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  1. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    yeah... in that thread, it was me :D
  2. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    there's still time for drinking... ;)
  3. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    :extatic: your the first person to use the template correctly....bravo!
  4. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    how about a nickname like: "Andy A6?" what kind of person uses his real name as an online handle anyways!!?
  5. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    This "put-down" reputation that you and River started is getting to my head. I'm kinda liking it :D
  6. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    Oh yeah, BTW.. Congratulations Andrea Becchi... :extatic: :party: Here's to many more!! :star: and thanks for the mention :) ;) On a totaly and extremely undrelated note: How are the prices of Family sedans these days? :D
  7. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    Would it be too awkward if I said: "Does Your cane ever stick out of your pants?" :D
  8. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    If you're experiencing loss of momery, lack of pants at work, hostility towards forum members who make mistakes, stolen whatcha-ma-call-it "Hooked on somthing," please call 1-800- . . ...ermm.... nevermind, You're hopeless! So, Don't call now... chances are, you'll forget the number...
  9. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    Sorry to critisize you at a bad time...I forgot that your autographed "Hooked on Phonics" cassette book was stolen! :frown: Take it easy man... They say that stress reduces your memory. It's not your fault!
  10. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    :wallbang: I take it you weren't here when Bes had a broken keyboard.
  11. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    i'M MaJJe\D .. REAllLy.. I caN't Bie DOn Bes... Don Bes is a verRy coOl Person though! :extatic:
  12. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    I give up.... oh well.. back to the borring old dedication thread... i'll post the template to save the rest of you people the typing effort (Don Bes'll like this) "Congratulations <XXXX>... :party: :extatic: Here's to many more!! :star: and thanks for the mention :) " Replace...
  13. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    Who said you have to do one or the other!?! Feet can be very usefull!
  14. Majed

    The Bash Andy Thread

    I've always wanted to do this in a dedication thread... Nobody Reply!! Let's see how long this thread can stay empty!! He made a dedication thread and he wanted to be bashed.... the solution: COMPLETELY IGNORE HIM :D EDIT: :down: Pado already posted!