Alvaro Morata - ST - Real Madrid (157 Viewers)

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Sep 23, 2003
it's not just a question of moderation, but rather making pretty big judgements in the cloak of vagueness, like: red meat is bad. It's just as quacky as the pseudo-science it relies on.
Mankind has always wanted to believe it found the magic key to outsmart the entire human history of science. This is why I can't stop laughing at Steve Jobs killing himself while thinking he was outsmarting the scientific community researching his pancreatic cancer by eating nothing but apples.

What a complete dumb ass.


Diet soda is the most amusing thing ever to see all those dieting fat people drinking. And like low-fat whipped cream on their dessert. I wander at the ridiculous ignorance sometimes, but then that there public school system is pretty amazing.
It's not as hilarious for us Type 1 diabetics.

Oh, and Morata.


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
Disregarding any animal rights arguments:
-Meat production takes up a lot of resources is extremely inefficient in terms of calory production (basically you have to feed animals a lot of plant calories to gain one meat calory, how much depending on the animal of course, beef is pretty bad, chicken not as much), leading to a lot of farmland, especially in countries in dire need of food with starving populations being used to produce animal food for foreign demand.

-Meat production also produces a lot of Co2 and other greenhouse gases, factory farming (where the vast majority of meat in western countries comes from) is very unhygenic, which leads to a lot of antibiotics being used and antibiotic resistances being built up, and a lot of contaminated meat, e.g. with ecoli.

-Eating meat more than ~3 times a week (each portion ~100 gram, of course depending on rest of diet,type of meat, amount of exercise you do) is defenitely unhealthy. Not that there are not other products many people eat that are more unhealthy, but it's still not good for you.

Just a few very unorganized and hastily typed ideas.

I personally don't think GMO is a bad thing. The term itself can cover any kind of genetic modification, whether it uses harmful chemicals or not.
Yeah, GMO can have a lot of benefits, the predjudical negative labeling is really to excessive.

What's really fucked up though, is that at least in the US, artificially modified DNA can be patented and owned.

Oh yeah, and it's monday bishes :weee:

So has he signed yet? :D


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2009
Stupid Americans. The reason why everyone is obese is because of GMO's, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and the rest of the chemical crap they put in our food. If you buy your meals from Wal-Mart, chances are you will die of cancer or heart disease earlier than anybody else. Saying you're vegan and buying all sorts of crap like diet coke means you're an idiot.
No. Too much junk food is the problem. When it's cheaper going to McD than making your own food (I'm still not too sure about that), you got a problem.

I think processed food is a big problem too.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
Not the best deal in the world but far from the worst too especially since its in 4 year instalments and his salary is not that high. If Real execute the buy back clause than so be it. At least its at EU35m.
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