Alessandro Matri (33 Viewers)

Jul 20, 2012

Latest GDM post suggests it's still not sure whether him or Osvaldo...
Mister posted this earlier:

Gianluca Di Marzio
Intanto Matri favorito su Osvaldo dopo il no per Zaza

Carlo Laudisa ‏@carlolaudisa
La #Juve ha deciso: prende #Matri e molla #Osvaldo dopo il mancato accordo con l'#Inter #gds
- - - Updated - - -

Like we'll have a presentation for him. :p
Because I'm a good guy I won't ban you but he better score in his 1st presence or you're GONE!!! :D
Don't worry he will
Jul 20, 2012
Please translate.
Gianluca Di Marzio
Intanto Matri favorito su Osvaldo dopo il no per Zaza

Carlo Laudisa ‏@carlolaudisa
La #Juve ha deciso: prende #Matri e molla #Osvaldo dopo il mancato accordo con l'#Inter #gds
Matri favored over Osvaldo after Sass said no for Zaza

and the other one says

Juve have decided to get Matri, and not Osvaldo after not being able to reach an agreement with Inter

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