A Pathetic democracy!!! (3 Viewers)

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Sep 28, 2002
PhRoZeN said:
hehe its cool :) anyone who hasnt been indoctrinated by the propoganda spread by the mainstream news agencies can easily spot whose wrong and whose right in this.
i wouldnt say im brainwashed by media. i dont care about israelis or palestinians. it is hypocrytical of western countries who promote democracy to cut aid for a democratically elected goverment, then i again i fully agree with ian that hamas shouldnt receive any aid because IT IS a terrorist organization in the first place. for all i care, palestinians and israelis can wipe out each other, i dont support neither of the sides and i think both of the parties are wrong.

but seeing people justifying terrorists?? i'll be damned..

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Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Juve_Kosova said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Azzurri7 again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PhRoZeN again.

Arghhh Crap....! :D

anyway I think thats all im gonna post for now on this topic ill save the rest when someone retaliates which im looking forward to. :D


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Fliakis said:
i wouldnt say im brainwashed by media. i dont care about israelis or palestinians. it is hypocrytical of western countries who promote democracy to cut aid for a democratically elected goverment, then i again i fully agree with ian that hamas shouldnt receive any aid because IT IS a terrorist organization in the first place. for all i care, palestinians and israelis can wipe out each other, i dont support neither of the sides and i think both of the parties are wrong.

but seeing people justifying terrorists?? i'll be damned..
TBH when your brainwashed by media you wouldnt know anyway. Your right about hypocrisy that is being derived from democracy. As for the hamas issue.. lets get this straight.. i am more happy to accept see hamas not getting any western funds providing israel doesnt recieve any too.. unfortunately that is not the case.. and this is where the real hypocrisy lies. Hamas are making an effort to talk with governments and act by the oslo article of 18 which states that the PLO at that time must sit down with the foreign governments and create a better understanding and friendship. What I dont get is why they aint giving them a chance. Hamas has shown in the past that they have done ceasefire and as a "terrorist" group or rather what i like as a "resistance" group they have not taken part in any suicide bombings directly since there election.. there is a famous saying ...

"the west is the land of hope"... its funny but the west aint even giving the east a chance to hope.
May 4, 2004
Fliakis said:
i wouldnt say im brainwashed by media. i dont care about israelis or palestinians. it is hypocrytical of western countries who promote democracy to cut aid for a democratically elected goverment, then i again i fully agree with ian that hamas shouldnt receive any aid because IT IS a terrorist organization in the first place. for all i care, palestinians and israelis can wipe out each other, i dont support neither of the sides and i think both of the parties are wrong.

but seeing people justifying terrorists?? i'll be damned..
My sig might help u?


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Also I forgot to mention the following. How you say you really dont care about both side yet there is some form of relationship between your lithuania and israel- palestine. Your country has also faced oppression from the german nazis and been stolen from the russians with the molotov ribbentrop pact that was made as a disguise.. just like the similarity that was done with the balfour agreement in the israel and and palestinian situation. Both the USSR and the germans took part in playing with your countries freedom.. palestine is in a similar situation. Although I understand that there were many jews in lithuania and were killed during the 'holocaust'. Ignoring that fact you should feel some form of sympathy and recognition for the palestinians because they feel the same way.. that your ancestors felt.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Okay my mistake I just realised your scottish and not ACTUALLY lithuanian... Either way if you want to compare some scottish history then watch the braveheart :D ... there goes William Wallace to save the scots from the tyranny of the english.

In a Mel Gibson voice " You may take our lives... BUT YOU MAY NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM! "
May 4, 2004
PhRoZeN said:
Okay my mistake I just realised your scottish and not ACTUALLY lithuanian... Either way if you want to compare some scottish history then watch the braveheart :D ... there goes William Wallace to save the scots from the tyranny of the english.

In a Mel Gibson voice " You may take our lives... BUT YOU MAY NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM! "

:D man your great.. ..

And so is Braveheart!
Jul 12, 2002
Fliakis said:
i wouldnt say im brainwashed by media. i dont care about israelis or palestinians. it is hypocrytical of western countries who promote democracy to cut aid for a democratically elected goverment, then i again i fully agree with ian that hamas shouldnt receive any aid because IT IS a terrorist organization in the first place. for all i care, palestinians and israelis can wipe out each other, i dont support neither of the sides and i think both of the parties are wrong.

but seeing people justifying terrorists?? i'll be damned..
Perfectly stated.

I never said that Israel is a democracy, or that they are blameless, or that they don't kill people. But, there is a serious difference between a military action which kills civilians, and a suicide bomber blowing up a cafe. Whatever happened in the past is no justification to kill anyone, IMO. It all comes down to that fact that Israel would have no motivation or support for it's military actions without the terrorist campaign from Palestine.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Ian said:
Perfectly stated.

