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  1. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Any news re his 'sending off, yesterday?
  2. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Quote Conte: Who the hell nicked my brolly? We did not need to sub anyone due to injury or tiredness. We were winning but only by a goal. so the late subs were done to break up the flow of the game to reduce Samp's chance of an equaliser; - at least that is the way some coaches think...
  3. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Juve losing points depresses me!
  4. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Makes me wonder if FIGc are threatening him! Yeah, it was a great win last year, but the next target is to improve, not be 'complacent'. I know January is a bad month for Juve, but we have to hold on to our lead, not minimise it.
  5. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Blue napkin: - do you mean the scarf? I think that had something to do with supporting a charity, Telethon.
  6. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    I would swear that keeper is on something. Every time I see him play, he looks like a space cadet
  7. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    In other words, Cassano is simply NOT good enough to play for Juve! :stuckup: Well said, Boss! :heart:
  8. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Was that an avatar for Janna, or can I filch it?
  9. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    This is why Toni needs to take it as far as the real courts to clear his name; - and once he has cleared his name, he HAS to sue the m*therf*ckers. It is because Juventus board/staff/players take no action that scumbags like Palazzi keep doing this! Would they have done this to Juve, when...
  10. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    He should take this all the way to the real courts: Whatever it takes to clear his name! Then, he should sue Corrupt Corobbio, Palazzi, FIGc and everyone else who has profited from this/blackened his name!
  11. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    :kiss: It's the truth; - every word!
  12. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Even if Conte has not contacted anyone, just printing that 'he has' is enough to condemn him in FIGc's eyes. They would claim it as 'gospel' and punish bith him and Juve further. FIGc; - the most corrupt pezzo di merda in the world
  13. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Don't tempt them! Uncle Fester used to phone Milan's no3 L Meani?, when he was banned and got away with it 'cos he is a milanisti! FIGc don't care! They are the most blatant match fixers - For milan and :inter: Milanisti newspaper giving the verdict! Quel surprise! How DARE the pink...
  14. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    :wth: I always thought that you had to have new evidence before you could appeal???? :rofl: Good for Elkan!
  15. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Not Baggio; - he supports :inter: :has done since he was a kid! I'd rather have Vialli, if he has a current licence. Cute puppy! NO! Only if milan and :inter: are relegated to C +50point penalty each! :agree: SO, it's Berlu to blame for the shenanigans, this time! (CdS is milanisti) Good...
  16. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Has anyone approached FIFA/UEFA for their comments?
  17. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    He almost does that already. Half the Azzurri are Juventini!
  18. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    We should petition for this. The latter - Milanisti merda pulling the strings! :agree: :agree: +rep :agree: FIGc's disgraceful discrimination and lame excuses for doing so, brings Italy into disrepute, which is a shame for the decent people who live in Italy. :sergio: How stupid is...
  19. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    :agree: ..... :lol: The 10+ Siena players are 10+ in favour of Conte compared to one corrupt corrobio against him. :agree: The current FIGc board have continually brought shame to Italy, Italian & European football! For Palazzi??? He should be hung, drawn and quartered! Toni does the...
  20. AngelaL

    Antonio Conte

    Tell them to F**K OFF and take them to the real courts. No! I would accept nothing less than FIGc being fined a million Euros for fixing the league in favour of the 2 Milan clubs, a life ban for Palazzi and a life (jail) sentence each for that ASSH*LE GC Abete and his sidekick Ferramosca...