Amauri "The Immovable Object" Carvalho de Oliveira (30 Viewers)


May 11, 2004
i guess many got no real life, so they have to rely on a football club to have fun
If that's their definition of fun then I feel sorry for them, because they only sound depressed and above all angry. Can one be more boring than an angry person?


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
it is often that way, when people got nothing in life the get to deep into one thing... for example ... these people that got no job ... they go and play world of worldcraft so they can be someone who has to say something ... even if it is just in a virtual world ...

it's the same with football ... people with small brain find a place where they are recognised as member ...


Jun 7, 2004
Arent you a bit hurry to run on conclusions here?
We cant possible know who is what, if we dodnt have the chance to meet him and get to know more of him.
Not every football is fanatic and not every man having a view on football is a specialist, if thing were so simply then this forum has no reason to exist..


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
my opinion is based on people i know that do care too much for things like either football (or better said "their" football club) or computer games (like WoW or AoC).

most of the time they got one thing in common ...

they have no or just a bad job where they got nothing to say ... they feel like a slave

they think everybody is against them or at least unable to free themselves from this status of being a nobody

surely there must be other guys that are not like this, but me prejudice is that probably 70% of the football supporters in a stadium are that way ... i just see them as drunken fat guys whose only light in life is shouting around with some other drunk guys in a stadium.

perhaps i got this opinion because i live in germany and perhaps in other countries it is not like this, but i got not much hope that germany is an exception to the rule


Nov 26, 2006
surely there must be other guys that are not like this, but me prejudice is that probably 70% of the football supporters in a stadium are that way ... i just see them as drunken fat guys whose only light in life is shouting around with some other drunk guys in a stadium.

And how often do you actually go to games?

What you say is not the case in Scotland and just sounds like total BS, like most generalisations are.


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
the above mentioned is the reason i don't go see football in the stadium.
(ok, another reason is that i don't like german football, but that is another story)

in my spare time i would not go to places where people are that i do not share many things with ... just liking the same football club is not enough for me to stand next to some poor guy that needs to drink beer to find his clubs football attractive.

every week i am in another city in germany and i often go there by train (ICE and the like) and when i enter the central stations and see those dumb creatures just yelling and using their horns to make noise it is just a level of people i will not share anything with. if i can't stand being around those people while waiting in the central station why would i go into a stadium just to get some dumbass pour his beer over my cloth, yell around and give smart comments about how everything the coach does is wrong and how good it would work out if he was in charge.

for me these people are losers and from there comes my dislike for people who forget that football players, coaches and so on get paid because they know a little about their stuff ... most probably more than any football fan ... so it is just ridiculous hearing from them that they knew better.

there is a reason why there are people that say what has to be done ... and people that get said what they have to do.

i will stop here, because i don't want to make mor enemies here ;)

yes, i guess i am a bit arrogant


Nov 26, 2006
the above mentioned is the reason i don't go see football in the stadium.
(ok, another reason is that i don't like german football, but that is another story)

in my spare time i would not go to places where people are that i do not share many things with ... just liking the same football club is not enough for me to stand next to some poor guy that needs to drink beer to find his clubs football attractive.

every week i am in another city in germany and i often go there by train (ICE and the like) and when i enter the central stations and see those dumb creatures just yelling and using their horns to make noise it is just a level of people i will not share anything with. if i can't stand being around those people while waiting in the central station why would i go into a stadium just to get some dumbass pour his beer over my cloth, yell around and give smart comments about how everything the coach does is wrong and how good it would work out if he was in charge.

for me these people are losers and from there comes my dislike for people who forget that football players, coaches and so on get paid because they know a little about their stuff ... most probably more than any football fan ... so it is just ridiculous hearing from them that they knew better.

there is a reason why there are people that say what has to be done ... and people that get said what they have to do.

i will stop here, because i don't want to make mor enemies here ;)

yes, i guess i am a bit arrogant

As a well educated member of society I take exception to the view you have of people who go to games.

Getting pissed pre-match and making a racket is all part of the fun of it and is what makes the atmosphere at games.

