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  1. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  2. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  3. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  4. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    I'm not too worried about him leaving. I think he's too smart to touch the Chelsea job.
  5. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    The level of anger at his appointment in the first pages of this thread is stunning. :lol:
  6. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    Actually, he doesn't look too bad there.
  7. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  8. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    Makes sense.... someone said he wore a rug the other day, and it just doesn't look like it, looks more natural. Good for him. He'd look bizarre bald.
  9. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    Does conte wear a toupe?
  10. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  11. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    He taught the Ginger Gaffer a lesson in proper management.
  12. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    :sergio: Isn't our record better without Conte this season, anyways? :snoop:
  13. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  14. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    What's all this talk about him being banned again? Is there something I don't know about? He'll eventually move on for a different challenge. But not until he wins us the champions league two or three times. :)
  15. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    He'll do it eventually, but it won't be until after the world cup at the earliest. I'm more worried about Real trying to steal him from us.
  16. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  17. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    I'm so happy for him today. He is a genius.
  18. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

  19. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    lol... that was an interesting read. :rofl:
  20. Vinny Del Pogba

    Antonio Conte

    Fair enough. :)