Alessio Tacchinardi (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i just feel that he is too limited as a player. he is a solid DM who tackles and sits infront of the defence. thats all he can do. looking at others who play in his position for big teams. milan have pirlo, gattuso and even ambrosini. i think all three have more ability. Arsenal have a player like Vieira for example, who is able to do it all. Roma have Emerson, chelsea have makelele. barca with Xavi...

in the end, i think juve could do better. i believe that maresca is able to play in that role, it was his trade before playing at piacenza. sure he has developed offensive skills, but he could be a pirlo for us. in fact, he oculd be better as i believe he has better defensive skills.

its that i dont have respect for tacchinardi. he has been around for so long now and he has been very good at what he does. but i think the work of davids really made tacchinardi stand out more and now that he int there anymore, and juve isnt playing well, tacchinardi hasnt stepped up at all. this is what worries me about him.


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2003
lili thanx fot the opening of this thread, though i really wander why they have closed our previous one. hope that this thread will be as popular as the last one.

to all those ppl who write that they hate tacchi. its your choise and we cannot alter it any way, if this thread is no interes to u or just annoy you, don't come in:)

can anyone explain why the pics thread was closed?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Tina, the pics thread was taking up too much server space. Rather than talking about the player, the thread was used for endlessly posting pictures


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2003
adrian i agree with you that our midfield could have been better, and SHOULD be better.though i think that after davids leave, our midfield could not come with the plan how to replace him, this is the problem. we need som time to understand our play and to plan some new things


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2003
graham but it was pics thread, so it is logical that there would be some pics. moreover no one have told us what was the problem. we could have delited some stuff which didn't concern tacchi directely. and one more thing there are other threads with pics, why they still are functioning and our thread was closed?


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Tina ] ++
graham but it was pics thread, so it is logical that there would be some pics. moreover no one have told us what was the problem. we could have delited some stuff which didn't concern tacchi directely. and one more thing there are other threads with pics, why they still are functioning and our thread was closed?
welll to let u know............... My "nedved´s gallery" thread was closed woithout advice...and myself with some memebers of the forum collected a lot of cool pics there.

But in the same way, when the thredas of other members were closed... i have to accept the decition in teh same way i suppouse.


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2003
hi arturo. well of course i have to accept it, i don't have any other choise, but they could have give us some anouncement so we could have taken all those pics. its just there was absolutely great atmosphere. and i miss it already


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Tina ] ++
graham but it was pics thread, so it is logical that there would be some pics.
The point isn't the fact that thread was off-topic, you guys were sticking to the topic like no thread the forum has seen before.

Also, it wasn't a case of "some" pics, the number of photos in that thread was huge, and whether you know it or not, server space isn't a free, abundant commodity. "The Internet" isn't floating around in space, every page and picture you have access to online has to be stored on a hard drive somewhere in the world. Now Martin has to pay for the server space and hosting of this website, and since he doesn't take donations and saves us the horror of hosting pop-up windows and ads to get some extra cash, it's simply not practical to have people constantly posting pictures that aren't exactly 'constructive'.

Sure, everyone has their own tastes, and nobody will object to anyone posting pictures from the latest match, but it gets a bit silly when the thread is being bombarded with pictures of the same player. Seriously now, how many different poses can a man have a photo taken in?

++ [ originally posted by Tina ] ++
moreover no one have told us what was the problem. we could have delited some stuff which didn't concern tacchi directely. and one more thing there are other threads with pics, why they still are functioning and our thread was closed?
I don't know how many things you would have edited. It would've taken way too much trouble to go through dozens of pages of posts deleting pictures. The question is: would all the people who posted pictures in that thread really have gone through clicking the delete button on their posts?

As for other threads functioning, all of the player picture threads have been closed down as far as I know, and threads that exist only for the sake of mindless bombarding with photos don't last very long around here.

If you want a place where people can post hundreds of pictures, maybe the people who really want such a thing could all contribute some money to buy some webspace and create a joint account where you can upload to your hearts' content


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Tina ] ++
hi arturo. well of course i have to accept it, i don't have any other choise, but they could have give us some anouncement so we could have taken all those pics. its just there was absolutely great atmosphere. and i miss it already
Hi tina!!

welll u have a word there. I would ave liked to take some pics from my gallery.

U can say that to martin.....the president of the forum.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
If you guys wanted to take the pictures from the threads in question, i'm quite convinced that you had ample time to download them. The pictures were there for a long time, and if anything, the only pics you would've missed out on would have been those posted quite recently. I don't mean to speak too harshly, and i understand that you really enjoyed having those threads around, but if you didn't download the pictures when they had been sitting there for weeks, that's your own fault.

++ [ originally posted by Tina ] ++
arturo i'm thinking of writing to martin. probably he can show some way out from the situation.
I believe he's already thought of the solution and acted accordingly


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
If you guys wanted to take the pictures from the threads in question, i'm quite convinced that you had ample time to download them. The pictures were there for a long time, and if anything, the only pics you would've missed out on would have been those posted quite recently. I don't mean to speak too harshly, and i understand that you really enjoyed having those threads around, but if you didn't download the pictures when they had been sitting there for weeks, that's your own fault.
I believe he's already thought of the solution and acted accordingly
come on, dont be too extreme. A single advice ill not hurt anyone.
And there was a big BUNCH of pics to download.

Seriously, i dont see any problem in saying something like "the thread will be closed in 3 days,,,so take the pictures u want, u are warned".

U are talking like if i am upset with that, well no no... im not upset at all...because i was one who voted to eliminate those kind of threds months ago.

Im not judging martins decition. IM just saying that an advice would have been well received.


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2003
graham first of all i know what martin does. and we are really thankfull for that. without him we wouldn't have possibility to be here and enjoy ourselves. moreover i understant what does internet means, as i myself have a website that is visited by quite a number of ppl daily.

concerning the tastes and pictures. i can asure u that there are tons of poses to take pics and if we take into consideration our ex thread that gives sufficient evidence to prove that;)

i don't argue with you that threat should not be closed. what i think it would be great if we had known in advance that thread would have been closed, so we would have opportunity to take some pics and pieces of information.

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