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  1. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    He isn't actually considered a mod, someone's just been to lazy to demote him (me).
  2. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    I disagree, Zlatan has always been full of himself and if anything he's holding back, I expected him to be more reckless than this.
  3. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    I learnt from the best. :biggrin:
  4. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Oh help me Rhonda. Since I'm not religious, I can't give you a one for one answer but I have this text book about calculus and I deeply believe all the information in there to be true. But I don't believe there is a connnection between the page number on page 8 to be related to the fact that the...
  5. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    By the highlighted sentence, you imply that you believe that those numbers are a message. I completely reject that notion.
  6. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Oh it's not spontaneous. Ignorant perhaps, although I would contend that. If you see a car with a licence plate "AS 31415", do you believe that the automobile agency picked this car to represent the number pi? No, it's just a coincidence. If the Old Testament printed in Times New Roman 12...
  7. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    OMG what a load of crock. All it proves is that a person with OCD (or a lawyer) proofread the text carefully. As far as equals are concerned. The rest of the "wisdom" is just inferred from selective search for numbers. Have you seen "Beautiful mind"? If not, go see it. Of course any text COULD...
  8. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    You mean like the shampoo section in the supermarket? This one has vitamin K4-27/S2. This one has aloe extracts. This one is fruitier. This one is gentler. You could even wash you hair with all 4 of them but people rarely have that kind of determination.
  9. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    gah, I don't know, a basic concept of the values in life perhaps?
  10. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Indeed. I'm astonished by how many people know about it actually..
  11. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Both as a former admin and as a human being, may I say that I wish he would exhibit those qualities more frequently.
  12. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Smarter than we give you credit for or smarter than you give us reason to believe?
  13. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Gradually science replaced religion? So how did the Bible help us calculate the trajectory of an object fired from a catapult then? You could read the Bible very literally and say that Eve didn't come from Adam's rib, humans evolved from apes. But that's one line, it doesn't disprove the whole...
  14. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    You're missing the point. If you could see it, it wouldn't be religion. Religion isn't meant to explain trivial things, it's meant to explain the unexplainable.
  15. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Unless you believe that religion shall we say superseeds science. That everything found in science can be explained by religion. That's not very clearly put, but it's the gist of it.
  16. Martin

    Moment of Clarity

    Burke, you are freaking me out. I vowed to find a bridge to jump from the minute Burke started thinking like me and now you've shamed me into it. And "clarity"? How much do we get for tracing that word back to Andy? Oh this isn't the vbookie forum? In an effort to make this post less...