A Pathetic democracy!!! (1 Viewer)

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Sep 28, 2002
PhRoZeN said:
How can you say that? did that ever happen a few or more decades before the balfour agreement? did that ever happen at times when both of them lived in prosperity. What makes you believe such ridicolous things. The palestinians dont hate the jews to that extent they only hate them because of what they have gone through and rightly understandble.. if you lived a day in palestine you would definetly know. That "dumbfuck" is based on ignorance and very offensive. Also the relationship between the the two religions judaism and muslims has a lot of similarities and theres is nothing wrong in that they are regarded as the people of the book. If you look at how the orthodox jews live amongst some of the palestinians you would certainly be astonished. If you look at that neurtie karta site you would see an article in there which shows how palestinians have treated the orthodox jews in a friendly and hospitable manner. They themselves are witness upon that and if you look at history, then history itself tells you that. So to say they are dumbfucks is totally wrong it comes to show that no matter you may proberly never accept these facts and the whole point of even discussing about this is pointless.. sheer pointless.
i am being misunderstood by a second person so maybe it was my bad after all.
right, so the main goal of palestinians is to have their land and country. lets say the reach that goal. but do you think all of them will settle down and live nice cozy life? i seriously doubt it, there will still be radical fundamentalists who'll want to erase israel from the face of earth. well i apologise, but i wont feel sorry onne bit for calling them anyway possible. i wont justify anyone killing civilians. no matter how people see it, i do understand your sentiments, but suicide bombers will always remain terrorists in my book.

and i am not scottish, what gave you that idea? :D

Buy on AliExpress.com
May 4, 2004
Fliakis said:
and i am not scottish, what gave you that idea? :D
It might be this :p

Additional Information
Date of Birth:
January 31, 1983
Colin McDougall

How I feel about Juve:
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Celtic, Monaco, Barcelona, Scotland
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ferrara, del piero, tacchinardi, pessotto, cannavaro, camoranesi, zambrotta, vieira, giuly, hartson, juninho


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Fliakis said:
i am being misunderstood by a second person so maybe it was my bad after all.
right, so the main goal of palestinians is to have their land and country. lets say the reach that goal. but do you think all of them will settle down and live nice cozy life? i seriously doubt it, there will still be radical fundamentalists

and i am not scottish, what gave you that idea? :D
Of course if that radical funtamentalism continues then even I would condemn it but to condemn it without any knowledge either from its history or from person e.t.c its just baseless knowledge. I firmly believe that if there demands are met then you would face people who are happy to live amongst israelis.. yes there may be the odd fundamentalist but if the majority most palestinians are satisfied then they would personally crack down on such fundamentalists and hang them, themselves.

For the first generation things may not be easy for the palestinians to comprehend but as the generations pass there will be peace. PROVIDING the demands are met.. as for the demands actually being met? lets face it are the israelis prepared to leave there homes? There was a big fuss going on when israel lived upon one of its agreement in handling palenstine some land back, and even then the public of israel were getting so annoyed and so frsutated that they wanted to attack there own government? why? simply because there land was taken from them.. and rightly so but little do they understand the feelings of those thousands and millions who have lost there land in a more vile manner with no eviction notice and a bulldozer coming on your doorstep as soon as you finished a bowl of cornflakes. With noone to stop them destroying your own home infront of your own eyes stealing the olive trees that your old father his spent his upmost time in growing, sexually harrasing your sister who comes back from school in the evening realised she has lost her parents and doesnt know where the heck her home .. need I say more.. eyewitness accounts say a lot of things many children feel traumatised whilst others take the arms up and decide that there objective is to make the israelis feel the same pain they feel. Is this humane?

Fine you may believe whatever you want to believe I certainly aint going to force anyone here to belief my views my task is to oppose such ridicolous statements that came out originially from ian and as a result was highly praised for his subjective knowledge on the matter which would easily mislead people into thinking he is right.

