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  1. Antonio Conte

  2. Antonio Conte

  3. Antonio Conte

  4. Antonio Conte

  5. Antonio Conte

    It depends. Reports are stating he'll be able to train the team - that would be considered a 'touchline ban'. However, if he is banned on grounds that he violated FIGC Rules and Regulations on Ethics, it would be a 'traditional ban' which would remove him from football related activies for...
  6. Antonio Conte

    That is a possibility, and I agree. Juventus can make an appeal to FIFA; however, that is probably unlikely.
  7. Antonio Conte

    A ban up to 15 months. Could be less. But the trial will determine the length and the terms and conditions if a ban is put into place.
  8. Antonio Conte

    Going to a full trial. Goodbye top-class player. Goodbye 2012-2013.
  9. Antonio Conte

    Right now, it is reported that Conte is renegotiating a new plea bargain, with a longer term 'ban', one that will allow him to train the players.
  10. Antonio Conte

    What do you define as 'fast' ? A trial is a trial. This is not an arbitration as what you are describing. FIGC is not an 'independent' organization. FIGC is a governing body that is a member organization of UEFA and FIFA and all their trials and procedures have to be in tantem with the...
  11. Antonio Conte

    Right :tup:, the plea bargain 3-month 'ban' is not a ban as defined by FIFA (and thus the FIGC) under the FIFA Code of Ethics. The charges are ethical ones, and so, unfortunately, fall under the 'harsher' footballing rules. So I guess yes, we shouldn't be surprised they rejected it, but I...
  12. Antonio Conte

    My italian is rusty... but the report appears to be saying that Conte (and the others) will not have to plea "guilty" to the charges in a new plea bargain deal.
  13. Antonio Conte

  14. Antonio Conte

    That's difficult to say. Right now reports are suggesting the defendant (Conte) and the prosecutors are trying to negotiate another plea bargain before the trial - which Red has reported is tomorrow. If they cannot reach an agreement with the prosecutor(s) on a plea bargain, it will just go to...
  15. Antonio Conte

    I don't know FIGC's ruling. No one does as they have not made a ruling yet. A ruling is what Juventus and Conte's lawyers are trying to avoid. It is not my opinion, I'm just stating the facts as I know them to be right now. Again, I did an in-depth post about all this a page or two back and...
  16. Antonio Conte

    Again, people are confusing the plea bargain with the FIGC's ruling. Check-out my prior posts above. When the FIGC bans you from football (not a match or multiple matches, but from football) and footballing activities, you cannot have any function with the team or league for however long that...
  17. Antonio Conte

    Yes the new plea bargain can still contain elements of the original, with exceptions being a longer term, and, say, pleading 'guilty' to the charges instead of 'not guilty'. But we'll have to see what the judge(s) were looking for. It's unsual that they rejected the plea bargain, so they must...
  18. Antonio Conte

    I see what you're saying. But being a lawyer, I can clarify that a plea bargain is a proposal by the defendant to the prosecutor or judge. In Conte's case, he's pleading 'not guilty' to the charges but in return for a shorter sentence than if he is found guilty and given a 1 yr ban, he is...
  19. Antonio Conte

    Wrong. That was his proposal as a plea bargain to the FIGC. If he is banned from football, he cannot be near the team until the ban is up. It would be unusual, although it cannot be ruled out, for FIGC to allow a dispensation to Conte and allow him to train the squad. What you mentioned...
  20. Antonio Conte

    Conte's plea bargain is not the only one that was rejected. They rejected most plea bargains of persons who pleaded 'not guilty'. Those who pleaded guilty and offered a plea bargain were granted their pleas. If Conte is given a ban - he cannot have anything to do with football in our league...