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  1. denco

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I hope you are right for their sake cos I do not see any abundance of midfield talent in Italy at all. I see a lot of useful players but not one that can take over Pirlo's mantle. DDR seems to be going backwards and the situation at Roma cannot be helping his development. Montilivio has...
  2. denco

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    How? They cannot go out and buy players, they cannot suddenly find the determination and grit to try and win matches not relying on opponents giving it to em. Italy from top to bottom has got to start trying more to win matches and not just coast to victories in their usual minimalist ways...
  3. denco

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Your posts usually make me laugh as I tend to agree with you a lot of the times. If this was Ranieri, he would have been lambasted but its the beloved Lippi so the criticism is started with a condition like I love him or i respect him but, lets face it the truth is that he has been making...