As for you not being scottish, you mentioned scottish as your nationality on your profile, so I think thats fair to say I assumed your scottish. Anyway if you aint scottish then ignore that little paragraph that I typed earliar.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
ReBeL said:
I won't retaliate after describing the whole people as dumbfucks...
lol, I'm sure you've done this several times already this thread. The post clearly states "there will still be dumbfubcks..." - how is that an attack against the whole of the palestinian people?


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I'm not Jewish, nor am I Palestinian, but my question is WHY cant both countries be side by side, and share the land ???

I may be wrong, but werent most Palestinians nomads who moved from place to place ??

How long was Palestine an actual country before it became Israel (I honestly dont know)


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Vinman said:
I'm not Jewish, nor am I Palestinian, but my question is WHY cant both countries be side by side, and share the land ???
thats a question that you should be asking israel, they have built the wall to segregate the communites from there loved ones, not only that denying water to some of the palestinians and oppressing them.. as for sharing the land, it may be possible but only if the oppression is removed. More on the wall and some eye witness accounts the following site may help.


Vinman said:
I may be wrong, but werent most Palestinians nomads who moved from place to place ??
This is a debateble issue as I wouldnt really say its certain people but its more down to the 600AD when a lot of the people living in palestine was actually converted and likewise majority of israel belonged to muslims which is the religion of palestinians. The christians and jews and muslims all lived under muslim rule which all parties were happy with. Before 600 AD different people from different nations lived there there were times even the greeks migrated there. However if thats the case then im more than sure the evolutionists would argue that heck the country actually belongs to apes because apes was our ancestors e.t.c..

The reality is all parties were happy when majority of the population was palestinians and it was being ruled by muslims as a result.

Vinman said:
How long was Palestine an actual country before it became Israel (I honestly dont know)
Palestine has long been known as the country where israel currently stands hundreds of years ago. As for israel? well this is from ians favourite site...

Theodor Herzl (1860–1904), an Austrian Jew, founded the Zionist movement. In 1896, he published Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), in which he called for the establishment of a national Jewish state. The following year he helped convene the first World Zionist Congress.

The establishment of Zionism led to the Second Aliyah (1904–1914) with the influx of around 40,000 Jews. In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur J. Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration that "view[ed] with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1920, Palestine became a League of Nations mandate administered by Britain.

Jewish immigration resumed in third (1919–1923) and fourth (1924–1929) waves after World War I. Arab riots in Palestine of 1929 killed 133 Jews, including 67 in Hebron.

The rise of Nazism in 1933 led to a fifth wave of Aliyah. The Jews in the region increased from 11% of the population in 1922 to 30% by 1940. The subsequent Holocaust in Europe led to additional immigration from other parts of Europe. By the end of World War II, the number of Jews in Palestine was approximately 600,000.

Therefore in clear words, muslims jews and christians all lived in peace, with muslims being the majority and yes the land was under muslim rule, although the collonism of britain didnt help that. It was the jews or rather in better words the zionists who wanted an independent state and as a result when they got there wish under the Balfour agreement they overtook most of the palestinians land too.

Can I also add for a better understanding of whats the actual problem then read my posts #273, #275, #277.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.



f**king hot prospect
Mar 5, 2006
snoop said:
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.

imagine.............NO CLOTHES........!!!


May 11, 2004
snoop said:
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.

Lennon takes to the other extreme as well.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
PhRoZeN said:
Imagine a concrete wall up to 1000km long, eight metres high with a round watchtower every 200 metres....
that wasn't really directed to palestinians.

I myslef is an "Armenian", many parts of Armenia is taken by Turks and Azeris. I really don't care If "we" get them back r not. I want them all live in peace. I know it is too much to ask for :frown2:
May 4, 2004
snoop said:
that wasn't really directed to palestinians.

I myslef is an "Armenian", many parts of Armenia is taken by Turks and Azeris. I really don't care If "we" get them back r not.
I want them all live in peace. I know it is too much to ask for :frown2:

Atleast you got some.. Thats why u dont care.. Believe me, if u where in the same position as the palestine people are, if u had the life that the palestine people have, you wouldnt say, that u dont care..............


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
snoop said:
that wasn't really directed to palestinians.

