della Juventus ha dichiarato che "per una trattativa non sarei certo venuto a Palazzo Grazioli. Poi per il mercato c'è Galliani". Il talento barese, nonostante il rinnovo ormai prossimo con la Roma, potrebbe fare ugualmente le valige. La Juventus è pronta ad accoglierlo a braccia aperte e girerebbe Alex Del Piero ai rossoneri per tenerli fuori dalla corsa al romanista. Ancelotti ha già dato il suo benestare all'arrivo di Pinturicchio, anche considerando le precarie condizioni di Pippo Inzaghi, che solo ad ottobre sarà a disposizione dopo lunghi mesi di calvario. Un'altra ipotesi vuole che il dg abbia personalmente ringraziato il presidente del Consiglio per il prestito di Christian Abbiati dopo l'infortunio alla spalla di Gigi Buffon. Voci di corridoio parlano anche di un incontro per pianificare un ruolo dirigenziale di Moggi per la spedizione azzurra ai Mondiali del 2006: la Juve "presterebbe" il dirigente alla Nazionale con il ruolo di tramite tra Marcello Lippi, la squadra e l'ambiente esterno. Più fantasiosa l'ipotesi che vorrebbe Moggi coinvolto in un progetto politico insieme a Silvio Berlusconi.

it basicly fuels speculations that in jannuary del piero to milan cassano to juve, and negotiations were made when moggi met berlusconi i think its shit


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
Milan rule out Del Piero capture Friday 9 September, 2005


Milan have again dismissed speculation linking them with a sensational swoop for Juventus symbol Alessandro Del Piero.

The club captain was already associated with a switch last month and rumours re-surfaced yesterday, following Luciano Moggi’s meeting with Rossoneri owner Silvio Berlusconi.

Vice-president Adriano Galliani confirmed that the two officials met, but denied whispers that Del Piero was the subject of the meeting.

"There is no truth in claims that they spoke about transfers," Galliani told the Italian media on Friday.

"Del Piero? Milan have no need for second strikers like him, that’s because we are already well covered in that role."

Del Piero’s future at the Stadio Delle Alpi is in doubt given that he is not guaranteed a starting shirt under boss Fabio Capello in Turin.

Juve director general Moggi had initially denied meeting the Italian Prime Minister, but Galliani has confirmed they did see each other.

"I have spoken to Berlusconi and he told me that Moggi wanted to thank him for the loan of Christian Abbiati," he revealed.

Milan handed Abbiati to Juve as a form of ‘reimbursement’ for Gianluigi Buffon’s injury, sustained in the Trofeo Berlusconi tie as a result of an involuntary clash with Kaka.


Well both parties have already denied this deal, and Cassano is set to sign a new contract. So I will say,

"Typical media bullshit and drama" - Credits to Dominic


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Ancelotti aims for Alex reunion
Saturday 10 September, 2005
Juve and Milan denied talks for Alessandro Del Piero, but Carlo Ancelotti hopes he can join him at the San Siro, although the Coach has more urgent worries against Siena.

“Luciano Moggi’s visit to President Silvio Berlusconi’s office kept me awake at night!” joked the tactician. “I do hope they spoke about Del Piero.”

The Italian international’s difficult rapport with Fabio Capello has sparked increasingly strong rumours he is set to leave Turin and reunite with former Juve boss Ancelotti in January, making way for Roma rebel Antonio Cassano.


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