Alberto Gilardino (2 Viewers)

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Junior Member
Dec 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by m_elayyan ] ++
Breaking news

this is from milan web site:

PRESS SURVEY - GILARDINO: 'The Parma judge, that's all we need'
MILAN - Gazzeta dello Sport reports an interview with Alberto Gilardino: ’Now the Parma judge, that's all we need! He explained that my contract will have to be pu up for a real auction. To be honest, I'm not so happy. I'm not an item of estate, a thing or an object. If nothing moves, I'll join Parma pre-season camp on Monday. But it will be different from what I had expected. And I'm really sorry for this. Fiorentina wanted to sign me , among the big clubs, no-one else made an offer for me. If it were not Milan, it will be bad for everyone: I'll leave as a free agent in 2007.'

Fiorentina!! can they aford to pay 30Mil or so ?????

Buy on


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Jeeks ] ++
Why am I feeling there will be some panic on the forum in the coming days :D
I know, suddenly everybody its going to forget all the Vieira joy and its going to start the:

"We are doom!! now we HAVE to get Cassano"

or the " Moggi you idiot, you let him go!"

:D Its going to be fun :D
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