18 La finale di Champions (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000

La finale di Champions

  1. Voce alta: Esce la palla oltre la linea laterale. Sarà rimessa[sup](1)[/sup] da Toricelli. Trova Ferrara. Lungo passaggio di Ferrara, arriva per De Boer, colpo di testa[sup](2)[/sup], ma sbaglia, esce Van der Sar per chiudere Ravanelli, no, Ravanelli ci arriva per primo, lo mette da parte[sup](3)[/sup], tiro debole ma buono, Silooy cerca di[sup](4)[/sup] fermarlo ma non riesce, gooooool, Fabrizio Ravanelli, uno a zero!
  2. Buffon: Ma insomma[sup](5)[/sup], vuoi smetterla[sup](6)[/sup] con le grida? Sono le tre di mattina, vogliamo tutti dormire.
  3. Aquilani: Scusa, Gigi, mi sono perso in questa partita mitica.
  4. Buffon: D'accordo, ma vai a dormire adesso.
  5. Aquilani: Gigi?
  6. Buffon: Sì?
  7. Aquilani: Com'è stato giocare nella finale di Champions?
  8. Buffon: Te lo racconto un'altra volta, è tardi.
  9. Aquilani: Pensi che potremo arrivarci una volta noi?
  10. Buffon: Non lo so, ci vuole molta fortuna.
The Champions League final

  1. Loud voice: The ball exits over the sideline. Toricelli will take the throw-in. Finds Ferrara. Long pass by Ferrara, arrives for De Boer, header, but he misses, out comes Van der Sar to close down Ravanelli, no, Ravanelli arrives first, he passes him, the shot is weak but good, Silooy tries to stop it but he doesn't make it, goooooooal, Fabrizio Ravanelli, one nil!
    [Exits the ball beyond the line side lateral. Will-be re-put by Toricelli. Finds Ferrara. Long pass of Ferrara, arrives for De Boer, shot of head, but misses, exits Van der Sar for close Ravanelli, no, Ravanelli there arrives for first, him puts to side, shot weak but good, Silooy searches to stop-it but not succeeds, goooooooal, Fabrizio Ravanelli, one to nil!]
  2. Buffon: Hey, would you stop it with the yelling? It's three o'clock in the morning, we all want to sleep.
    [Hey, want finish-it with the screams? Are the three of morning, want all sleep.]
  3. Aquilani: Sorry, Gigi, I lost myself in this legendary match.
    [Sorry, Gigi, myself am lost in this match mythical.]
  4. Buffon: Okay, but go to bed now.
    [Okay, but go to sleep now.]
  5. Aquilani: Gigi?
  6. Buffon: Yes?
  7. Aquilani: What was it like to play in the Champions League final?
    [How-is been play in-the final of Champions-League?]
  8. Buffon: I'll tell you another time, it's late.
    [You it tell another time, is late.]
  9. Aquilani: Do you think we'll be able to make it there some time?
    [Think that will-be-able-to arrive-there a time we?]
  10. Buffon: I don't know, it takes a lot of luck.
    [Not it know, it requires a-lot-of luck.]

  1. "rimessa laterale" ~ "throw-in".
  2. "colpo di testa" ~ "header".
  3. "mettera qualcosa da parte" ~ "to put something aside".
  4. "cerca di segnare" ~ "he's trying to score" [searches to score]
  5. "ma insomma" or just "insomma" is used here as an exclamation of impatience and doesn't have a sensible literal translation.
  6. "vuoi smetterla" ~ "would you cut it out", more literally "do you want to stop it".
Theory: Essere or avere as auxiliary

When forming the past tense, some verbs use essere and some use avere. These two verbs play the role of a "helper" or "auxiliary" verb.

With essere:

  • sono stato ~ I have been (stare)
  • siete impazziti ~ you have gone crazy (impazzire)
  • è stato ~ has been (essere)
  • è arrivato ~ has arrived (arrivare)
  • com'è andata? ~ how did it go? (andare)
With avere:

  • ho visto ~ I have seen (vedere)
  • ho ricevuto ~ I have received (ricevere)
  • ho avuto ~ I have had (avere)
  • hai sentito ~ you have heard (sentire)
  • ha detto ~ he has said (dire)
  • abbiamo dato ~ we have given (dare)
  • abbiamo avuto ~ we have had (avere)
  • avete preparato ~ you have prepared (preparare)
  • hanno impedito ~ they have prevented (impedire)
Broadly speaking, essere is used with verbs that either have to do with movement (andare, venire, arrivare, partire, tornare, rimanere etc) or condition of body/mind (essere, nascere, impazzire). It's also used with verbs where the subject of the action is not well defined (succedere, piovere etc).

Reflexive verbs form a different category and always use essere. Here we see "ho fatto" and "si è fatto", the first with avere, the second with essere, because the second is reflexive:

  • mi sono perso ~ I have lost myself (perdere)
  • ti sei messa la maglia ~ you have put the shirt on yoursef (mettere)
  • ho fatto ~ I have done (fare)
  • si è fatto male ~ he has hurt himself (fare)

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Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
I'm :rndh: It's too much too quickly for me. I think 'I'll listen to that again, when I have time and before I know it, there's another lesson to cope with.

BTW, where are the others?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    I'm :rndh: It's too much too quickly for me. I think 'I'll listen to that again, when I have time and before I know it, there's another lesson to cope with.
    You don't have to stress though, the lesson threads are not going away, you can go back to the earlier ones, post in them etc.

    BTW, where are the others?
    Good question.

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