An Ambitious Project (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Hey guys,

I was having a chat with Majed earlier today when I briefly mentioned to him that I'm thinking of making a Juve video compilation at the end of the season. I've been downloading every Juve match, so I'll have access to non-goal moments and it won't just be a prettily packaged file with all of our goals in there. I made a Nedved compilation at the end of the 02/03 season, but that was my first ever and even though I haven't really been practising, I think I've got more ideas than back then :D

To be honest the reason I'm thinking of doing this and planning it from so early on in the season, is because I smell success. I know we've had good starts to seasons before, and that it's still early days and there's the possibility of major injury crises that could ruin the whole season.. but all that aside, I think we can win something this season, and I'd like to plan my tribute ahead of time.

I'll tell you the truth though; I'll probably have less incentive to go ahead with this if we end up trophyless this season, because I'd obviously prefer if it stood as a memoir of a succesful season. Call me fickle, but the best stories have good endings ;)

Sorry to babble on, I'm getting to my point soon :)

As I go over the match replays, I'll try to take notes of special minor moments (tackles, saves, passes, tricks) so I won't have the huge task of watching every single match from the season in one sitting and compiling it all in one go.

So I'm asking for help from all you guys. For those who watch the match, I'd really appreciate it if you could take a mental note of any cool moments (e.g. Camoranesi's nutmeg, Cannavaro's overhead clearance off the line) and try to remember for me roughly which minute it happened in.

Of course I may get extremely lazy and the whole plan could go to hell, but just incase I decide to go ahead with it, I'd like to be equipped with all the best moments from this season.

Thanks for your time.

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Great idea, Gray.

After that compilation is done, make sure to send a copy to Juventus headquarters.

Who knows, maybe they'll give you a lifelong stadium pass?


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++
Great idea, Gray.

After that compilation is done, make sure to send a copy to Juventus headquarters.

Who knows, maybe they'll give you a lifelong stadium pass?
Or sue him for breach of copyright! :p


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
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    I think the latter is more likely

    bastards :irritate:


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
    All games are copywrited im pretty sure. All video clips found online made from broadcast games are illegal im pretty sure.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    A pretty cool moment when was Zlatan scored his first goal for Juve, it was the day he debuted. He was really happy


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
    its not like i say it often, i just happened to say it twice in 2 sentences. :D

    Though i am pretty sure Graham will not do this project, hes lazy, never pull it off.


    Junior Member
    Sep 27, 2004
    Hey, if you do do this project, then make sure to include a seen from Siena-Juve, where Zlatan is blowing kisses at the defenders, and also of Juve-Roma, where Canna and Appiah mess with totti and cassano.

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