I bet you wouldn't be too happy if the Juve Ultras stopped going to games and meant that Juve played in total silence the whole time which would spoil the spectacle for people watching on TV.


Junior Member
Jan 2, 2006
my opinion is based on people i know that do care too much for things like either football (or better said "their" football club) or computer games (like WoW or AoC).

most of the time they got one thing in common ...

they have no or just a bad job where they got nothing to say ... they feel like a slave

they think everybody is against them or at least unable to free themselves from this status of being a nobody

surely there must be other guys that are not like this, but me prejudice is that probably 70% of the football supporters in a stadium are that way ... i just see them as drunken fat guys whose only light in life is shouting around with some other drunk guys in a stadium.

perhaps i got this opinion because i live in germany and perhaps in other countries it is not like this, but i got not much hope that germany is an exception to the rule

two letters: BS


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
I bet you wouldn't be too happy if the Juve Ultras stopped going to games and meant that Juve played in total silence the whole time which would spoil the spectacle for people watching on TV.
i guess wheren't there so much ultras there would be other spectators that would be more willing to see matches, but that is another story

i just believe there is something wrong when you need to be drunk to have fun in the stadium. i have nothing against alcohol ... but there is a line between drinking a beer or two and completely making a ass of oneself while being drunk and yelling around ...

that's how it is with all those local clubs ... i guess the "fans" are only fans because they live in that city the club resides and because the team plays crap they got to get drunk to be able to watch those crap games.

if you do not dare to start singing or having fun in the stadium without being totally drunk (guess how many fights you would have in stadiums if alcohol wasn't allowed there) then YOU got a problem ...


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Juventus’ new striker Amauri has issued a challenge to the Old Lady’s Scudetto rivals and insists the Bianconeri will lift a trophy this season.

The Brazilian-born marksman was Juve’s big summer signing after proving his devastating ability at Palermo over the last two years.

Despite criticism of Juve’s market activity from some sections of their support, Amauri is convinced that the new squad is strong enough to compete with the best.

“I’m not scared of Ronaldinho,” Amauri commented in the Corriere dello Sport.

(He'd better be because it wasn't Secco who brought Ronaldinho to Milan)

“Milan are strong and lots of people say that they are better than us, but I’m convinced that is not the case. We will take on Ronaldinho, as well as Inter and Roma.

(It seems that he doesn't know that Inter, Roma and Milan don't have Secco.)

“This Juventus side isn’t lacking anything, we just need to work to improve and iron out some kinks in the mechanism. We are slowly on our way to the top.”

(What a fool he is, he thinks we are on our way to the top where in fact we are doomed and on our way to relegation thanks to SUCKO, BLANK and RUINeri)

On a personal level, this is the biggest opportunity of Amauri’s career and his first chance to lift silverware.

“I have never won anything in my life and I wanted to join Juventus because I was convinced that playing for team like this I would finally win something.

(A silly silly man this Amauri is, how can you win anything by joining a side run by amateurs?)

“I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I want to tell the fans that I believe we will win things this year. But I’m not sure whether it will be the Scudetto or the Champions League.”

(He's talking too fast as well, the Scudetto? where Palermo, Napoli, Sampdoria, Lazio, Genoa and Catania are better than us?.....The Champions League? let's first qualify there!!! we'll definitely crash out with players like him and Poulsen....FUCK SUCKO)
He says he joined Juve because he thinks he can win something here, so WE SIGNED A GLORY HUNTER!!??? FUCK SAKO!!!


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
it is often that way, when people got nothing in life the get to deep into one thing... for example ... these people that got no job ... they go and play world of worldcraft so they can be someone who has to say something ... even if it is just in a virtual world ...

it's the same with football ... people with small brain find a place where they are recognised as member ...
dude your avatar is driving me mad i'm sorry as much as i love arses its killing me.

i played wow for a whole 3 weeks without stopping once! and i'm no computer nerd, i don't know what came over me but it sure did screw me up ...DON'T PLAY WOW!

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