AC Milan vs. Boca Juniors (Intercon. Cup) (1 Viewer)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Originally posted in Juve fact of the week:
Well for the NON-Italians who want to rub this in my face. Because make no mistake about it: ITALIAN Juve fans are were for Milan today. I went to watch the game in downtown Rome and Roman fans, Juve fans and Lazio fans were yelling at the TV. You guys are Juve fans before Italy fans ... trust me..Its an Italian thing.

I will talk about this game once so enjoy it:

Why we lost: Bad substitutions. Nesta's Injury. Seedorf's poor perfomance. Too much weight on Pirlo's back..he was full of errors and brilliant at the same time. Off game of the defence. Total confusion and lack of anything positive from the midfield for over 30 minutes.

Why we deserved to lose: Unmotivated. Uninspired and the only shining light on our team (Kaka) is benched. More over, Costacurta has NEVER been a penalty taker in his career. Not exactly a good time to start. Anyhow, I didn't like the way we played...lack of control...lack of consistency. While the game was not all one side (Kaka's post) and it was first half Milan...second half Boca and extra time: 75% Boca I felt we did not want it badly enough. Our performance reminded me of Juve's against us in the CL Final. In other words, had we won I wouldn't feel it would be deserving. Just like had you won the CL Final.

By the way, doesn't take away from the fact that you still lost. So I don't think Trez. Montero or whoever is feeling good about it. These guys still got one important cup out of it.


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Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
dammit i wish ancelotti were here to see this. id have liked to hear his excuses.-

"yeah well pirlo has too much weight on his back", "yeah well you lost the CL final so let me place a deliberate hint so that it will ease my pain and stroke my ego"



Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
+ Juve fans showed a nice "Grazie Boca" during Juve-Parma. There's a lot of rivalry between Inter-Juve-Milan so obviously fans and players don't want the other team to win. It's very normal.
LOL...i love that banner! didnt know the score until i saw it.....then i just knew milan was beaten.

Anyway I wonder if the media, which Incubo says is controlled by Juve cos they push Nedved's candidature for the Golden Ball, will tomorow be saying "Crisis for Milan" cos they lost two matches in a row.

i wud love to read what ancelotti wud say bout milan's lost....he sed in one of the threads that milan is better than juve when they win the intercon cup :D


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003


And no Im not a Juve fan before Italy. But i Hate Milan.

What a great day :D:D:D:D Milan lose :D , Juve thrash PArma and Saddam is captured :D

Hallelujah ! There is a God !


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Im not really a Boca fan, but haahaaa the cup is ours!! in south america!!! and soon Juventus will recover the european cup from Milan!!! woohoo


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Thank you Sergio...its easy to seperate the true Italians from the a) so-called Italians who are as italian as chef boyardee and the violent ultra's in the stands. GOOD REPRESENTATION. A 5 foot flag among 80.000 fans represents your team's mentality? So in that case the violent ultra's of each side represent the team fans overseas?
Secondly, Bettega a former national team player and Juve GM said he just didn't understand Inzaghi's offside goal (I disagree) .. and Ferrara said he almost came to tears for his friends Billy and Paolo. I see the class of some of your players has only rubbed off on the few here.

But hey, the way I run my mouth..I too would have told myself to "EAT THIS" and laugh all the way to Argentina.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
I wanted Milan to win. Calcio was on the stake and I'm a calcio fan when it comes to international encounters.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

But hey, the way I run my mouth..I too would have told myself to "EAT THIS" and laugh all the way to Argentina.

Well, you did make your own bed on that one, Incubo.:D

At my nephew's christening, I was talking to my Godfather(not Marlon Brando!!), and he's a big Milanista, went to the Milan-Juve match this year at the San Siro, and we were talking about Milan-Juve, and he tells me "If Adolf Hitler came back from the dead, and put together a team of Nazi's to play against juve, I still wouldn't root for Juve".

Ouch. So I bought him a drink. I didn't have a good come-back after that one.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
At my nephew's christening, I was talking to my Godfather(not Marlon Brando!!), and he's a big Milanista, went to the Milan-Juve match this year at the San Siro, and we were talking about Milan-Juve, and he tells me "If Adolf Hitler came back from the dead, and put together a team of Nazi's to play against juve, I still wouldn't root for Juve".

Ouch. So I bought him a drink. I didn't have a good come-back after that one.
That reminds me of a funny Germany joke. If the aliens were about to invade the earth and the only way to stop them would be to defeat them in a soccer game and Germany was chosen as the opposition, I would be hoping for a draw.



Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Oh come on incubo you know pretty well that rivalry in Italy is big. Whenever Juve lost a final, Milan, Inter, Roma and Toro fans were all celebrating and honking horns in the streets, it's all normal.

A 5 foot flag among 80.000 fans represents your team's mentality?
First of all, at the stadium there were maybe 10 or 15,000 fans, secondly there wasn't just one banner as the camera caught around 4 or 5 of them.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Thank you Sergio...its easy to seperate the true Italians from the a) so-called Italians who are as italian as chef boyardee and the violent ultra's in the stands. GOOD REPRESENTATION. A 5 foot flag among 80.000 fans represents your team's mentality? So in that case the violent ultra's of each side represent the team fans overseas?
Secondly, Bettega a former national team player and Juve GM said he just didn't understand Inzaghi's offside goal (I disagree) .. and Ferrara said he almost came to tears for his friends Billy and Paolo. I see the class of some of your players has only rubbed off on the few here.

But hey, the way I run my mouth..I too would have told myself to "EAT THIS" and laugh all the way to Argentina.

About the banner in the stands........ Dont make a soap opera because of it. Thats normal and u know it.
We have to support Milan because they are defending the proud of Italy? IM not forced to do that. AS i said before, i will support fellow italian teams depending the situation. IN this case.. there was one of my favopurites AMERICAN teams playing against a team which won against us in the CL Final.
If Ferrara want to cry for Maldini and costacurta, that is his own issue. After all, costa and Maldini are not my friends.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Is it me, or is somebody actually holing a Parma scarf in the middle of all those Juventini?

That takes guts.

And Yash, you beat me to it on that photo. I was about to copy it from your forum.

Hmm, being president has its privleges I guess.

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