Agnelli's to show door to Moggi? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Anybody has a translation of this?
Why would they want to fire Moggi? For just one failed season?

Alla Juve ora è tempo di rifondazione: il primo a partire potrebbe essere proprio Moggi

Non era necessaria neanche l▓ultima delusione di ieri sera. La Juve, giЮ prima della sconfitta nella finale di Coppa Italia contro la Lazio, aveva giЮ deciso di cambiare rotta. Una svolta voluta dai piani alti, dalla famiglia Agnelli. D▓accordo anche con il presidente Stevens, Umberto avrebbe deciso da giorni un▓epurazione pesante, grossa, a sorpresa. Via Luciano Moggi, ritenuto fra l▓altro il principale responsabile del fallimento di questa stagione bianconera. La notizia, circolata in ambienti vicini alla societЮ bianconera, potrebbe trovare conferma nei prossimi giorni.

L▓allontanamento di Moggi rappresenterebbe cosЛ la fine della Triade, giЮ in bilico per la probabile partenza dell▓amministratore delegato Giraudo, vicino ad un incarico di maggiore responsabilitЮ (si vocifera di un suo ingresso come Ad de "La Stampa").

Momenti di grande tensione dunque in casa bianconera: la rifondazione, che all▓inizio pareva dover arrivare solo sul piano squisitamente tecnico, partirЮ dalla societЮ. La proprietЮ sembra aver giЮ orientato la scelta del futuro allenatore: arriverЮ Deschamps, a meno di clamorosi intoppi. Prandelli Х tenuto in caldo: sarЮ eventualmente solo come seconda scelta.
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
Anybody has a translation of this?
Why would they want to fire Moggi? For just one failed season?

Alla Juve ora è tempo di rifondazione: il primo a partire potrebbe essere proprio Moggi

Non era necessaria neanche l▓ultima delusione di ieri sera. La Juve, giЮ prima della sconfitta nella finale di Coppa Italia contro la Lazio, aveva giЮ deciso di cambiare rotta. Una svolta voluta dai piani alti, dalla famiglia Agnelli. D▓accordo anche con il presidente Stevens, Umberto avrebbe deciso da giorni un▓epurazione pesante, grossa, a sorpresa. Via Luciano Moggi, ritenuto fra l▓altro il principale responsabile del fallimento di questa stagione bianconera. La notizia, circolata in ambienti vicini alla societЮ bianconera, potrebbe trovare conferma nei prossimi giorni.

L▓allontanamento di Moggi rappresenterebbe cosЛ la fine della Triade, giЮ in bilico per la probabile partenza dell▓amministratore delegato Giraudo, vicino ad un incarico di maggiore responsabilitЮ (si vocifera di un suo ingresso come Ad de "La Stampa").

Momenti di grande tensione dunque in casa bianconera: la rifondazione, che all▓inizio pareva dover arrivare solo sul piano squisitamente tecnico, partirЮ dalla societЮ. La proprietЮ sembra aver giЮ orientato la scelta del futuro allenatore: arriverЮ Deschamps, a meno di clamorosi intoppi. Prandelli Х tenuto in caldo: sarЮ eventualmente solo come seconda scelta.
english... :
To the Juve hour is time of rifondazione: the first one to leave could be just Moggi Disappointment was not necessary neanche l?ultima yesterday evening. The Juve, gi? before the defeat in the end of Italy Goblet against the Lazio, it had gi? decided to change broken off. One carried out intentional from the high plans, the family Agnelli. D?accordo also with the Stevens president, Umberto would have decided from days heavy, large un?epurazione, to surprise. Via Luciano Moggi, thought between l?altro the main responsible of the failure of this bianconera season. The news, circulated in atmospheres near the societ? bianconera, could find confirmation in the next few days. L?allontanamento di Moggi would represent cos? the end of the Triade, gi? in the balance for the probable dell?amministratore departure delegated Giraudo, neighbor to a assignment of greater responsabilit? (vocifera of a its income like To de "La Stampa"). Moments of great tension therefore in bianconera house: the rifondazione, than all?inizio seemed to have to only arrive on the exquisitely technical plan, to leave? from the societ. The propriet? it seems to have gi? oriented the choice of the future trainer: arriver? Deschamps, less than clamorous difficulties. Prandelli? held in warmth: sar? eventually like second only chosen....

this was the best translation that i could do ;) got help from a homepage :p!


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
i understood more from the title of this thread than from that whole article :D

This is a shocker.. i dont think It's Moggi's fault too much. he's made some mistakes. Moreover, the players have underperformed. We know that Appiah and Legro were considered good buys in the summer. His only mistake was not buying a couple more defenders, but who would have known that Montero, Iuliano, Legro, and Thuram would all have terrible seasons. Ferrara has his share of blunders too.

I dont know how true this rumor is, but i know that getting rid of Moggi is a bad idea, specially at this delicate transition period.

Now if Moggi got sacked for other reasons, than i won't be surprized.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
I know it's impossible(owner) but I'd give the boot to Agnelli for putting all of Juve's money in Fiat instead of building a great Juve team. ;)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
I know it's impossible(owner) but I'd give the boot to Agnelli for putting all of Juve's money in Fiat instead of building a great Juve team. ;)
I don't think he would need to do that (invest money in Fiat).

On the other hand, Juventus has been making money over the past 6 or 7 years. This year we are in deficit.

Well, use the money the club has made to pay it off! And if Moggi suddenly announces that he has no money to buy a player- then I guess money has been going to Fiat?

I know, it's quite a stupid line of reasoning :D


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
well, he hasnt really done well in the transfer market since nedved, thuram, buffon all joined. i think he ignored the defence problem and maybe now that it hasnt worked out, he may be out.

i only hope that lippi and moggi work for the national team as they could do wonders.

i dont see him leaving though.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
well, he hasnt really done well in the transfer market since nedved, thuram, buffon all joined. i think he ignored the defence problem and maybe now that it hasnt worked out, he may be out.

i only hope that lippi and moggi work for the national team as they could do wonders.

i dont see him leaving though.
Seriously though, what kind of use would Moggi be to the national team ?!
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
i understood more from the title of this thread than from that whole article :D

This is a shocker.. i dont think It's Moggi's fault too much. he's made some mistakes. Moreover, the players have underperformed. We know that Appiah and Legro were considered good buys in the summer. His only mistake was not buying a couple more defenders, but who would have known that Montero, Iuliano, Legro, and Thuram would all have terrible seasons. Ferrara has his share of blunders too.

I dont know how true this rumor is, but i know that getting rid of Moggi is a bad idea, specially at this delicate transition period.

Now if Moggi got sacked for other reasons, than i won't be surprized.
:rofl: is not my foult... :(

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