I myslef is an "Armenian", many parts of Armenia is taken by Turks and Azeris. I really don't care If "we" get them back r not. I want them all live in peace. I know it is too much to ask for :frown2:
Yeah I know the original post wasnt directed at palestinians.. but my reply was just to keep the context to the actual issue of the thread.

As for your armenia issue.. who rules armenia? are your armenians oppressed by the way that they aint allowed to walk freely and in any place?.. your house may not be taken down by a bulldozer but do the turks and azeris actually do that down there? do they steal peoples land by force?

Adding to this your country armenia has faced plenty of war too in the past and only until recently has managed to live together amongst the turks and azeris... however below shows that you both managed to create a peaceful resolution which is impressive.. situation however is different infact way different to the palestine matter therefore to a certain extent its incomparable.

"In the Gorbachev era of the 1980s, Armenia began developing a tense relationship with Azerbaijan over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Even worse, Soviet Armenia suffered a devestating earthquake in the city of Spitak in 1988. In 1991, the Soviet Union broke apart and Armenia re-established its independence. Still, tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan continued to escalate, ultimately leading to the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Despite a cease-fire in place since 1994, Armenia has yet to resolve its conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. The economies of both countries have been hurt in the absence of a peaceful resolution." (Wiki)

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Juve_Kosova said:
But still there have been no action against Israel from the other countrys.. Thats has to be because you cant tell a country that is allied with the US, what they are allowed to do and not to do...
They will do it, and as long as they got USA on there back they dont give a shit what other countrys say or thinks..
You are anti-USA? I wish I had known that before Bill Clinton took $16,000 of my tax dollars directly, to be used for bombing Serbia over the atrocities in Kosovo. You see, I could have used the tax money toward the building of schools or a new courthouse here in my own community rather than in your community, half a world away.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Yep that is what happend to poor Armenia, the geography of Armenia should be the worst, they suffered wars for many centuries, the earthquake was laso a bad luck, we lost a lot there. I wish if they solve the conflicts with Azerbaijan and Turkey. Because we had enough of wars and sufferings.

Yet, we have some extreme nationalists that spend huge money, milions of dollars on the Genocide case, am sure they still do, instead they could help with that money to improve the country..

I want for Palestine that too, to live in peace next to Israel, two of the people suffered enough from each others, thousands of death. you think it will be solved this way? If both sides accept each others offically as countries, it will be better for the both sides. this is their destiny, to live together.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Juve_Kosova said:
Atleast you got some.. Thats why u dont care.. Believe me, if u where in the same position as the palestine people are, if u had the life that the palestine people have, you wouldnt say, that u dont care..............
Armenians suffered more than Palestinians in past, we lost many parts of our lands, I am asking the same for Palestine. I am not after revenge against Turks. afterall today's generation is not reposnsible for what happened in past, of their leader's mistake. Isn't it the same mistakes of Palestini and Israeli leaders? who didn't negotiate in past? they have the chance to negotiate that, they should do that, for the good of their people.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #398
    Fliakis said:
    i am being misunderstood by a second person so maybe it was my bad after all.
    right, so the main goal of palestinians is to have their land and country. lets say the reach that goal. but do you think all of them will settle down and live nice cozy life? i seriously doubt it, there will still be radical fundamentalists who'll want to erase israel from the face of earth. well i apologise, but i wont feel sorry onne bit for calling them anyway possible. i wont justify anyone killing civilians. no matter how people see it, i do understand your sentiments, but suicide bombers will always remain terrorists in my book.
    Well, they will for ever considered "Martyrs" in the books of those who they sacrificed for them originally and they will be remembered always as those who burnt themselves as candles to guide their people in the road of liberty...


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #399
    Tom said:
    lol, I'm sure you've done this several times already this thread. The post clearly states "there will still be dumbfubcks..." - how is that an attack against the whole of the palestinian people?

    Have fun...
    Sep 28, 2002
    ReBeL said:
    Well, they will for ever considered "Martyrs" in the books of those who they sacrificed for them originally and they will be remembered always as those who burnt themselves as candles to guide their people in the road of liberty...
    thats why you dont get any help.
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