I never said that Israel is a democracy, or that they are blameless, or that they don't kill people. But, there is a serious difference between a military action which kills civilians, and a suicide bomber blowing up a cafe. Whatever happened in the past is no justification to kill anyone, IMO. It all comes down to that fact that Israel would have no motivation or support for it's military actions without the terrorist campaign from Palestine.
Yes you may never have said democracy but at the same time you were having a go at palestine not being a democratic country.. why not say they both aint.. typical. As for the difference between military action lets not forget the stories as I may have posted earliar from the guardian newspaper which are not military at all... such stories like slashing a womans womb and then killing her and the baby. To say israel occupies a military is by no mean right. It goes against the geneva conventions when hosting non combatants in its jails as well as firing rockets in open populated areas.. how is this military action? its more of a genocide than anything. Also not forgetting they possess all these military equipment and name thanks to the imports they receive from the U.S. Equally enough if the palestinians had such import coming in then they would have stopped suicide bombing ages ago and just wore a uniform saying "Palestinian Army".

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Juve_Kosova said:
How can we STEAL our own land??

Dude, please read some history before writing anything about my country..
The serbien people aint even from Balkan.. They are people who come to Balkan from Russia around year 600... The Albanian/Kosovar have been there since the time of Illiria wich are the old Albanians.. The Illiriens are some of the oldest people in Europe...
Right, But I was not making any argument whatsoever, just showing you that your thoughts on Kosovo and Palestine were contradicting. I never stated my opinion on Kosovo.

My point is only that no matter which people claim a particular land is theirs, there will always be historical evidence that another people pre-dated them and also have legitimate claims to that very same land. So, how far back do we go to determine who is the rightful owner?

If you lose the land because of defeat in war, can your future generations later make claims for a return of the land?

What about treaties and armistaces entered into by corrupt governments? Can future generations come back hundreds of years later and demand return of lands?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
This thread makes me fucking sick. All the Arabs think the killing of innocent lives is OK. All the westerners think its not. This is going nowhere. I have one statement for all you pro violence fucks:

If you want your land so badly and you're sure that the killing of innocent lives is the way to get it. Then fucking man up. Strap on some C 4, grab a handfull of your Hamas brothers and make it golden. Its easy to sit at your keyboard and pretend half ass reasons are worth human life. In all honestly it was wrong of the Allies to split up the Ottoman Empire after WWI without taking into thought the ethnic differences of the people whos lives they were changing. But those people are dead and gone. But if its still worth it to you, then go join your boys and put the money where the mouth is. I may be some American pig who knows nothing about fighting for ones land but heres a quick question, how many military targets have Hamas and other organizations attacked in the last 5 years? Find the answer to that and you'll understand why the UN and the US won't have anything to do the new Palestinian leadership.

On another note to compare William Wallace to Hamas or any organization like it is absolutely ridiculous and is a disgrace to the legend of Wallace.

I lied, it wasn't one statement.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Enron said:
This thread makes me fucking sick. All the Arabs think the killing of innocent lives is OK. All the westerners think its not. This is going nowhere. I have one statement for all you pro violence fucks:

If you want your land so badly and you're sure that the killing of innocent lives is the way to get it. Then fucking man up. Strap on some C 4, grab a handfull of your Hamas brothers and make it golden. Its easy to sit at your keyboard and pretend half ass reasons are worth human life. In all honestly it was wrong of the Allies to split up the Ottoman Empire after WWI without taking into thought the ethnic differences of the people whos lives they were changing. But those people are dead and gone. But if its still worth it to you, then go join your boys and put the money where the mouth is. I may be some American pig who knows nothing about fighting for ones land but heres a quick question, how many military targets have Hamas and other organizations attacked in the last 5 years? Find the answer to that and you'll understand why the UN and the US won't have anything to do the new Palestinian leadership.

On another note to compare William Wallace to Hamas or any organization like it is absolutely ridiculous and is a disgrace to the legend of Wallace.

I lied, it wasn't one statement.

William Wallace from the movie?

Hehehe. Enron, you fuck.

You know who else is dead and gone? That Italian secretary guy who was was fucking Mary Queen of Scots. I'll bet he would have been cool to hang out with. Cool . . . until he tried stealing somebody's land. Then, my friend, I'd have to go all C4 on his ass.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
JuveCafone said:
You think youre tuff huh? Talk about some alfredo sauce and speak a lil and you the man right? Why don you come up ta Jersey and what a real cafone is made of.
Dude, when I look at you it's like I'm lookin' in the mirror.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
You know me Pado I aint no Cafone. I only spot them...in fact Burke, Andy, and myself played spot the Cafone on the way to the game yesterday.
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